
Naruto: Uzushio’s Pride

Shiran finds himself reincarnated in a world he is familiar with, yet, not completely. Watch his journey as he perfects his gifts and protects the people and land he has in his new life. Will he sit on the level of Hashirama, Madara, Naruto, and Sasuke or will he fall short and die before he can get there? AU Uzumaki Clan, Original Jutsus, and Seals. Takes place in Minato's generation. This is also a slow burn. (All pictures, jutsu, seals, clans, etc. are in the auxiliary chapter)

ABunds899 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Training Kagura

"Alright, we'll go to training area 79 and then we'll get started on training the Mind's Eye that you possess," Haru said as he started running towards the field at a genin-level.

(A/N: the farther the training field number is from 1, the more secluded they are.)

I nodded and also started running that way, keeping up with my dad as we went.

'I'm considering how to train this new ability. Having it active all the time might overwhelm my brain, at least for now. So, I'm thinking of gradually exposing myself to the stimulation, increasing it each day until I push past my limits. That might be a good starting point.' I nodded to myself, thinking that it was probably a good plan of action, especially considering how my body is able to adapt really well to everything.

"Alright, look alive Shiran, we're almost there," Haru shot over his shoulders towards Shiran, who seemed a little lost in his thoughts.

As they landed in training ground 79, I looked around to scope out the area and get a baseline of the area we would be training in.

'We went out of our way to come all the way out here to a training ground that is basically on the edge of the village. I guess this training is either very intensive or secretive. Maybe both?'

"I'm sure you're wondering why we came all the way out here to train, right? Well, I'll tell you, it's because we need an area with as little stimulation as possible, and we weren't going to get that being anywhere near the village, at least for the time being. Once we can get a handle on how you can shut the Mind's Eye on and off, we'll start the real training."

I nodded my head and focused back on that strange sensation that it left in my head and immediately could see bright vivid colors and different flowing lights all while my mind was open and my eyes were closed.

'The difference this time seems to be only an unbearable headache instead of the kunai-like pain that spread throughout my brain that first time.'

I gritted my teeth at the pressure of this headache as I started to get light-headed.

"Shiran, breathe and imagine a door right where the Mind's Eye is located."

I barely heard his voice drift through my consciousness as I nodded and practically slammed a big door with chains over it into place, where the ability resides.

Once it was in place, I instantly felt the headache disperse and my breath coming to me easier. I went back to not seeing anything at all in my mind.

"Wow, that ability is crazy, even with just opening it up I can see practically everything in the small time that my brain doesn't feel like it's busting apart. I wonder how much you can see, Dad?" I asked while my eyes were sparkling.

My Dad chuckled and just waved away the question from me saying 'I see a lot more than normal people, that's for sure.'

Before I could seriously think about what that ambiguous answer could mean, he interrupted my thoughts with a small smirk.

"This is just the beginning of the training, but until you can keep it open here for at least an hour at a time, then don't think about opening it up in the compound, otherwise, you'll pass out immediately. Once you can, feel free to open it up whenever you want and just close it off if it gets too much for you."

"So if I can get through the first part today, we can start on the second part of the training?"

"Ha Ha Ha, sure, if you can keep it open for an hour in just a day, I'll teach you everything you want to know."

I smiled an overenthusiastic smile and got to work.


(8 hours later)

I was smiling and panting while massaging my temples with both hands while my Dad stared at me like some kind of extraterrestrial being.

"Right, I shouldn't have forgotten how talented you are, Shiran. Alright, if you're up for it, let's get some food from the nearby river, cook it up, and then I'll teach you how to use the different basic abilities.

"Yeah, let's go do that. I'm starting to get a little hungry."

My dad sent me to get the fish while he set up the fire and camp. After a while, he came up behind me and sat on the bank of the river, watching me catch fish.

"You know, bud, there's an easier way to fish using your Mind's Eye here," he said.

I looked curiously over at my dad, wondering what he meant.

"What I mean is that you can open it to sense the fish and then throw a sharpened stick or kunai if you have one at the fish and then just jump in after it once it is dead and floating on the surface."

I wanted to thunk my head against a tree with how simple that was. What was the old saying? 'Work smarter, not harder?'

Chuckling at my expression, my dad passed me a couple of pre-sharpened sticks for me to use.

"Here, try practicing with these. Since it's only a little past noon, we can still stay here for a while, and I'll teach you some practical applications of the Mind's Eye so you can use it throughout the village."

I closed my eyes and focused only on the river below and found many bodies moving throughout it. I took aim, cocked my arm back, threw it, and missed. This happened a few more times until I managed to scrape one of the fish. The next one I threw, I felt like I could somewhat predict the movement of the fish and when I threw it, hit the fish dead center between the eyes.

"Yes! Finally, I did it," I exclaimed as I jumped down into the water to grab my prize. As I hopped out of the river though, I noticed that my dad was nowhere to be seen.

'Must've gone back to the camp for now. I guess I should head back there; this chunker of a fish should be enough.'

Finding my way back to where he said he was gonna set up the campsite wasn't hard; after all, it wasn't too far from the bank of the river. The problem came from the note I found in its place.

'Come and find me.' That's all it said, nothing else, no direction to look or anything.

'Well, I guess he probably wants me to use my ME here to find where he went to set up camp.'

(A/N: I'm going to start referring to the Mind's Eye as ME from now on.)

I closed my eyes and spread my ME out in every direction to see if I could find a huge chakra source. When I did, I started running toward that area, the only thing was he started running away, and I had to chase him.

As the game of hide-and-seek tag wore thin, I landed in front of him gasping for air and with a ginormous headache from the extended use of my ME.

"There's another practical application for if you need to find someone in the village. All you have to do is memorize their chakra signature, and you'll be able to find them," he said while smiling with that stupid twinkle in his eye as if I wasn't running after him for an hour and a half.

I sat down next to the fire and started cooking my fish with my dad, enjoying the peace of nature. The chirping of birds, the rustling of the leaves, the flowing river nearby, the evening light rays coming through the tree's canopy.

After finishing cooking and eating the fish, we started to head back home for the night, and as we got closer, Dad started talking again.

"Shiran, I want you to ask yourself a question and form a plan on what kind of ninja you're gonna be. What kind of combat style do you think fits you and your talents and what do you want to focus more on in the future?"

"Ok, I can think about that and form a plan for the future. I already kind of have an idea of what I want to be though, so I don't think it'll be too hard for me."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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