
Naruto: Whirlpool Chronicles

Suddenly, a young boy finds himself within a web of corruption and lies; his only way out is death. Follow along in his story on how he got reborn from Zero to Hiro

Chino_Kitsune · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Spiral of Rebirth

In a distant realm, Zero, a young soul, meets an untimely demise. Instead of journeying to the afterlife, he finds himself in a strangely familiar place in a dark water place.

To his amazement, Zero soon discovers he has been granted a second chance at life through reincarnation. The dark water realm acts as a gateway to a new existence, but the destination remains mysterious. A profound curiosity overtakes Zero as he embarks on a journey through the watery portal, propelled by the current of destiny.

WAYUERRRRRHHHH!!!!!-he cried

Nurse: Congratulations, it's a BOY!

The room is filled with a mix of excitement and relief. The parents exchange glances, their faces beaming with joy.

Mother: (teary-eyed) A boy... our precious little boy.

The nurse turns around, revealing herself to be the same caregiver who attended to their newborn during the first few minutes of his life.

Nurse: (smiling warmly) You have a beautiful son. Look at those bright eyes, full of wonder.

The baby, now named Hiro, gazes at his mother in awe, seemingly captivated by her striking appearance.

Mother: (softly) Hiro, our little miracle.

The nurse carefully places Hiro into his mother's arms, and as she holds him, tears of joy well up in her eyes.

Mother: (whispering) He's perfect, just perfect.

The father, overwhelmed by the emotions of the moment, looks on with pride and love.

Father: (choked up) We're a family now, a complete family.

Together, the new family shares a moment of pure happiness and love, the promise of a bright future shimmering in their hearts.

Father: (laughing) Look at him! He's already reaching for me.

Hiro, with tiny outstretched arms, tries to grab his father's finger. The room fills with laughter.

Father: (playfully) From now on, you will be known as Hiro Uzumaki, the heir of the clan.

Just as the family revels in the joy of the moment, Hiro makes a sound, a mix of curiosity and surprise.

Hiro: Waaaaaaahh!

His cry echoes in the room, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Hiro in the world of Naruto and the legendary Uzumaki clan.

Hiro's Thoughts: (panicking) I'm in the world of Naruto and, even worse, a member of the UZUMAKI CLAN, the same clan destined for DESTRUCTION!