
Naruto world Adventurer

I honestly don't know what to say here, you got to read the novel to know what it's about but I'm nice the novel is in the naruto world and he is gonna adventure all over. If you like think of it as a mixture of one piece and a naruto.

YourShadowsenpai · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

I got ap exams in about 2 hr, wish me luck, also this chapter is a little short, but I promise it won't happen again.

________Time skip____

It's been a long time since that tournament. During this time I noticed my father was having more visitors from other elders. When I asked him about it all he said.

"Well your performance was splendid, most of those elders wanted to give their daughters to you, as they say, your bloodline is quite pure. But I can't allow you to have any distraction to take the clan's head place. I need you to grow strong and fast so keep training."

'I guess you can say the old man is trash but he is very honest. I don't really care, I got an adventure to go on….. Which kingdom or village should i visit first' My thoughts were cut short by the old man "Ok that's enough you got school today *giving me a sharp glare* You better don't bring shame to the clan name."

The Academy is quite large, it is comprised of several buildings, the front of it with a swing on it and a giant sign with the kanji for fire on the top center tower of the building.

I had hoped for a grand entrance ceremony with the Hokage giving his fabled speech about the will of fire, but my hopes were unmet. After 5 minutes There was only a grumpy-looking genin taking your name and telling you what classroom you were in. All the kids were split in grades from 1A to 1D.

The classrooms in the academy are unnecessarily large and have high ceilings. 'I should go take my classic protagonist seat' It was in the far corner of the room with a window on my left.

In front of the blackboard is a podium, situated far from the students' desks, and put in a position where the teacher can view everyone.

Standing at the podium is one average and forgettable ninja starring quietly and waiting for the class to notice him. I meanwhile took my time to look at my classmates, there were zero familiar faces but there were a bunch of side characters who think they actually achieved something. One of them even thinks he can be the Hokage. I'm a year older than Naruto and the others, I'm also a grade higher than Neji *sigh* this is really boring.

"Ok brats quiet down," said the background character.

After class, I wandered around the village. I already have a plan on how to leave the village but I want to build a crew to travel with, I can't do everything myself. I need a cook, musician, blacksmith, navigator, doctor and maybe a swordsman. I got to be careful with who I recruit can't have a repeat of my last life.

The days trickled on by without noticing a 2nd year gone by, my training continued as did the academy classes. Currently, in my 3rd year, I notice that my body is getting bigger and all of that mass is muscle that some of the kids in my class, I think it's because of my practice of the "Heavenly breathing method"

So far I've got the gentle fist and some variations of the eight trigrams under my belt.

"Ok brats today is the day we separate the strong from the weak. Every kid in your grade would be fighting. This is an event that happens every year, it is to gauge your progress and you would earn the title of strongest genei of your year."

"Is he serious we gonna fight"

"I think he is"

"You two shut up, as the future Hokage I'm gonna win"

"Not on your life, have you forgotten we got a clan kid in our class"

"Hmph he just a loser and loner"

'All these kids are good for my entertainment, might as well get a work out done' The teacher then proceeded to tell us to line up and he took us out to the field. There we met kids from the other grades, and I saw an interesting face, Neji, Lee, tenten, and the kid from the Hyuga, Uchiha clan tournament. I felt my blood boil but I soon calmed after releasing I can't fight kids younger than me. I know I'm going to have fun anyway

Standing on the podium the teachers from all 4 classes start to explain the rules, you can only win by knockout or admit defeat. First, there would be a match between the child of the same class and the best of those classes would face the best of the other class.

"Ok class D go first to match Thunder Uchiha Vs Kisimoto"

They both did the peace sign before the match. The teacher raises his hands "FIGHT"

Thunder flickers forward with amazon speed, punching to Kisimoto's necks. His eyes opened wide and he was barely able to dodge but it was thanks to instinct. "Hmpt a lowly civilian kid thinks he can stand up to me" As thunder speaks, Kishimoto's emotion is noticeably gotten out of control. In a fit of rage, he dashes forward only to be knocked out with one punch. 'That was predictable but I must admit that Kishimoto kid got great instinct.' The rest of block D went to Thunder Uchiha, nobody put up a fight. For block, C goes to my old frenemy Giovanni Hyuga after he beat all the civilian kids and a fun Uchiha who are trash, and block B goes to the civilian kid who I got my eye on for my crew. He is studying under one of the researchers at the Konoha ninja research facility. For block A, of course, I won, it wasn't even a contest. My basic strength passes normal academy students.

After my match the teacher came to the middle of the field "The top 4, best academy students are Thunder Uhicha, Govanii Hyuga, York, and lastly Yamato Hyuga. Now for the semi-final

Thunder Uchiha VS Govanii Hyuga

York VS Yamato Hyuga"