
Natasha's Revenge

"You know what?" Natasha asked. "It doesn't matter, whether you kill me or not, whether I die or live, I will find my way back back to take my revenge, no matter what it takes". Natasha said with gritted teeth. "Even if I have to exchange thousands of lives just to return and have my revenge, I will do it". "Take these words back to him and tell him that he will not live happily whether I live or die. "I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to get to him". Natasha said with a sadistic smile on her lips. Her blue eyes burned like flames. ****** Natasha a young woman who was hurt by her husband seeks revenge for the brutal murder of her family by her groom on their wedding night got the help of the Grim Reaper. They had an agreement that if he was willing to spare her and help her get that revenge that she sort she would give the lives of others in exchange for hers. The deal was made and Natasha began her quest for vengeance, killing all those who aided her husband in murdering her family... For more please read the novel. ***** WARNING! This book will contain mature content as the story progresses. Whoever cannot take a scare or stand a gory scene should refrain from reading. This is the only warning for this book. **** Join my discord server to chat with other readers https://discord.gg/gGBShbS3

Blessing_O · Fantasy
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137 Chs

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Natasha could not believe what was happening right now. Reaper took the initiative to kiss her. She did not know what to make of it, their relationship was shifting from what it was to something else and she didn't know if that was okay or even possible.

He was an entity on his own, the kind that the word 'love' had never been related to or put together in the same sentence to mean the way it was starting to mean to her.

She should feel bad about what she was doing, still being legally married to another man but she did not. He no longer deserves her attention and care, her love and affection. All of that was in the past and she was not going to give face to him anymore because a piece of paper states they were still tied to each other when there was no feeling of attraction or affection between them. The one-sided love no longer exists.