
Naruto World: Acquiring the Dung Fruit and Joining the Second War

Chiba, a traveler from the real world, found himself mysteriously transported to the ninja world of Naruto. In this new realm, he stumbled upon a peculiar fruit known as the Dung Fruit, granting him the extraordinary ability to mimic any attribute of ninjutsu. It was during the midst of the Second Ninja World War that Chiba decided to join the battle. Encountering a vast army of Sand Shinobi, he cleverly replicated Uchiha Madara's devastating Meteorite Skyfall Technique. However, instead of summoning actual meteors, Chiba conjured a whimsical trick involving a deluge of manure-infused water, drenching the enemy forces in thousands of gallons of filth. Recognizing Chiba's abilities, the Sand Shinobi Village was forced to relocate. Hanzo, upon hearing of Chiba's powers, promptly surrendered. Back in Konoha, the Third Hokage retreated into seclusion, contemplating the implications of Chiba's overwhelming abilities. Danzo, a high-ranking figure in Konoha, trembled in fear at the mere sight of Chiba, and Orochimaru, one of the series' notorious villains, dared not utter a word in Chiba's presence. Despite the chaos caused by his powers, Chiba himself felt a sense of emptiness. In an attempt to alleviate this feeling, he decided to take a leisurely stroll through the village. Unbeknownst to him, his presence alone sent the entire village of Konoha into a frenzy of excitement and anticipation. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

The Cesspit Explodes, Homura Goes To Heaven

Chapter 16: The Cesspit Explodes, Homura Goes To Heaven

Due to the news of the supply station being bombed, his constipation worsened.

Not long ago, after delegating some tasks related to the reconstruction of the supply station to Danzo, Mitokado Homura returned to his residence and entered the hut, determined to make an effort to relieve himself.

He understood that this required concentration and a consistent effort, or else it would be quite difficult.

After spending a long time in the hut, Mitokado Homura finally felt a sense of relief and began to exert pressure.

When a person is straining during the process of defecation, they hardly pay attention to the sounds from the outside world.

It was precisely at this moment, Chiba arrived at the corner outside the wall that separated him from the hut.

At that moment, Mitokado Homura was fully focused and completely unaware of a person standing outside the wall.

Chiba observed from the corner for a while but saw no signs of movement. Then, he activated his ability.


Mitokado Homura was left dumbfounded. He never expected that the feces in the pit would explode before he had a chance to evacuate.

A large amount of excrement sprayed out of the pit, directly hitting Mitokado Homura, who was still in a squatting position...

"What the f**k! What on earth happened?"

These were two different voices—one from the figure in mid-air and the other from Chiba in the corner.

Being propelled into the air, Mitokado Homura remained in the same position.

It wasn't that he couldn't change his position, but he didn't dare to.

Covered in excrement, Mitokado Homura didn't dare to move.

Meanwhile, outside the wall, Chiba witnessed the human-shaped excrement being propelled into the air and panicked.

In the next moment, all the other excrement, except for the human-shaped one, condensed together.

"Compression! Recompression!"

Chiba urgently urged in his mind.


The human-shaped excrement fell to the ground, splattering excrement all over the floor.

At the same time, Chiba, outside the wall, grabbed the dung beans and ran away, not daring to look back.

In the courtyard near the garbage dump...

After returning to the yard, Chiba locked the gate at the entrance.

Back inside the house, he removed his mask and let out a long breath.

"I wonder what happened to that person just now? What if he fell and got seriously injured? I really didn't mean to..."

Recalling the scene just now, Chiba felt frustrated.

He truly didn't expect that something like this would happen despite his carefulness.

"The person was thrown about three meters high. If he landed on his butt, he shouldn't have suffered fatal injuries, right?"

Reflecting on the posture of the figure in mid-air, Chiba mumbled to himself.

Based on his estimation, when a person jumps from a height of more than three meters, there is a high chance they won't die. Moreover, the figure covered in excrement maintained the posture of defecating.

If the person landed on their buttocks, which were covered in a thick layer of excrement, they should be fine. That was the conclusion Chiba arrived at.

Regaining his composure, he eagerly opened the properties panel.

[Host: Chiba]

[Fruit: Dung Fruit (a fruit condensed from the essence of various types of dung)]

[Fruit description: Can control and manipulate all biological feces and excrement]

[Initial fruit ability (upgradable): Five Grains Reincarnation: control feces in all living beings]

[Imitation ability: None (chakra required to activate)]

[Basic Dung Fist (upgradable): Manipulate excrement to form fists for attacking enemies; up to ten dung fists can be formed simultaneously]

[Septic Tank (infinite space): A dedicated space for storing excrement; through mental concentration, gather excrement within a 100-meter radius and store it using the mouth]

[Dung Points (1 ton of excrement = 1 dung point): 92.55]

[Available Chakra Amount (upgradable): 0/0]


Seeing the dung points rise to over 90, Chiba became incredibly excited, almost jumping up in joy.

Then, he noticed three more upgradable prompts on the panel.

Undoubtedly, this meant that these three abilities could be improved.

"The first one is the upgrade for the initial fruit ability. It should make the Five Grains Reincarnation ability even stronger!"

Chiba made a mental note.

The Five Grains Reincarnation ability allowed him to control the excrement around him. However, he didn't immediately upgrade it and instead focused on the second upgradable ability.

"The Basic Dung Fist—if upgraded, it should become an Intermediate Dung Fist, with the ability to form even more fists."

Muttering to himself, Chiba's gaze fell on the last upgradable option: Chakra quantity.

"Let's upgrade the Chakra first..."

With that in mind, Chiba selected the Chakra upgrade.

His finger pointed at the illusory screen, filled with anticipation.

In the next moment, the original 92.55 dung points decreased slightly to 91.55.

[Available Chakra Amount (upgradable): 10/10]

Observing this, Chiba raised his head.

[Imitation ability: E (this level of ninjutsu is accessible to all ninjas)]

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