
He grant your wish

"Dude there goes my first kiss" I wake up in a freaking huge room, all white, not even a dot of color here except myself.

"White means goodness right, well at least I go straight to heaven" I talk to myself, feel happy that God quite just to me, but suddenly I hear somebody talk to me.

"Who said that you are in the heaven, although you are not a brutal sinner, you are far from enough to get a ticket to heaven" a light shape into human from, but I can't see his feature clearly.

"Are you the God sir?" I stare blankly to the light not knowing what to do.

"Who said you have the right to meet the God, you think too highly of yourself kid."

"Damn light you are the over proud one, is it gonna hurt you to be nicer a little bit?" I don't know how to reply so I just grump inside.

"Aren't you cute? you even dare swear at me, hahaha kid you better behave yourself, or I can't be happier to kick you to the hell"

"Well hello kind light sir, what actually happen to me?" I ask while try to give my best smile.

"You are dead" he answers shortly and then keep silent.

After a silent interval of tens of minutes, I muster up my courage to ask once again, "Sir why you summon me"

"Who said I am the one who bring you here?" he answers shortly and then keep silent.

I perplex, how should I face this situation. He can read my mind; I can't curse at him either.

"Sir what is this place?" I ask again but this time my smile turn weird as he annoyed me a lot.

"Afterlife" he answers shortly and then keep silent.

"Enough, you damn light, I am already died once so I don't afraid of you, if you just gonna stand there silently, it is better you go away and leave me alone. If you have a purpose, you better explain it to me know. You are not the God you said, so why I should respect you, speak clearly, don't waste my time. If you keep silent after this I'll just go sleep, that what I can do the best." I scream out of

lung, feel so vexed

Who could be so patient after just died a moment ago, and then facing a weird thing like this?

"Kid that's not cute anymore, okay I too am busy, I'll explain to you the God judgement for you." he answers a little shortly and then keep silent, again.

That's it I am tired of him, I lay my self on the ground, and close my eyes.

After a long while, he the one who start to speak "So the God think as you don't deserve the heaven yet, He will give you another chance"

I hear him, since weirdly I can't put my self into sleep like usual. Back then when I am still life, laying

for a minute or so enough to put myself. But I give know reaction.

After another long while, once again he speaks to me "God will grant you a new life in a difference world"

Seeing I don't give respond he, after another long while, start to speak again "After you born and then speak your first word, your previous life memory will be back".

I still put dead still act giving zero response.

"You may choose the world you will be born into" I let him talk to himself.

Now the interval between his speak getting shorter "Depend on the world you will born; you will get related skill and capability"

This time to I don't move even a finger, I let him feel what I felt before.

"Enough, you damn soul, this not just your first time to died, it is also my first time to guide a soul. You think this easy? I am so nervous that I couldn't sleep last night. Why the hell you put act like this? ignoring me and being so rude, do you really want to have a vacation in hell? He screams out of lung just like me before, but his scream was accompanied by thunder and earthquake. If I wasn't dead, I am gonna shit my pants.

"Kid let finish this quickly, or else my urge to dissipate your soul can't be hold any more" he marches forward getting nearer to me.

I wake up and once again my best smile blooming "So kind light sir, I am getting to reincarnate?"

"Yes, didn't that what you ask The God the moment you died? So, what world you want to be reborn?"

Now the conversation pace normal, I too act respectfully to him "May you explain the possible choices sir?

"You can choose to back to your original world, or any kind of world you ever heard in your life, like from fairy tale, novel, legend, or even manga" now our distance is only half meter, it is so bright I can't even open my eyes anymore.

"Well I will choose Naruto world, you know? Naruto manga, and what about the skill you talk about before." Of course, I am choosing Naruto since I am a fan, I know the story line, and I love to test Japanese like culture life.

His tone getting more pleasant to my hear "Since you chose that world mean, you will get the Ninja skill of course"

"God tell me to listen to some of you request, so tell me what skill you want?" God this getting nice, now he even speaks faster than me.

I think for a while, also I am gonna have a new life, I love the way I live before, yes, I am a lazy bum to the core. To be a lazy bum in Naruto world would be hard, since it is all about the strong kill the weak. Naruto world is about chakra, so I must have immense chakra, I will be an Uzumaki, they have a huge reserve of chakra, and it's also mean I kind of family to Naruto so he gotta take care of me, yes lazy bum life mission will be accomplished. Ask for to be a jinchuriki? dude why should I want to in the prey list such strong people in Akatsuki?

"Kind light sir I want to be born as an Uzumaki" ask politely to make him happy. " Also, I want to have a skill to be ethereal like in a game call skyrim" suddenly I remember a game skill which with this skill no jutsu gonna hit.

Wait what about genjutsu like Itachi move? "Sir if I may I want to have Professor X of X-Men series skill, his telepathy skill."

"You sure a greedy one kid. Sure, whatever in the name of God I grant your three requests, now get out of my sight" a form of hand touch my forehead and some sort light get into my body.

"Thank you sir, good luck with the next soul" I smile to him sincerely.