
Naruto with Curse Techniques

Hey Guys! This Fanfic is about Naruto getting JJK's Curse Techniques, Is it Reincarnation? No Is there a System? No Does MC Know the Plot of Naruto? No Does he know about Curse Techniques? No This is our OG Naruto who gained Curse Techniques and his lifestyle and Personality will be different, That's All If that much synopsis is interesting enough then give it a try ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Chapter drop rate will be 6 or 7 Chapter's a week 100 Power Stone = 1 Bonus Chapter 5 Reviews = 1 Bonus Chapter

Asura_7uh · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 : Prepare

He took Gato out of his Shadow and sprinted to Tazuna's House while having Gato on his shoulder because he didn't want to reveal his Shadow Technique to his Team


Naruto barged into the door and everyone were eating even Naruto's Clone, Everyone looked at Both Naruto present, Seeing the Original Naruto the Clone Naruto proceeded to eat the Biggest chunk of food but Naruto undone the Jutsu as soon as the food reached his lips and food fell in the Bowl

"Naruto!, Is that Gato on your Back?"

Everyone stood from the Dining and looked at Naruto


Naruto put Gato on the Ground and walked towards the Dining as he hadn't eaten anything from the Afternoon

"Naruto, Like Ho-Wh What is this? Why is Gato with you?"

Sakura was showing the most expression at this point because others were still processing this development

"Oh! At first, I just found that there was a Big house in this Village which was weird because everyone is so poor in this place so I went to check and found that it was the House of this Guy, So I just Jumped Him"

Naruto while eating told them his normal tale of Abducting the Richest Man in The World

"Naruto, You moved without having a word with me?"

Kakashi had an angry look, He got scared of thinking about the possibility of Naruto being abducted for being a Jinchuriki, Even though very few people outside the Village knew about it, But there was always a possibility of that

"Sorry, But I just went there out of Curiosity, But when I saw him and knew the fact that this Guy is the cause of all the Misery this Village is going through I just couldn't stop Myself, But I didn't beat him up but bring him here to think of what to do with him"

Kakashi was Staring at Naruto, Kakashi had been going around and keeping an on things around this place but he hadn't seen a House big as Naruto was saying around here, Kakashi had been suspecting Naruto's Vision as he spotted Zabuza in the woods much more quickly than him and also could tell which one is Clone and Real But there was no point in asking because Naruto is from Uzumaki and Namikaze Clan and none of them possess any Ocular Dojutsu

Kakashi took Gato to an Empty Room and Team 7 followed him, But Naruto kept eating, a Kid was staring at him throughout this whole conversation, It was Inari, The Grandson of Tazuna, Since the day he saw Team 7 he pictured them dead because that is what happens when you go against Gato but now he is seeing Gato being tied up in the rope and It was all done by someone much younger than the one he pictured as a Hero, His Dad

"You think bringing him here will solve something, His Goons will come here following him and then they will kill all of us!" 

Inari had faint signs of tears in his eyes, He didn't want to see his Family or anyone dead, He had seen someone trying to live with their head held high and it was chopped off right in front of him

"Nope! I got nothing for you, All I know is that now we will have answers from Gato and then cut the deals he made with other Shinobis to kill Mr. Tazuna, With that everything will be fine and we will"

Naruto finished eating and went to the Room where Team 7 was with Gato, He didn't wait for Inari's response

"What?, He isn't awake yet?"

Naruto entered and saw Gato lying on the Ground with his hands and legs tied up and . . . He is Sleeping in this Condition

"Did I hit him too Hard?"

Naruto started questioning his actions, He did punch him but it was only enough to faint him, Kakashi used a Kunai and poked Gato in his Thigh which got him to react, The pain woke him but he was angry about his condition but got a reality check by Kakashi after some slaps, After some mild torture he started behaving like a kid, answering every question he was asked

The team got Info that Gato had ordered some Shinobis to attack this place and the bridge

Kakashi started asking more questions about when they would attack but Gato refused to answer, It was stupid of Gato to give the Info about the attackers he ordered but not telling when they would attack, because he obviously knows, Kakashi went up a level with torture which made him confess that they will attack tomorrow, Kakashi wanted to know about there current location, But they've only contacted through Radio till now which was a Lie but that was the only thing he kept from them successfully

If Zabuza were to kill them, He would be saved from these guys so giving these guys any more advantage than the fact that he is coming is already a bug thing so any more would put his survival in even more danger

After giving the last piece of Information Gato fainted and everyone went to sleep except Team 7 they slept in turns in Pairs as there was a possibility of an attack, Now that it was clear that Zabuza was Alive, they had to be extra careful, For the next day, Kakashi chose to keep Sakura and Sasuke at the House with Inari and his Mother, While Kakashi took Naruto with him to the Bridge, Sasuke wanted to go with them but it was obvious that Naruto was much more useful in the fight

Sasuke stayed behind unwillingly, He was left to fight some no-name Shinobis while Naruto got to fight an A-Rank Shinobi, While Naruto is a Genin, It was infuriating, But by the time from the Academy he has come to admit and acknowledge Naruto's Talent, But he was never going to stop trying to surpass him, Naruto was a stepping stone for him to gain the power to beat his Brother

Kakashi praised Naruto for Bringing Gato, It was very helpful to have this information

They're taking Tazuna with them because if the Attackers don't see him, They will just go toward the House to look for Tazuna, Kakashi wanted to end this fight on this Bridge








Can someone learn Wood-Style by Training?

I think it's exclusive unless you have Hashirama's Genes or the Chakra Reserve like Naruto and Chakra Control like Naruto (Because of the Six Eyes)

Wouldn't it be possible?