
Naruto: World of Warcraft

What happens when you die? Bit of a question for the ages, isn't it? Well, apparently you are shoved into another world against your will by an omnipotent being, neat. Now here I am, living or rather surviving during the first shinobi world war, life or rather death has some rather unexpected turns don’t you think? https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 7

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Unedited version, will update once it's edited.


As soon as we arrived at the camp, I was led to an interrogation room, and how could I blame them? They wanted to know why I was suddenly able to do what I do, being able to regenerate limbs, restore chakra at an alarming rate, and use the ice element.

And of course, I didn't have a satisfactory answer for any of their questions, so they threw me in a cell, until they decided what to do with me.

"You must be Raiden," a fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy hair and dark-coloured eyes said as he entered the cell. Under his eyes, and chin, he thin red markings, there was no doubt, this man was Tobirama. [Tobirama Senju LV 55]

"Hokage-sama," I bowed, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"The reports say a lot about you," Tobirama said, "Third of your class, great understanding of the ninja ways… but nothing, in this report sells you as something great",

I looked at him, detailing him, from head to toe, he was wearing his blue battle armour adorned with his distinctive white fur collar over a simple black suit underneath. His armour was constructed from numerous metal plates that looked considerably heavy, that formed multiple protective guards around his body.

"Yet, today… you not only demonstrated the ability to use the rare element that is ice release, but other… rather strange abilities," Tobirama continued, frowning ever so lightly, "According to your captain, you regenerated your arm and leg, in under a minute, then proceeded to create what he called super chakra food that restored his chakra and healed his wounds… now, can you understand why do we have you here?"

"I do," I nodded.

"In the ninja world, secrecy is key for victory, but not with your allies… I can understand if you want to keep your techniques secret, even if the how you managed to learn said techniques eludes me, but not letting your team know what you are capable of… can lead to catastrophic results," Tobirama stated, "Had your teacher known you had the ability to heal your teammates, the formation would've been different… had he had known anything about your skills… even a summary of them… and perhaps your team would've been alive, but we will never know that,"

"They died faster than I could react," I muttered, "I didn't even see them.. until their bodies fell into the ground… I didn't like them, but I didn't hate them… and their faces… haunt me, heck… even the face of the man I killed… every time I close my eyes, I see him… I see his corpse,"

"You… haven't technically violated any rules… and the Yamanaka report shows you are not a spy, but from now on… keep your captain aware of your capabilities…" Tobirama sighed, and I blinked in shock, I wasn't in trouble? "Whatever you have… it's most likely a bloodline of some sort, which would also explain why the Yamanaka couldn't enter your mindscape but only know if you were lying or not,"

"I see," that was a relief, for a moment there I thought they had mind raped me.

"Now, about that chakra food you can make, is there a limit to how much you can make, and how does it work?" Tobirama asked.

"I can make maybe three hundred rations before I need to take a break, and how they work… well, you have to be out of combat to consume them, they heal all wounds and restore chakra, and exist as long as I exist," I answered.

"Who taught you that technique?" Tobirama asked.

"I learned it with my summons… apparently I'm the only one that can summon them, perhaps it has to do with my bloodline?" I answered, lying through my teeth.

"Try again," Tobirama glared, flaring his chakra with such intensity I was having trouble breathing.

"I made the technique," I answered, that was the closest thing to the truth I could get, and if the pressure from his chakra dropping was anything to go by, he believed me.

"There is no shame in being a genius, by your age I had developed many techniques, I still use to this day," Tobirama stated, "Is it safe to assume all your techniques are original then?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Brilliant," Tobirama smiled under his breath, "You are free to return to your teacher, I have much to think about,"

"I… okay," I nodded, leaving the tent… and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, god that man was suffocating… His presence was like a knife to my throat.


[Tobirama Senju - POV - 1 HOUR EARLIER]

Raiden, the reports about him said nothing special, he was bright, but not overly so, he was strong, but not overly so… and yet, he had shown more than he was supposed to be.

"I can't access his mindscape Hokage-sama," Romu Yamanaka sighed, "His head is protected by… a shining beacon of light, that everytime that I try to go through it… blinds me away, surprisingly the light it's soothing… but also threatening,"

"He's a box full of surprises, isn't he?" I muttered, reading his file one more time, "So there is no way to know if he's a spy without torture?"

"That's the thing, I was able to use my other jutsus on him, just not the one that enables me to walk on his mindscape… and he is clean, he isn't a spy… or a sleeping agent," Romu assured me, "Just a kid that failed to report his capabilities to his superiors,"

"That is hardly a sin, but it can lead to troublesome developments," I sighed, "I will take it from here, I want to meet the kid myself,"

"Very well," Romu nodded, "I will leave my report on your desk then,"

"Tell his teacher, the kid will be with him in a few minutes," I ordered Romu, "I don't think this will take long,"

"As you wish," Romu nodded, flickering out of the room with a poof of smoke.

"Let's see how many mysteries I can unfold with a simple conversation," I chuckled.