
Chapter 1

aaaaa a scream can be heard.I was inside a white space.Suddenly a voice i can heard.

Choose whick world you wanted.

I dont care about anything anymore so i choose MHA.

Granted you will be given 1 Op quirk now.Goodbye

I was transmigrated at a body of a kid.I can say my height look like 10 years old.I tried freling the power inside of me.

Suddebly i could feel it i could cont electromagnetic force.Which mean i could use magnetic forse using magnet like iron to fly or push and pull.The doctor identify it as telekinesis.But it is not i could only control iron.I could also use electromagnetic to push and pull someone.It is like gravity manipulation but only electromagnetic.

I cannot generated thunder tho.Whick mean my quirk is gravity or magnets related.It is op quirk if i have access to many magnetic like iron base.

As there is many iron in this city i practically invisible.I could also fly if i put iron on myself which will be on my suit i guess.I am an orphan so i practically free.I can disappear without anyone knowledge.So i did just that.

I also wanted to team up with all for one.I dont practically give a shit about society.So i kill when i need to.I dont believe in a good or bad.I am egoistic that only care about myself and bettering me.

Rapping guy pov

I currently found a delicious cowgirl.I threaten her then as i want to play with her i was stab by an iron rod.Taking my life away from me.

Me pov

geast why are there many guy rapping like an animal today.I also kill the victim as he see my face.I have find clue about him.Lets meet i said

All for one

Its just waiting game for me.Soon I will get one for all.I have to find myself a successor capable of being the embodiment of evil itself.I hear a footsteps and said who are you.

Me pov

I found him.I dont want to fight him so i let my present know.Will he think of me as successor or a sidekick.