
Naruto:Village hidden in the shadows ( Kagegakure ) [ Hiatus ]

Top assassian gets reincarnated in Naruto and he thrives to create a village. Warning: There are new clans,Newland and mostly a new village. New Character will be introduced. It starts in Warring era. Mc is gonna be solo from no clan. No Harem. Mc is gonna create his own village. .

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12 Chs



* Splat *

Blood gush out of one of the snake's body as I slash it with my dagger which I summoned again

I look at another snake which was also attacking me falling back

I don't let it fall back and try to slash it but get stopped by another snake

" Tch How persistent "

I clicked my tounge and comment on how determined the snakes were to kill me

3 snakes comes from three sides but I slash them and kill all of them

" Just one left "

I say as a smirk forms in my face

" Hsssss "

The snake hssss and tries to catch me with its tail but I dodge it by jumping

I change my position in mid air [ Which I don't know how i can but still ]

And throw my dagger

* Splat *

Large amount of blood comes from the snakes head

I finally killed them all


In a forest you could see a young boy staring at the night sky

The boy is sitting in a log of wood and side of him is big piecies of meat being cooked in a camp fire

" The night... The sky....The stars...so beautiful "

The boy say aloud commenting the beauty of the nature


" I love this darkness....My name in this world will be Yami "

As the boy say this large amount of dark aura comes from the boy but it dissapears in a instant


Mc PoV

" The night... The sky....The stars....so beautiful "

I say commenting the beauty of nature

I then start thinking of the night in my world and could not help but sigh as I remember about all the pollutions and disasters caused by humans to the nature.

I start thinking of my name in this world.....

Something that represents the



" I love this darkness.... My name in this world will be Yami "

I feel my power increase but it all goes in a instant

I then start eating my food....

And sleep in this dark night....


Timeskip to 2 week

Mc PoV

It's been 2 week since I have come in this world

And for two weeks I have not seen a single human nor I have come out of this god damn forest

I have also found few things about me myself and my powers

First is My body is more stronger than my previous up to the level that this body could be supernatural

Which I kinda expected as in the show....

I also found out that I don't need to use handsign to use my dark release

I just need to concentrate on my chakra

My Chakra is also of different colur

My chakra is more stronger than normal chakra

But not up to tailed beast chakra though....

I can also condense my darkness in my blades

I can also telepathically control my blades

I also have editec memory of my previpus life

Seems like Will gave me some good gifts huh

* Crash *

I fall into the ground unable to stand in the tree

I am currently doing tree running chakra control exercise

I am now trying to control my Chakra because Eventhough I have a unique release won't mean shit when I can't control my chakra and most of it will only go to waste....

I only started training today cause

I was training in my dagger skills and

My unique release and felt the need to do this because

I was loosing my chakra faster when using dark release


Timeskip to 2 week again.....

Mc PoV

" Ha ha ha finally I can do this "

I say as I fall into the ground due to exhaution

I then rest for a while

Stand up and look in front of me and see a large boulder cut in two halves perfectly