
4. Rude Awakenings

Liam layed silently awake on his bed of straw well into the late hours of the night. His hands were behind his head and he had a look on his face like his mind was somewhere else. He had never felt so indescribably blissful. His mind was imagining he was back in the cave holding Kymu. It was time they had stolen together and he'd never forget what it meant to him. 

Early the next morning the first rays of sunlight woke liams still smiling face. He stretched for a few moments then got to his feet. Today was the day he and Kymu would talk to her parents. Today was the day they'd start planning their wedding. He went outside and around to the back of his house to where his chicken pen was. Despite his young age he was the most successful chicken breeder in his village and his chickens always laid the most eggs. He thought if he brought one live chicken and a whole basket of eggs as a gift to her parents it would prove how well he could provide for her. Just as he was about to leave he changed his mind. "Better make that two chickens," he said to himself. With two chickens in a small cage and a basket of eggs he was off.

On his way to her parents home he was beaming with pride, joy and excitement. He passed many people as he went through the village, most of which had watched him and Kymu grow up together. Even though they all had their own busy morning chores to attend to, almost everyone paused and acknowledged him in some way. Smiles, knods, chuckles, and knowing looks followed him as he went along his way but he hardly noticed. He was too focused with what was ahead of him.

If he had been paying closer attention he would have noticed the faces change as he neared her home. A few people were looking at him with concern. One woman even reached out as if she was going to tap his shoulder and say something but quickly withdrew herself. Her home was finally in view but Liam found himself caught off guard. 

There were several horses draped in the King's colors. Four guards were standing in front of her house. He quickened his pace but before he reached her house Kymu came bursting out towards him at a full sprint. She didn't slow as she got to him, but instead slammed herself into him nearly knocking him over and sending the chickens and the basket of eggs smashing to the ground. She was sobbing and he quickly wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. The guards were staring at them. He took her face in his hands, brushed her tears with his thumbs and asked. "What's happening?"

She didn't open her eyes to look at him. "They won't listen," she let out a heavy sob. "They've already accepted for me." 

He let her face fall back to his chest and hugged her tightly. Looking back at the house he could see the King and her parents had come outside. They were clearly waiting for them to come to the house. Still unsure about what was happening he looked down at the ground. All the eggs were broken and his chickens were still very startled. Looking back up her mother was gesturing for them to come over. He tried to nudge Kymu to start walking that way but she refused to budge. With one swift scoop of his arm he picked her up and began walking to the house. He felt his gut turn to stone and his feet got heavier with every step. "Hello," he said in a worried tone. it was very informal but the King didn't seem to mind in the current situation.

"You must be Liam." the King paused and watched Liam nod slowly. Kymu's mother was tapping Kymu's arm and signalling for Liam to put her down. "I have a job for you."

"For me?" Liam was clearly confused. "Are you sure you have the right man? I'm just a chicken breeder."

"A man's value is more than his occupation and I'm certain you are the right man for this job." He gestured to one of his guards who went over to fetch two of the horses. "My son, Prince Arthus, will be of age soon and at his celebration I would like to present him with a well chosen man to act as his right hand. To tend to him and be of sound council. I think a young man of integrity like yourself would be perfect for such tasks."

Liam just stood there in shock. Of every possibility he thought could happen today this was not one of them. "My integrity?" was all he could manage to say. His eyes turned to the horses. Kymu's parents were pushing her towards them as she was pleading her mother not to.

The King cleared his throat to regain Liam's full attention. "Your reputation precedes you. Now," he waved his hand towards the horses. "Will you accept my offer and join us? I know it is a lot to take in but you must decide now. We don't have much time to prepare."

Liam looked back and forth between the King, the horses, Kymu and her parents. Behind him he could still hear his chickens clucking unhappily. Kymu's father was trying to force her up onto a horse but she was refusing. He didn't know what was to happen to them but he knew he couldn't let Kymu go alone. "I'll do it," he answered. He stepped towards Kymu and took her from her father's grasp. He whispered to her, "I'm here." Then he lifted her by the waist up onto the horse. 

Once it was clear she was steady, the guard handed Liam the reins of the other horse. the King spoke with Kymu's parents briefly as the guards readied the rest of the horses. Once the King was astride his horse they began to head off towards the castle. They passed Kymu's parents as they left in a line. First two guards, then the King, then Kymu who couldn't even bring herself to look at them. As Liam passed he stared down at them and said, "The chickens were for you." They didn't have a chance to answer. They were just left standing there, speechless and saddened, while the last two remaining guards took up the rear of the line.


It was late in the morning but Arthus was still in bed. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stretched. He had never been able to sleep in so much before. Sitting up he looked about the room. It seemed an even bigger mess in the daylight than it did the night before. "Father's going to be so furious," he said to himself. He knew his father wasn't back yet by the simple fact he wasn't already woken by his disapproving voice. 

Arthus stood up and decided he wasn't going to let things bother him today. He didn't bother to look out his window like he usually did every morning. He didn't bother to tie up the collar of his shirt, leaving a good part of his chest exposed. Nor did he bother putting on stockings or shoes leaving himself bare from the knees down. He didn't bother to fix his hair which still had yesterday's tie in it and looked quite frumpled. And he most certainly wasn't going to bother to try to clean up and put together the scattered books. He was feeling quite rebellious, like today was the day he was finally going to be his own person. It was with this new mindset he made his way down to the kitchen.

There was still a lot of commotion going on throughout the castle. Most rushed by him without even realizing it was him. When he got to the kitchen he grabbed two apples from a large bowl of apples sitting on a side counter. Then he went outside through the servants entry. Stepping out into the sunlight he glanced about for a good place to lay. He found a spot where the ground sloped and the grass was thick and settled in. With one arm behind his head like a pillow, he used the other to eat his apples while he soaked in the sun.

"Arthus?" squeeked a soft voice.

He opened his eyes to look up at one of the maids.

"Are you alright?" She asked leaning towards him to inspect if he was hurt or ill.

"I'm fine," he said closing his eyes again.

"Do you need anything?"

He thought for a minute before sitting up and asking her, "Can you read?"

"Yes." She answered sounding a little confused.

"Good. Go find someone else who can also read and take them to my room. There are some books that need tending too. Scattered pages to be put back in order. On my wardrobe, there's a blue coin purse, take it for your troubles once you've finished."

"Yes, right away." She scurried off haistally. 

He continued to lay there for a couple more hours before he was startled with a kick to his side. His eyes snapped open to see the disapproving face of his father. In an instant his new found attitude melted away. With one hand he grabbed the tie ends of his shirt and pulled it closed. He dusted himself off as he rose to his feet. "Father, you're back!" Arthus cringed and his whole body stiffened in anticipation of his father's backhand.

His father leaned in close to him and in a stern but hushed voice commanded. "Go now and make yourself proper." There was a fire in his eyes that looked like it could burn Arthus alive were he stood.

Arthus bolted into the castle and up to his room. At least he had gotten to enjoy one day. It was fun while it had lasted.

How quickly mindsets and situations can change. Here Arthus, Liam, and Kymu awake with certainty of how the day will unfold for them, but things don't always go according to plan.

Mrs_Summer_Skyecreators' thoughts