
Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure

Yukari Otsutsuki, the adoring daughter of Kaguya Otutsuki, proclaims herself as a Goddess in training. She yearns to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a goddess. She is very naive and rarely interacts with anyone besides her mother making after a tragic event awakens her dormant Otsutsuki powers. Yukari's mother, Kaguya, reveals the truth of the God Tree to her. Driven by unwavering determination to protect her beloved mother, she embarks on a perilous journey through countless worlds in search of Chakra Fruits. Along the way, Yukari gains allies and grows stronger, ready to confront her mother's clan. Will she ascend as the newest Otsutsuki God or meet her demise as she faces formidable Otsutsuki adversaries? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ About this novel: This novel will be an action, fluff and smut novel. Note the worlds Yukari travel will OC, but there will be a few cross over characters. As this is a Yuri novel, due to plot convience there will be one shapeshifting FUTA. Any R-18 scence with Futa will indicated, but there are few as the futa can interchange. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. This is my very first novel. I hope that everyone who reads this novel will give me feedback on how I can improve as an author. In addition, I have a backlog of stories I want to write. In the future, you can expect more fanfiction and even an original novel. Reviews and Powerstone are always helpful because they inspire me to keep writing and bringing my ideas to life. Additional Tags: #Harem, #Fluff, #Incest, #Futa, #WorldHopping

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Chapter 56: Fighting and Otsutsuki 3/5

In a lightning-fast move, Ryushiki seized Yukari and slammed her into the ground, leaving her battered and gasping for breath. He dragged her along the ground, leaving a trail of blood behind. Despite her pain and fading strength, Yukari desperately searched for an opportunity to escape his grasp.

Without warning, Ryushiki lifted her into the air and delivered a powerful kick to her stomach, causing her to crash into a nearby wall. He repeated this brutal assault, slamming her into another wall, causing the building to crumble around them. Debris fell around Yukari as she struggled to shield herself from the onslaught.

With each blow, Yukari's strength waned, and she realized that escaping Ryushiki's relentless attacks would be challenging. Gathering her remaining chakra, she called upon Susanoo to form a protective armor around her. The purple half-skeleton transformed, growing ligaments and muscles, taking on the shape of a formidable warrior.

Ryushiki unleashed a barrage of attacks against the Susanoo armor, but Yukari's defense proved superior. Despite his increased strength, he failed to penetrate her protective barrier. Determined to overcome this obstacle, Ryushiki channeled chakra into both of his eyes, intending to shrink the Susanoo and weaken its defenses.

However, before he could execute his plan, an alarm bell went off in Ryushiki's senses. In a split second, a colossal chakra sword approached him with immense speed. Caught off guard, he barely had time to react as the sword closed in on him, posing a formidable threat to his safety.

Using the momentary confusion, Yukari swung her Susanoo sword at Ryushiki with all her might. The force of the swing sent him flying backward, crashing into the ground and creating a sizable crater beneath him.

Breathing heavily, Yukari stood her ground, determined to press her advantage. She continued her relentless assault, swinging the sword repeatedly in an attempt to crush Ryushiki. The ground trembled with each swing, and the battlefield around them suffered the brunt of their clash.

Ryushiki managed to evade one of Yukari's swings and remarked coldly, "You are so annoying." He then controlled the earth, floating in the air while summoning five vicious dogs to attack her. The jaws of the canines were poised to strike.

Yukari was astounded to discover that he could now use nature transformation. "This is gonna be difficult". Reacting swiftly, Yukari split one of the dogs in half with her Susanoo sword, her Rinnesharingan scanning and predicting the movements of the remaining canines. She deftly parried their attacks, barely managing to fend off their relentless assault.

Without warning, Ryushiki conjured a massive fire pheasant, using it as cover while the dogs continued their assault. Yukari attempted to escape using a portal, but the swift approach of the fire pheasant hindered her escape, forcing her to rethink her strategy.

Just as the situation seemed dire, Yukari's eyes widened as she saw Tia, transformed into her dragon form, standing before her. The fire pheasant took aim at Tia, but she rolled back, creating a path of destruction. Yukari watched in shock as the fire pheasant collided with Tia, causing a massive explosion that sent debris flying in all directions.

Stumbling back from the blast, Yukari managed to find her footing. She looked up, her eyes filled with tears, as Tia emerged from the smoke, bearing numerous burns and wounds. Tia assured her, "You can beat him, Yuki, I still have strength, so don't be concerned about me."

Overwhelmed with sadness and concern for Tia, Yukari felt her heart sink. She couldn't bear to see her loved one in such a weakened state, and the sight of Tia's injuries only fueled her determination to defeat Ryushiki and protect those she cared for.

Her heart ached as she watched Tia struggle. She knew she couldn't let her friend's sacrifice be in vain. With a determined look on her face, she opened a portal and called out to Yumi, "Yumi, come here." Yumi appeared through the portal in her rabbit form, looking around the chaotic battlefield.

"Mommies!" Yumi exclaimed, immediately noticing the injuries on her mothers. Concerned, she asked Tia, "Are you okay?" Yukari, unable to speak, shook her head while tears continued to flow. Tia managed a weak smile and whispered, "I'll be fine, but we need to defeat him."

Yukari knew that having Yumi as the Jinchuriki would grant them a significant advantage. "Let's unite once more, Yumi," she said. Yumi nodded confidently, understanding that her mother would tap into her power to defeat the one who had hurt her mommies.

As Yumi touched Yukari, she began to disappear, leaving behind a trail of white chakra. Yukari felt a surge of strength coursing through her. Her power reached the peak of a low-level Elder Otsutsuki, and her eyes transformed into the Tenseigan.

"I can feel my confidence returning," Yukari exclaimed, sensing the immense power of the Tenseigan within her. "Together, Yumi, we can defeat him. Let's show him what true power looks like!" With renewed determination and strength, the mother and daughter duo were ready for battle.

Yukari examined Ryushiki and was shocked to discover that her own strength rivaled his. Suddenly, her body started to encircle itself with vibrant purple chakra. The chakra danced around her like flames, creating an ethereal glow that illuminated her figure.

With each movement she made, the chakra followed, swirling and twirling in a captivating and mesmerizing dance. It was as if she had become one with the chakra itself, radiating an aura of power.

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