
Naruto World: Acquiring the Dung Fruit and Joining the Second War

Chiba, a traveler from the real world, found himself mysteriously transported to the ninja world of Naruto. In this new realm, he stumbled upon a peculiar fruit known as the Dung Fruit, granting him the extraordinary ability to mimic any attribute of ninjutsu. It was during the midst of the Second Ninja World War that Chiba decided to join the battle. Encountering a vast army of Sand Shinobi, he cleverly replicated Uchiha Madara's devastating Meteorite Skyfall Technique. However, instead of summoning actual meteors, Chiba conjured a whimsical trick involving a deluge of manure-infused water, drenching the enemy forces in thousands of gallons of filth. Recognizing Chiba's abilities, the Sand Shinobi Village was forced to relocate. Hanzo, upon hearing of Chiba's powers, promptly surrendered. Back in Konoha, the Third Hokage retreated into seclusion, contemplating the implications of Chiba's overwhelming abilities. Danzo, a high-ranking figure in Konoha, trembled in fear at the mere sight of Chiba, and Orochimaru, one of the series' notorious villains, dared not utter a word in Chiba's presence. Despite the chaos caused by his powers, Chiba himself felt a sense of emptiness. In an attempt to alleviate this feeling, he decided to take a leisurely stroll through the village. Unbeknownst to him, his presence alone sent the entire village of Konoha into a frenzy of excitement and anticipation. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Confused, Ready To Go

Chapter 18: Confused, Ready To Go

Scanning the attribute panel, a feeling of "invincibility" surged within Chiba's heart.

It was a complete transformation from his previous mindset of imitating E-rank ninjutsu. Now, he could imitate all A-rank ninjutsu.

He finally possessed the courage to dominate and overcome all enemies in the world. Next, it was time to test his true strength.

In the next moment, Chiba's demeanor changed. His expression became indifferent and arrogant, resembling a peerless powerhouse, born to look down upon all enemies in the world.

"With my current strength, what are mere ninjutsu?"

With his hands behind his back, Chiba gazed up at the night sky and spoke lightly.

Unfortunately, there was no audience to witness his grandeur, so he could only pretend to address the air.

"Bring it on!"

With a single thought, his ability was activated.

Fire Style - Great Fireball Technique!

In an instant, Chiba felt a surge in his throat, and a large amount of "olli" gushed out.

Within a breath's time, a massive dung ball with a diameter of approximately five meters appeared before his eyes.


As soon as it materialized, the dung ball rapidly rolled forward at an astonishing speed.


The wall of the yard shattered into pieces instantly, but it did not seem to impede the momentum of the colossal dung ball.

The enormous dung ball rolled out of the yard, making a "Gululu" sound as it headed toward the garbage dump.

Seeing this sight, Chiba's face turned green. He could accept the collapsed wall, but the dung ball had crushed the entire structure into broken soil. How would he rebuild it?


With a wave of his palm toward the void, the huge dung ball came to an abrupt halt.

Chiba's ability allowed him to control feces, so as long as it was excrement, it was under his command.

"Forget it, the wall can collapse."

Comforting himself, he accepted this fact.

In the ninja world, he was majestic and invincible, the emperor of feces. Why would he care about a mere wall?

"Since this dung ball is so big, it's the perfect time to try the Rasengan..."

Gazing at the dung ball, Chiba activated his imitation ability once again.



The immense dung ball began to spin rapidly, almost like it was flying.

But…as the dung ball rotated, a dense hail of dung particles was thrown out.


Before he could finish his words, Chiba was directly smeared with excrement.


Early the next morning, inside the Hokage Building's office.

The Third Hokage was going over a list with Danzo.

"That's the complete list. Once confirmed, they can leave at any time."

This list was Danzo's best combination for defense, taking into account the abilities of ninjas from various backgrounds. They would be stationed around the rebuilding supply station.

"Alright, these are the ones."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded without any objections.

To his slight surprise, Chiba's name appeared on the supply list again. However, Hiruzen did not object. On the contrary, he agreed with Danzo's arrangement in his heart.


Suddenly, a figure walked into the office with a blank expression on his face.


Upon seeing the person, Hiruzen and Danzo exchanged glances.

Mitokado Homura was a senior member of the decision-making group, and he rarely displayed such a vacant expression.

"It seems like something went wrong."

The thought involuntarily crossed their minds.

"Chiba has to leave the village today."

Mitokado got straight to the point as soon as he spoke, leaving Hiruzen and Danzo taken aback.

Before they could ask for further details, Homura turned and left.

"It appears that Chiba has caused trouble..."

Danzo spoke quietly as if he knew something.

"Huh? You're aware of it?"


When questioned by Hiruzen, Danzo cleared his throat twice. Subsequently, he revealed the information his subordinates had reported to him last night.

"One of my subordinates was off duty last night and happened to see Mitokado in the public bath."

"And then?"

"And then? At that time, Mitokado was covered in feces!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

Back at his residence, Mitokado Homura was still fuming with anger.

He never expected that he, a seasoned warrior and a high-ranking village official, would fall victim to someone like Chiba.

In the entire village, the only one capable of controlling excrement was undoubtedly Chiba, the feces manipulator.


At that moment, Mito Fujiki approached, fully dressed in ninja attire.

Upon hearing his son's voice, Homura snapped out of his thoughts. After glancing at Fujiki's outfit, he nodded.

"Fujiki, don't blame me for assigning you to the supply station. You lack experience. Go to Supply Station No. 1 first and learn from others' experiences."

He earnestly instructed his son, a rare fatherly smile appearing on Homura's face.

"Yes, Father!"

Fujiki humbly responded, earning multiple nods from Homura.

Although Homura held a high position in the village, he had only one son. Therefore, he was reluctant to send him to the front lines of the border. After all, his son was now a Chunin.

"Hmm? That's right!"

Suddenly, a glimmer of realization sparkled in Homura's eyes.

His son, Fujiki, would soon be stationed at Supply Station No. 1, and it seemed that Chiba was also headed there to deliver supplies.

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