
Naruto x Tower of God ~ Beyond the Stars

Feeling that the shinobi world had nothing else to offer him, Naruto decided that was time to move on from everything he knew. He now sought to learn, witness, and most importantly, acquire everything...

Swiffith · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Naruto, the test Administrator

2nd Floor Evankhell's Hell

Naruto arrived at a grassy prairie on the 2nd floor, noticing a vast and tall grassy prairie that surrounded him. He felt anxious to know what was coming next. He immediately noticed a cube floating in the sky that started to transmit a voice.

"Test, test... Hello, regulars. Welcome to the 2nd floor of the tower. This testing floor will determine if you are worthy of climbing the rest of the tower. Let's get the first test started. The rules are simple. In total, there are 401 regulars here. Please reduce that number to 200 within the allotted time. Use whatever methods you need. The moment that only 200 regulars remain, the test will end. Also, you can check the number of regulars and the time remaining in your pocket. Good luck, everyone."

A few seconds later, Naruto noticed how the participants started attacking and killing each other whether it was by shooting, piercing, or impaling like uncivilized savages.

'Oh... this sure takes me back. It's almost like the chunin exams from when I was twelve. Ah, it was such a welcoming atmosphere... all the screams and people trying to kill each other... Good times, good times.' Naruto thought while nodding to himself. It was more enjoyable them he could remember. 

But still, here people didn't seem to understand how teamwork was important for survival. killing each other wouldn't get them anywhere. Maybe he should teach them a bit about how terrifying the world could be. If they continued with this mindset, they would never survive climbing to the top.

"Although, the atmosphere here is not as nearly as eerie as the forest of death. Compared to it, this place feels like a perfect place for a summer vacation. Hmm, the voice did say to use whatever methods we need so, let's stir up things a bit, for old times' sake." Naruto clapped his hands together. "Wood style: deep forest emergence!"

Grassy Prairie District 1

Baam had just woken up and had already been attacked by one of the regulars who attempted to kill him. Fortunately, he was murdered by another regular who pierced him with arrows but it didn't take long for the same to be also murdered by a sniper. He was scared, he didn't want to kill anybody but if he wanted to get to Rachel, he would have to do it...

Baam's internal monologue was interrupted prematurely, for the earth seemed to be shaking and suddenly, trees and tunks started to emerge from the ground. Their roots covered the ground and their giant trunks ascended until they covered the whole sky dark, leaving only small beams of light to stop the now forest from being in total darkness. Baam could only think, 'Rachel, where are you?' He thought as he traveled warily through the creepy forest.

Khun Aguero Agnis, who was just having a small chat with a multi-armed red man, was also interrupted when giant trees started to cover the whole place. He could only ask, what in the world was happening? Was this an Administrator's thing?

Rak Wraithraiser, the alligator humanoid, didn't care if trees covered the hunting ground in fact, he was pleased by the change; with this, his prey could easily be ambushed by him. 'Just wait for me, you turtles!' He thought as he left to seek his prey.

District 2

Endorsi Jahad was having an easy time dueling with the regulars around her but that was until the ground started shaking and trees started to sprout out of nowhere. Thanks to all the shaking, her high heel broke, making her fall to her butt on the ground. The regulars who were attacking her saw this as an opportunity to attack her but before they could accomplish their desire, they all got battered across the trees with their necks and spines broken. Endorsi turned to see who saved her and she saw a very large and tall figure alongside a smaller one approaching her.

"How about we work with each other, Miss Endorsi?" The smaller figure asked as it removed its hood, revealing a blonde girl.

On another side of the district, a feminine figure dressed in black tights and a mask was effortlessly taking down some regulars using its staff. It was none other than Hwa Ryun, a guide who was disguised. However, something that she couldn't predict happened. Large trees came out of the ground, surrounding and enclosing the environment that she was fighting on. 'What is this...!? I couldn't see this coming...' She thought, genuinely surprised.

District 3

Anak Jahad was itching for a fight, she was sweeping aside the fodder in the now, woody environment since she couldn't find a worthy opponent in this dark forest but that was only until she sighted a boy who carried two swords. She could feel it, this time it would be different. She immediately swung her Green April to attack him. "Try running from this!" She yelled as she attacked the boy.

The swordsman, Hatz, parried the attack, sending the green whip to impact a rock on the side. "Run? Running is something you do from those stronger than yourself." He stated.

The guy in a purple jumpsuit, Shibisu, stared in awe. 'They are strong, and are totally ignoring me!' He thought, sweating, feeling underpowered.

When the two fighters were about to clash once again, they were all sent flying by a powerful gust of wind that came from the depths of the forest.


"What is it now!?" Anak Jahad questioned while being knocked back, irritated by the new interruption. She grappled a tree with her weapon so she was not sent flying ten kilometers in. Hatz had to fixate his sword on the ground all the while Shibisu was struggling by attaching himself to one of the trees.

All three districts faced this powerful gust of wind, and each faced it in a different way but unfortunately, the remaining weaker regulars were knocked out while only the most proficient ones were able to survive the attack. They were immediately shaken by the change in the environment and asked themselves if all this was part of the test because it was becoming harder and harder.

 Naruto could only nod to himself seeing the swath of destruction left by the attack. 'Hmm, Hmm now this is a nostalgic sight, It's looking good. Now, how about we add some spice?' Naruto thought as he raised an order to his "underlings".

In each district, the different groups would face a different threat. Naruto would choose a random target so he picked up a stick, positioned it, and let go of it, the direction in which the stick landed, would decide the direction in which he would send a powerful enemy to face. "There, huh? Let's see how they handle "that." Naruto spoke, feeling anxious to witness the result. He made a few hand signs, each for a different jutsu.

Lero Ro, who was observing the regulars in the test area, was surprised when out of nowhere the whole test area was covered in woodland. 'This can't be the job of the Administrator, could it? No, that couldn't be. But if it wasn't the Administrator, that also meant that this wasn't the job of some random regular. 'This could only be...' Lero Ro thought with suspicion.

On Anak's side, things weren't looking too good. When she recovered from the gust of wind, suddenly, many enemies, with spiky brown hair, wearing black jumpsuit which was stitched up in the middle along with a pair of sandals. They also wore a forehead protector that covered their whole head, a rebreather, and a sash around their face that obstructed their eyes started emerging from the ground and the tree trunks.


 They were completely surrounded, without an escape route, not that she planned to run anyway. She was actually trying to find something to discount her frustration and she had found the perfect playthings...

"Swordsman! Let's make a truce!" Anak said desperately while reading her Green April.

"Right!" An anxious Hatz quickly replied while readying his sword. The presence of so many enemies conveyed a sense of unease, nervousness, and worry in response to this new challenging circumstance that he faced.

"Hey! What about me? Can I join in?" Shibisu asked while pointing at himself nervously, fearful of their answer.

"Whatever!" Both replied and Shisisu immediately rushed to their side. The three stood back to back, ready to attack from any direction the clones advanced.

On Baam's side, he was now teaming up with Khun and Rak to face the three shinobi who appeared before them, one woman and two men. One of the men had bandages covering most of his face, leaving only his left eye and eyebrow uncovered. He also wore a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake-patterned scarf around his neck, a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf, and a large amplifier on his right arm. His back was hunched, which made him look smaller than he actually was. He had short black buzzcut hair.

The woman had fair skin, black eyes with very long black hair, almost reaching down to the ground, tied by a violet ribbon right near the end. She wore a forehead protector, a pale green vest somewhat similar to snake-patterned pants with a snake-patterned skirt over it, and a snake-patterned scarf around her neck, much like her teammates.

The last man had spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He wore a beige shirt with two black stripes and three prints of the kanji for death (死, shi) down the front. His forehead protector had an attached adorned mask that covered his cheeks under the cloth rather than connected to the metal plate he also wore snake-patterned pants and a scarf.

Khun sighed, "It looks like the Administrator has decided to play a prank on us today. First the forest, then the wind, and now this? I hope this is just a joke."

"Whatever blue turtle! I'll take care of that mummy turtle over there, you handle the rest!" Rak stated as he ran at his target.

Khun clicked his tongue. "You shouldn't rush in without a plan! Baam, you think you can handle the girl?" 

"Ye-yes!" He answered, a bit insecure.

Hwa Ryun's group was facing a group of three-man in which two of them were already defeated by them but their leader survived. He had short spiky brown hair with a strip of gauze covering his forehead and his mouth partly stitched on the right side. He also had two scars running up his cheek, one of which had blinded his right eye, causing him to constantly keep it closed. He carried an oxygen tank and a sheath for his umbrellas on his back.

 The man performed a few hand signs after throwing his six umbrellas into the sky.

"Ninja Art, Senbon tempest!" The man yelled and then, the umbrellas spun at great speed, releasing thousands of needles/senbon towards them. 

Hwa Ryun gasped, there were too many of them. "You two, gather around me. We need to block those immediately, we don't know if they're poisoned." She stated, and then, her teammates did as asked. She spun her staff at high speed and deflected all the senbons she could while Goon used his spear to deflect one of the directions and Yung Changsoo did the same with his pair of swords. When the rain of needles stopped, they all rushed to attack the caster. Hwa Ryun smashed the staff into his head, Yung cut off his arms and Goon struck his heart with his spear. In the end, the man started to change his appearance, he now was entirely white, saved for his hair and eyes, zig-zag patterns running down his midsections and legs, green hair, and yellow eyes.

The team was confused, Hwa Ryun the most. She looked at the bodies of the man's teammates and they also assumed the same appearance. 'Just what was going on on this floor?'She asked herself. She knew this place was called Evankhell's hell but she didn't expect that the devil would play pranks on her. She couldn't see anything related to this event. For the first time in a long time, she felt blind.

Anak never felt this furious in her whole life since she swore revenge against the persecutors of her mother. The enemy that she was fighting not only didn't seem to take damage but also seemed to be numbered in the thousands.

In the dimly lit forest, shadows seemed to multiply as hundreds of identical foes emerged from the darkness. Each adversary was a mirror image of the other, creating an unnerving army that surrounded the lone lizard princess. The foes, with identical cold, unfeeling expressions, moved in unison, creating an eerie synchronicity that sent shivers down her spine.

Her hook gleamed in the faint light as she swung it with precision, but for every adversary she struck down, two more seemed to take their place. The forest echoed with the clash of steel and the low hum of the identical enemies, creating a disorienting cacophony. Anak's breath quickened as she realized the sheer impossibility of overcoming this overwhelming force.

Fatigue set in, and with each passing moment, her movements became sluggish. As if choreographed, the enemies closed in, tightening the circle around her. 

As Anak's frustration grew, fueled by the relentless onslaught and the mocking uniformity of her adversaries, she snapped,

"You disgraceful bastards, I'll kill all of you!" Anak spoke furiously as she initiated Green April's ignition.

Naruto stared in awe as his underlings were sent flying with the weapon's sudden surge of power. "Hmm... that weapon is very unique... does the other guy also have one of those? Let's test it out." He made a hand seal and slammed his palm on the tree that he was sitting on, sending more power to the clones that were fighting Anak's group.

"She lost her mind," Shibisu spoke, scared of his companion's sudden burst of anger.

"I don't blame her, I'm also almost losing it," Hatz spoke, as he swung his swords to cut through a group of clones but it to no avail, they seemed to be numbered in the hundreds or even thousands. Angered, he slashed one of them in the head, trying to slice it off but was met with an unpleasant surprise...

"Don't worry, I'm also here, Ha!!!" Shibisu went for a punch on one of the foes but found himself in a tight situation... "Aargh! What is this?!" As he tried to connect a punch, it seemed to phase through its body in a black goo-like substance.

"You idiot! You've got no chance against them! They seem to be regenerating. Just stand down and... Aargh!!" Hatz tried to speak but was swarmed by many enemies that lunged at him, pinning him down.

Their screams echoed through the forest, a haunting symphony that reverberated among ancient trees and tangled undergrowth. The air seemed to carry the weight of their fear, the sound of distress weaving through the shadows like an ominous thread.

On Endorsi's end, things would soon look terrible. As soon as she accepted Rachel's offer, a huge smokescreen exploded before them, and from it, a woman who had long smooth black hair and black eyes, appeared before them. She wore a traditional straw hat on her head with her forehead protector underneath and attire that consisted of plain beige garbs with a black polo and black pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind her back, the jumper legs matching the jumper's top half which covered her calves and ankles.


"Tell me, silly... do you think this is a fashion show?" The woman asked, which annoyed Endorsi.

'Huh...? Who is this quiff?' She asked herself, already annoyed, yet fearful by the woman's presence. Unnerved by the feeling she was getting from it, she decided to make a pun. "If it is, congratulations, you came in last, darling." She stated, trying to dissimulate the feeling of dread. 

"Ku, Ku, I expect this to be as entertaining as your jokes, little girl. When we're done here, one of us will pass the test, and the other will be dead..." The woman spoke ominously as she showed her slitty eyes to Rachel and Endorsi.

 Immediately, at the first gaze into her eyes, Endorsi could witness her own death. It seemed like an illusion, but the feeling was almost palpable. She always considered herself strong but at this moment, she felt as vulnerable as a baby.


Rachel wasn't much better. Her first glance made her shiver her whole spine from the overwhelming killing intent that the woman had leaked. Her fear was so intense that she swore she saw a giant serpent project itself before her, trying to swallow her whole; it made her fall to her knees, scared to death, and throw up, sweating heavily. How was she supposed to beat this abhorrent demon of a woman? These tests were so unfair. For a moment, she just wanted to go back to that cave with Baam and never get out of there; this didn't seem worth it. Her body trembled she slowly moved her hands grabbed a knife she had in her pocket and started to direct it at her own throat. This was unbearable, suffocating, she needed to get away, she needed to be freed from this torture. Before she could fall into total despair, Akryung, her bodyguard, positioned himself before her. 'Of course, the bodyguard the first floor Administrator assigned to me...' She thought while panting, relieving herself a bit from the fear.

Endorsi tried to move, but it was in vain. This woman had triggered an innate fear that she had deep inside her from her past that even she was unaware of. There was something about her that triggered this reaction. It didn't take long for her to understand why. As soon as she questioned it, the woman lifted one of her sleeves, revealing a strange marking on her arm. She bit her finger and painted the markings with the blood that leaked from it. She made a few hand signs at incredible speed and said, "Summoning Jutsu!" from the smoke that said technique caused, emerged the reason why her fear was being triggered, a snake, a giant one to be more precise, appeared before them. 

She gritted her teeth really hard. Her fear turned into uncontrollable anger. The blood of Jahad that ran through her veins boiled. She slowly turned her gaze to the woman on top of the snake who smirked at her.

She clenched her fists with all her strength until she made nails tore through her flesh, turning crimson from the blood leaked from her palms." You reminded me of something extremely unpleasant. I can't wait... to get my hands on that face of yours." She spoke bitterly in a dangerously soft tone.

Rachel paled. Even at this distance, she could feel Endorsi's rage as if it were alive. The atmosphere around these two figures was excruciating at this point.

"Ku, Ku, Ku. Blond girl, you play the part of a clever manipulator in the shadows but that's nothing more than sophistry to hide your own weakness, yet you are smart enough that you are aware of the lie you are living; so you convert your self-loathing to anger, and lash out..." The woman spoke while mocking Rachel.

Rachel swallowed hard. While her fear kept her mouth shut, her anger came out with everything upon the woman's statement "Save me your analysis you freak!! What do you know about me!?"She yelled furiously.

"And you, poor little thing, the name Jahad must be crying right now...It must be difficult for you, with your petty, insignificant concerns such as keeping soft skin and your makeup. A painted smile for your fans, the cold shoulder for those for whom you truly feel... Do you not wish you could cast off this burden, and fly?" The woman said while inclining her head in demonstration of superiority, mocking Endorsi. 

"Rachel!!" Endorsi yelled. What drivel was this fiend speaking? She would prove she was wrong.

"Yes!?" Rachel replied immediately.

"Tell your friend to take care of the snake. I'll get that whore myself." Endorsi stated.

"You are brittle and too clever for your own good. With that attitude, you'll never reach the top of the tower. Your destruction will be most entertaining." The snake woman spoke as she retreated her arm and then hollered, 

"Sen'ei Jashu!" A swarm of snakes came out from under her sleeve and went to attack the young princess.

Endorsi leaped into the air, avoiding the snakes as she went straight at the woman who immediately received a punch to the face, sending her crashing violently to the ground. Rachel could feel the strength of the punch from where she was. She made a mental note to never piss her off. 

But Endorsi wasn't finished. She landed with an impact on top of the snake woman and punched her many times with all her strength. Each punch sank the woman's skull deeper and deeper into the rocks below. When Endorsi finished, she was panting heavily from the effort. The woman's face had been butchered by her and now lay unrecognizable, completely decimated.

Rachel was relieved, It looked like they were alright now. Her bodyguard also made short work of the snake who now lay with its head cut off.

Before they could commemorate any further, a shadow appeared behind Endorsi. Rachel gasped in shock. "Miss Endorsi, behind you!!" Endorsi was unbelieved, she turned to face the threat once again, only to witness how the woman, somehow removed her skin, revealing now a pale man with purple makeup around its slitty snake eyes mocking her for her failure. 

'How can it be still alive!? I made sure to beat it with all my strength...' She turned to look at the corpse which she thought was the woman's corpse but then, it turned into mud.

The man now revealed to be Orochimaru laughed mockingly. "You sure took your time with my mud clone. You pack quite a punch for such a pretty face. That wasn't very ladylike you know? Ku, Ku, Ku. But this ends now." The man spoke as he made hand signs. "Earth Release: Antlion Technique." 

The pronounced jutsu caused the ground and everything on and around it to be sucked in towards the middle of a large pit as if it was quicksand. Endorsi and Rachel started to fall into the pit. They were now stuck in the relentless pull of this mysterious technique. 

The pit, now a swirling vortex of earth and debris, threatened to consume everything in its voracious grasp. Endorsi and Rachel desperately clawed at the edges, trying to find purchase against the inexorable force that dragged them into the unknown depths.

As they descended, the world around them blurred, the walls of the pit becoming a chaotic blend of dirt, rocks, and the remnants of the once-stable ground. Panic set in as they realized the man who had unleashed this supernatural assault had vanished, leaving them stranded in this surreal maelstrom.

A sense of isolation enveloped them, the only sound was the rushing wind and the distant echoes of their own cries. The walls of the pit seemed to close in, and the air grew thick with uncertainty. Endorsi and Rachel exchanged frantic glances, their shared predicament deepening the bond between them in this unexpected freefall.

The man's disappearance in a puff of smoke lingered in their minds, a testament to the inexplicable nature of the situation. As they plummeted into the abyss, the pit's darkness swallowed them whole, leaving only echoes of their voices and the remnants of a once-solid ground behind. The unknown awaited, and the air of mystery hung heavy in the shadowy descent.

"Hmm...I was impressed by how fast she dispatched that clone. This Endorsi is quite an arm; definitely a whole other league from all the other participants. Maybe I should've let him go all out and prolongue the fight a bit longer? And what is this about her being a Princess? I think I heard that bunny saying Yuri was one... Moreover, that giant guy...he's hiding his strength and why is he with Rachel? Well, I can find out later." Naruto finished his thought, turning his attention to the next group.

Back with Baam, Khun, and Rak, the team was having a hard time dealing with the abilities of the sound trio.

Khun multiplied his knives using his bag, sending them towards Zaku, who simply shouted, "Slicing Sound Wave!" And repelled the incoming knives.

Khun clicked his tongue in frustration. 'This guy keeps repelling everything I throw at him. If this keeps up we're done for. How are the Gator and Baam doing?' He turned to look at Rak who was fighting Dosu.

"Stay where you are so I can hit you, mummy turtle!" Rak was trying to stab Dosuk who kept dodging his attacks.

Dosu found an opening in his attack and quickly unveiled his arm where a gauntlet was hidden. He went for a punch but Rak dodged it, and before he was hit by him, he jumped back.

"You little turtle... I already told you to stop dod...! Huh!?" Rak suddenly started to see blurry.

"Oh, spears? Really? That's your go-to? Hate to break it to you, but they're so out of fashion, it's like you're stuck in a museum. In this world, we've upgraded to things like strategy and advanced technique – you know, way beyond the 'poke and hope' technique. I've got my Sound Wave Jutsu, a little something called progress. Meanwhile, you're over there with your glorified stick." Dosu prompted.

Rak continued to suffer the effects of the sound wave, letting go of his spear in a moment of weakness and Dosu continued, 

"So, let me educate you: clinging to a spear is like clinging to the past. It's like you missed the memo on evolution. The cutting edge is way above your reach, my friend. Might want to drop that spear and pick up a textbook on modern tactics. The future is leaving you behind, and that ancient weapon of yours? It's practically a joke back in our world."

Khun struggled to keep up with Zaku's attacks. Even for him, a member of the ten great families, these people seemed extremely fast.

"What are you guys talking about? I've seen the gator dodge your attack clearly!" Aguero protested.

Well, let me lay it out for you, dimwit. You're kind of quick, I guess, but considering that scale-brained swamp relic's size, it's a commendable effort that he's still breathing. But let's not kid ourselves; my attacks move faster than you can even comprehend. Dodging Dosu's punches? Cute. Try dodging the next one. Spoiler alert: he won't." Zaku mocked darkly.

"Exactly. See, I don't need to resort to pummeling you with my fists. That's child's play. I can hit you where it really hurts—with the sheer force and brilliance of sound. So, good luck dancing around that. Your speed might be something, but compared to what I've got, you're basically moving in slow motion."

Dosu went for another attack and Rak couldn't dodge properly. He tried to defend using his arm but that was useless. The speaker on Dosu's arms started to release sound waves which he used his chakra to direct directly into his ear, causing him great pain.

"Aaaargh!! Don't... be so haughty... you mummy turtle...I'm Rak Wraithraiser...I'll hunt... you... turtles..." Rak spoke weakly as he kneeled without strength, covering his injured ear in pain.

"Honestly, you've only got size, you don't make justice to your height; you wouldn't make a decent shinobi, it's a mystery how you still haven't gone extinct," Dosu mocked.

"Mr.Rak!" Baam yelled, concerned while dodging and deflecting as he could Kin's rattles.

"Gator!!" Khun yelled in desperation as he was pushed back by Zaku's sonic wave.

"Haha, an alligator who got only brawls and no brain, an assassin who only does cheap magic tricks with a bag and a crybaby. What a sorry excuse for a group. The alligator is done for, a creature with only direct attacks and no talent." Zaku spoke mockingly and Khun's expression hardened. 

"There's no point in making a face like that, is there? Because, in the end, the loser must disappear! These are the rules..." Zaku spoke with a sinister edge as he prepared for a large-scale sonic attack. "Weaklings like you can barely put up a fight. Your feeble hopes are about to shatter and vanish. Boy, you should be grateful we're being so kind. You'll get to witness the eradication of your dreams firsthand." He said as he opened his hands to charge his sonic wave.

A sweat fell through Khun's face."Damn... is this it...?" Khun asked, losing his hopes. 'What good is being a genius if I continue to take this long to make up my mind!?' He cursed mentally. He didn't change, even after all this time.

Baam cried in desperation. He felt useless. He couldn't stop Rachel from leaving and now his new companions needed him and once again, he could do anything.

"Ultrasonic Wav-" Before Zaku could finish his line, a communication was made.

"Survivors, congratulations. By the way, anyone still fighting after the time limit ends will fail the test. The second test will now begin. Please find two allies within five minutes. As long as all three teammates are touching when the countdown ends, you pass."

Naruto sighed. "Well, at least I was able to fully test them; I wasn't planning to kill anybody anyway but still, I think I overdid it a little. I'll be sure to excuse myself with Baam and his friends later". 

'Let's see... some of them surpassed my expectations like that girl, Endorsi, she got me surprised with her strength but Rachel, she was too dependent on others' strength. The woman in tights also surprised me with how quickly she got through the clones. Baam and his team had impressive resilience, so much so that I had to increase the amount of chakra I was sharing with them to make them stronger than their original counterparts... And Anak Jahad's team... well, since I have to find a team, I guess I'll find out once I get there. I'm kinda interested in that girl and her weapon...' He thought as he made all his underlings disappear.

As soon as he reached their location, he saw all three exhausted on the ground, with scratches all over them and their clothes ragged. Naruto scratched his cheek awkwardly. 'Maybe I overdid it here a little?' He approached them and with his hand, he used medical ninjutsu to treat their wounds.

'Ughh... what, what's happening...?' Anak asked, half awake. She felt her strength returning and pain disappearing.

"C'mon, wake up. We don't have much time." Naruto spoke while he touched them to wake them up. They slowly opened their eyes.

Anak, Hatz, and Shibisu opened their eyes and the first thing they witnessed was a blond boy with whiskers right in front of them.

"Who are you?" Anak asked. She gazed at the place and immediately stood up in a fighting stance. "Where are they!? What happened to those bastards!?"

"Calm down, they're all gone. My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I want to make a team with you two." He said, directing himself at Anak and Hatz.

"Hey! I met them first, pal! You can try climbing the tower next time!" Shibisu complained.

"Shut up, tracksuit," Anak spoke irritated. "You healed us?" She asked Naruto and he nodded.

"A healer... that's a quite useful ability. Let's form a team with him." Hatz stated.

"Hey!! What about me!?" Shibisu asked irritated.

"You can also come with us of course!" Naruto spoke as he touched Shibisu's shoulder, absorbing him into his right eye, surprising Anak and Hatz. "Now, let's hurry and shake hands, time is almost up." He spoke and Anak and Hatz both nodded slowly, speechless. 

This new teammate promised many surprises. That's what the two regulars thought as they followed him.

Chapter End