
Naruto: Youngest Hokage

A seven-year-old Naruto awakens with memories of another world. This world contained a manga named after him and told the story of his life. Read how he uses this knowledge to become the youngest Hokage ever. If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

C3 Chakra Nature

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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Gimme dem Power Stones. Here's a riddle for your trouble. A group of campers have been on vacation so long, that they've forgotten the day of the week. The following conversation ensues.

Darryl: What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Tracy: Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday.

Melissa: Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday.

Ben: The day after tomorrow is Saturday.

Adrienne: The day before yesterday was Thursday.

Susie: Tomorrow is Saturday.

David: I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday.

If only one person's statement is true, what day of the week is it? Enjoy the chapter!)

Naruto woke up early to tested his chakra nature and come up with a plan. The result of the test was the chakra paper split in half. Its what he thought would happen, and he just wanted to check if it changed from the story somehow. Naruto was kind of hoping that he would get a second nature. He could always train to get another one. It will just be harder compared to wind.

Now that Naruto knew his chakra nature is wind its time to plan the training out. He had to train water walking, taijutsu, ninjutsu, and fuinjutsu. He would save genjutsu until he mastered water walking. He went through the scrolls he had and found everything he needed. Now he had to figure out how he would do fuinjutsu. Naruto had to read 10 really thick books called the art of fuinjutsu level 1-10. The books were written by his father. The problem was he only had one of each book.

Naruto thought about making copies, so he could have multiple clones read them, but he didn't have the money for all that paper and ink. Then an idea appeared in Naruto's mind. 'If Kage bunshin copy his clothes would it copy what he's holding as well?' He tested it by holding a book while making a clone and it worked. This can be used for anything and would save Naruto a lot of time and money on practice materials. He packed his things into a backpack and was ready to go.

Before leaving the apartment he made 10 clones to read the books he got from the Hokage. He would send some clones to the library, but it would attract too much attention. That would have to wait until he could use henge. Naruto arrived 10 minutes early and Guy was already there running around the walls. Guy ran up to Naruto giving him a blinding smile and a thumbs up.

"My young student, being early is very youthful."

"Not as early as you Guy-sensei."

"Of course I have been fanning my flames of youth since 5 am. Are you ready to get started?"

"Yea just give me a minute."

Naruto made 200 clones and split them into groups to work on fuinjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, and water walking. They all ran off to different areas while one group stayed behind. Guy looked like a fish opening and closing his mouth. He was trying to figure out the words to say.

"How did you... how do you have so much... what is happening, am I in a genjutsu?" Guy tried to break a genjutsu "KAI!" It didn't work. He stared blankly for a moment before his face split into a smile "Such youth! To have so much chakra at such a youthful age is astonishing."

"Hehe, thanks Guy-sensei." Naruto scratched his cheek smiling.

"I see that you are using the memory skill from shadow clones to boost your training."

"Yes, I will have them do everything except physical training. The last group behind me will do katas while I do physical training if that's alright?"

"Yes, it's a good plan. Your clones may not build muscle, but they will give you muscle memory. While you would do the physical training."

Guy made a clone to help the last team as he and naruto went to an empty space.

"You want to learn stretches and exercises?" Guy asked.

"Yes, I have many ideas about what to do, but I'm not sure where to start. I would like to have a routine that I can do every day. I also want to get ankle and wrist weights but I think I'm too young for that. I don't want extra weight on my body affecting my growth."

"You're right. You're too young for the weights. You should wait until you turn 12. Alright, I will teach you some stretches first, copy what I do."

After 1 hour of stretching, they switched to the hard stuff. Running, sprints, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, etc. by the time they were finished it was lunchtime. Naruto was laying on the floor panting and covered in sweat. Guy looked perfectly fine as if they didn't just do some training from hell.

"Alright my youthful student that's enough for today. I want you to do all of this every day, and I will meet you here at 6 am every Friday to check on your training."

Naruto mustered all the strength he could to stand up and bowed to Guy. "Thank you for the help Guy-sensei." Most jonin wouldn't even waste their time helping a 7-year-old train and without any pay either. Guy was a good person who deserved respect. Yes, he has his quirks, but so does everyone else. Kakashi is late all the time and reads porn in public. Jiraiya is a self-proclaimed super pervert who peeps on women.

After Guy left, Naruto made a clone and dispelled it signaling the other clones to come to him. When the clones arrived, he had them dispel in groups of 5 per minute. Giving him time to sort through the information. When he got through it all, he went through some hand signs "henge no jutsu" in a puff of smoke he turned into the Hokage. Although it was far from perfect. Naruto could probably master it by the end of the day. He made 200 clones again and had them go back to training while Naruto left to get food.

In the Hokage's office guy appeared and bowed. "Hokage-sama"

Hiruzen was smoking his pipe sitting on the couch while clones did paperwork. "How was Naruto's training?"

"Truly amazing. He made 100 clones and split them into groups for ninjutsu, taijutsu, fuinjutsu, and water walking. I helped him with his taijutsu and showed him some stretches and exercises. No matter what I threw at him he never gave up or even complained truly youthful. I plan on meeting him every Friday at 6 am to check his training."

Hiruzen was surprised naruto was learning fuinjutsu already. Then he remembered the scroll his parents left him. Hiruzen was proud of naruto for training so hard, but he had to warn him to be careful about fuinjutsu. He doesn't want Naruto making an explosive tag and blowing himself up.

"Good has he told you his dream yet?" Guy shook his head. "Its to be the youngest Hokage ever. He even wants to graduate from the academy early."

"Well, the way he's training now he will definitely be strong enough. If he uses his clones to study he will be smart enough too. The question is will you choose him as your successor?"

The Hokage typically selects their successor. If they die or are otherwise incapacitated, the next Hokage is instead chosen by the daimyo of the Land of Fire with the advice of his committee, the Shinobi council, the Jonin Commander, and the ANBU Commander. This choice must then be approved by Konoha's jonin. With him alive, he could make naruto his successor and no one could do anything about it.

"If I think he's ready then yes, but that is for another time. Dismissed."

Guy bowed and left the room. Hiruzen let out a sigh. 'Naruto is a handful.' The fact that he's studying fuinjutsu is disconcerting. If he activates a seal he made and screwed something up he could hurt himself. Hiruzen was about to call an ANBU to get Naruto, but the door blew open and there he was. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Yo, gramps I had my training with Guy-sensei today"

"I heard. He was just here a moment ago. I also heard your studying fuinjutsu?" Naruto nodded and sat down in front of hiruzen. "You should be careful when activating seals your not familiar with. Fuinjutsu is extremely complicated and one wrong line of formula and anything can happen. My advice to you is to have a clone activate all seals you haven't completely mastered."

"You got it, gramps, I'll be extremely careful."

Hiruzen signaled the ANBU to leave, and his clones by the desk turned the privacy seal on. "So is there something you needed?"

"Yes, I need to ask a few more favors and give you some information. First, do you know a girl named Yakumo Kurama?"

"Yes, she's the daughter of the Kurama clan head why?"

"I was trying to come up with plans for the future and I remembered her. She inherited the Kurama bloodline in its entirety. The genjutsu she can use is powerful enough to convince the victim's brain to physically reflect anything that happens to the victim within the genjutsu to their body making it possible for her to kill her opponents with genjutsu. She also has a weak body, her father worried about this and petitions you to get her a tutor. You choose Kurenai Yuhi. Yakumo was thrilled and wanted to do her best to become a ninja even with her weak body."

"She was inspired by a boy named rock lee who couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu and became Guy-senseis apprentice. Kurenai wasn't as optimistic and refused to train her anymore, telling her she should find another path in life. Yakumo refused and later you find out that Yakumo has something called an id. Its a sentient and malicious personality within Yakumo's mind somehow connected to her bloodline. The id could control her and use her powers for destructive means. You order Kurenai to seal up Yakumo's power, with her powers sealed the id was sealed as well."

"However, the monster overcame the seal and cast the illusion of a fire engulfing the Kurama clan's household, which killed Yakumo's parents. However, Yakumo believed the fire was ordered by you because she overheard a conversation between you and Kurenai that she took out of context. She then thinks Kurenai refused to teach her and sealed her powers because she was jealous. That's only the backstory it gets worse later on."

"I see. Do you have any ideas on what to do?"

"I think when you get the petition for Yakumos tutor, you should still send Kurenai. Although this time, make it clear to Kurenai that whether Yakumo becomes a ninja or not she still needs to master her power. My guess is the id exists as a way to control all the power she has. If she gets better control over it the id may go away. You could also set her up with a Yamanaka for therapy or something. Even though the id is connected to her powers it's also psychological, and who better to deal with that then the Yamanaka clan. You should probably have some ANBU watching her at all times as well just in case."

"I see you've got everything planned out." Hiruzen smiled proudly that Naruto thought it through so much. He came up with a good plan. Attack the problem from 2 fronts the first with Kurenai teaching her to control her powers. The second to get her psychological help and if all else fails theirs an ANBU watching her 24/7. "I will go with your plan. If sealing doesn't work then its the best we can do."

"I remember from the story that her powers were sealed twice. Each seal was broken after a certain amount of time. The best you could do is talk to pervy sage about a seal, but that should be the last resort."

"I agree, I'll talk to Jiraiya when he gets back."

"Remember when I said Orochi-teme kills you?" Hiruzen nodded smirking at his student's nickname "Well, the reason he was able to kill you was that he used the edo Tensei to resurrect the first and second Hokage. He tried to resurrect dad as well, but he is in the shinigami. You had to fight all 3 of them at once and no one could help you because Orochi-teme had a barrier up. This isn't the only time people will be resurrected and used to fight against us either."

"I see, so you have a plan I'm guessing?"

"Yes but you may not like it. I want you to let me study the edo Tensei." Hiruzen frowned "let me finish before you shoot me down. I want to resurrect the people that Orochi-teme would before he does. If they're already here they cant be used by him."

"That's a good plan Naruto, but the edo Tensei requires a human sacrifice to work. Do you want to kill someone for your plan?" Hiruzen asked seriously. He didn't like the edo Tensei. It disrespected the dead and to use it you had to kill someone.

"No, I don't. I said study it not use it. I want to make a variation of it that doesn't need the sacrifice. We also won't control them like Orochi-teme. I have a few ideas, but I need to see the jutsu first."

Hiruzen looked pensive. "Alright, I will let you study it, but you cant use it without my permission and supervision."

"I promise I won't use it without you. I will make a list of people so you can collect DNA. Just a hair should do if they left a brush behind or something like that. Worst case we may have to dig up a grave. Just saying that is so creepy."

"The edo Tensei is creepy. I don't know why Tobirama-sensei created it in the first place."

"Yeah, but I'm a little excited. If I can find a way to use it without killing people I get to meet my parents. Not to mention meeting The first and second Hokage. Maybe I can get them to train me." Naruto had stars in his eyes.

"Let's not get carried away just yet. You first have to see if we can do it. What do you mean to meet your parents? I thought you said the edo Tensei doesn't work on him."

"Hehe, don't worry I have a plan. Gramps my parents left me some kenjutsu scrolls. Can you help me get a practice sword? I also need other practice supplies."

"How about we go to a store now and get them. I've had a lot of free time thanks to the shadow clones." He looked over at his grumbling clones. They were buried in paperwork and didn't look happy about it.

They left the office and went to a shinobi weapons store. As they walked in, the walls were filled with weapons. No one was at the counter, but you could hear a hammer hitting metal in the back. Hiruzen rang a bell on the counter. The hammering stops and a burly man with a beard came out from behind the curtain. He bowed to the Hokage.

"Hokage-sama its been a while since you came to my store. What can I help you with today."

"Naruto this is Jotaro he's the best weapons smith in Konoha."

"Thank you for the praise Hokage-sama." Jotaro bowed again.

"Think nothing of it. Your skills deserve praise. Jotaro this is naruto he needs a training sword and some training supplies."

Jotaro looked at Naruto scrutinizing him. He nodded "what type of sword do you want to use?"

"I want a wooden chokuto with no guard." A chokuto is a straight, one edged Japanese sword. In the story, he didn't use a sword, but Naruto thinks it would be a waste to not take advantage of the Kage bunshin to learn as much as he can. "I also need kunai and shuriken to practice my aim and supplies for practicing fuinjutsu. Brushes, ink, and paper if you have it."

Jotaro walked away and came back with a wooden sword and 2 storage scrolls. "This scroll has 50 kunai and 100 shurikens, and this scroll has enough fuinjutsu supplies to last you a month." After that Jotaro taught him how to maintain the weapons. They left the store and the sun was beginning to set. Naruto went to check his clone progress.

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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