
Naruto: Whirlpool Chronicles

Suddenly, a young boy finds himself within a web of corruption and lies; his only way out is death. Follow along in his story on how he got reborn from Zero to Hiro

Chino_Kitsune · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


Hiro was eager to begin his training and had packed everything he needed for an overnight stay. However, he learned that his grandfather was busy preparing for his sister Mito's visit. As a result, Hiro's parents would be the ones to train him. His father would teach him the basics of taijutsu, while his mother would instruct him in chakra control and calligraphy. Hiro would also begin his training in Fuinjutsu.

The Uzumaki compound transformed into a dojo of harmony as Hiro's father, Takeshi, a stalwart figure with years of combat experience, took charge of his taijutsu training. The air resonated with the rhythmic cadence of punches and kicks as Hiro immersed himself in the basics of hand-to-hand combat.

Takeshi: (encouraging) Balance is key, Hiro. Let your movements flow with the rhythm of your breath.

Under the watchful eye of Takeshi, Hiro's limbs became extensions of his will, and his eyes a vessel for the essence of resilience.

As The dance of combat unfolded Takeshi forced Hiro to surrender and then after surrendering continued to attack, to show Hiro the true cruelty of the ninja world.

As Hiro's training progressed, Takeshi decided to test his son's skills by pretending to kill him. The training ground echoed with the sounds of their movements, a symphony of father and son engaged in the dance of battle.

Takeshi: (firmly) Remember, Hiro, a true ninja adapts and evolves. He attached a sealing tag to Hiro casting him in a genjutsu "Uzumaki Sealing Art: Shi no Jōkōin" [Veil of Death]

The atmosphere thickened with tension as the illusion unfolded, revealing the true cruelty of the ninja world. Takeshi's actions sought to instill in Hiro the harsh reality that adaptation and resilience were crucial, even in the face of apparent defeat.

Hiro's POV: Damn my dad is brutal first he continued to beat me after I surrendered and is still putting up a fight.

Ohhhh no!!!, as I saw my dad take out a kunai and run up to me. I stood up in fear as soon he stabbed me

Damn and just like that the story of Hiro is over, As Hiro's body was suddenly falling to the ground.

Takeshi, momentarily caught off guard, stumbled but quickly recovered. As he dashed to catch Hiro in mid-air. But all of a sudden the seal placed on Hiro began to glow as if it was being overloaded with chakra, and a chain flew out of his back

Takeshi: (grinning) Hiro. To think you not only unlock your chakra but also the clan's kekkei genkai so early.

Yet, hidden beneath Hiro's youthful exterior was a secret he chose not to reveal — the sudden rush of memories from Earth. A shadow hidden within the dance of combat. As his eyes shot open another chain flew out. Trying to attack his father.

Takeshi: (proud) Threw Hiro in the air and reached for a kunai to block the chain's impact.

However, the true revelation came as the chains, infused with Hiro's chakra, held Takeshi in place. The chains, like ethereal serpents, posed to attack. In a final burst of energy, Hiro's last reserves of chakra fueled the chains' assault.

Takeshi, now intrigued, stood with his guard up, ready for the next move. The chains ambushed him from behind, dragging Hiro's unconscious body like a ragdoll. As Hiro's chakra entered Takeshi's system, it momentarily held him in place. The chains, having served their purpose, withered away as Hiro's chakra depleted.

The unexpected display of the Uzumaki Kekkei Genkai marked a pivotal moment in Hiro's training.