
Naruto with Dating Sim

Have you thought if Naruto parents lived and he got himself a dating sim, while watch Ichino who was re born in Naruto world with an dating sim. The Image belong to original Artist. I am just using it. Hello guys this will be a long novel with different story line than original Naruto and there will be different world, different enemy, different competition and all. It will be really awesome one if you hang in there while there will be new character and all so that is why I said it will be a new world.

Rich_ael_mano · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2. Training.

"I don't remember anything for the last 9 years, but this 9Th birthday, my memory of meeting god and all the Incident with Ninetail came back as clear as day."

"Hello guy, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, the Konoha strongest Hero."

"Naruto, it's getting a late wake-up already." Kushina's voice came as Naruto opened his eyes and touched his left eye, while he jumped down from the bed as he jogged down.

"Naru- Eh my baby had already come down without mother help." Kushina doted on Naruto while Naruto almost cried but still had a smile as he spoke: "Of course, since I am an adult from now on, and my dad said he will train for becoming a great shinobi too."

"I heard you, little hero let me give you this as my gift for you." As he retrieved the scroll and placed it on Naruto's hand while he said: "I will reseal few things for you know and for other, you had to become stronger and reseal them one by one yourself."

By dripping blood he drew a sign and a set of Kunai and shuriken came out while the design of Kunai was in shape as his personal set.

"Oh! that's so cool dad, I wanna try something like that in the future." Naruto admires the scroll as he picked up the kunai and felt weird.

[Ding! Dating System Binding.]

[1% 20% 30% 90% 100%]

[Welcome Issei to Naruto world and Dating Sim.]

Naruto looked at the screen as he smiled more cheekily while he felt this kunai set was different.

Soon they finished their breakfast and Minato took Naruto to the training ground where he uses to practice in the wood of Konoha.

"I'll teach you shuriken and Kunai throw, basic of every Basic." Minato smiled while a shadow came from behind and Obito was coming toward them while Naruto called out, "Uncle Obito."

"Hello there little Hero, why not let me teach you, is that fine Naruto." As Minato smiled while Naruto jumped and shouted: "Alright but you have to stay here as long as I practice."

"Obviously I will." Obito smiled as Minato clone disappeared, while Naruto looked back and said: "Father sure is fast, I never saw him leave."

Minato somewhere was sitting cross-legged as he tried to sense, Natural Energy, or should be called Sage Chakra.

Obito smiled as he opened his Mangekyo Sharingan and stared at Ninja in the wood who were scared as they all scattered and ran away.

As Obito murmured "I will protect this little guy no matter what, whoever touches him will only die, that is I vowed for at that day since I ow this little guy a lot."

Obito smiled as he asked, "How does my eye look little Naruto."

"Wow, they are beautiful uncle Obito, what is that and can I have the same eyes as you if I practice hard." Naruto asked as he looked at Magekyo Sharingan and smiled, while Obito shook his head and said: "No you will have a more beautiful eye than this one."

Naruto recalled God saying that he will acquire Sharingan too in his left eye and will develop to Rinegan in the future.

Obito showed him how to use Kunai and shuriken as he sat at the tree side while watching Naruto and kept a high vigilance for the other shinobi, as he pressures them more to move more back.


Soon they moved home as he was carried by Obito on his shoulder while Naruto was sleeping soundly since he collapsed as he trained to the bitter end, while Obito used his chakra to eliminate the hidden Injuries.

Waking up he saw Kushina smiling at them and Naruto cheered up and jumped full of energy since half Kyuubi was sealed inside him which was the reason for his fast recovery, as a normal child would take a goodnight sleep, while he took only half an hour to recover completely.

Soon after eating the Dinner Naruto asleep while Minato and Obito came in while Obito's eyes changed and Minato along with Obito came into the sealed area, where the water was flowing in a structure like a tunnel while a huge cage had trapped the Nine tail beast.

"Hmm! Minato he-he is that you." Kyuubi spoke.

"Hello, Kyuubi it has been a long time since I met this side of you, isn't it." Minato smiled while Obito opened his Sharingan while he smiled and asked: "I had a deal, and a suggestion with the only the word 'Madara.' he is back and a gang of top shinobi will be hunting down Junchiriki to rebirth Ten-tail back."

"How you can be so sure," Ninetail asked as he hesitated a little.

"Since I was going to lead that team, and I had switched my motto and now I am protecting this child."

"Oh, then what do you want from me," Kyuubi asked.

"Nothing just want you to not to hold back his chakra and provide him support while, I am 24 hour around him so never think that you can do something wrong to this boy and even if you run, I guarantee that Madara will get you back, at that moment you might regret this decision."

"While this kid had left eye of Madra and he get your full support, He-he as his teacher I can say he will surpass even old man of your, then what can Madara do about it."

...This brat you said...

...Fine i will believe this once and see what can this kid can bring me...

Next morning Naruto find his body really light and he was able to control chakra more freely too.

Rushing down he bite his bread and Drank his milk "Mom, more milk please."

"here, you go my boy, this morning you woke up early without me, it seem my boy had grown up." As Kushina kissed his face as she smile and Naruto blush as he contored "I am grown up now mom, bye and love you."

"Bye sweety, see you soon." Kushina smiled as she saw Obito nodding and took Naruto as he dashed into blurr.

On the training ground, Naruto saw a girl throwing kunai as she practiced and she had a black hair long and silky with brown black sharp eyes and slim body with well developed figure.

Only thing shocking was her sign on her back which represent Uchiha.

Uchiha Kirin.