
Change of Plans

It had been two days since the Leaf shinobi retrieved Makoto. They'd been running back through the rocky mountains and finally reached some snow, but they had to make a detour. The plan was to stop at the village hidden in frost is near the border of Kumo. However they had heard about a battle taking place between them and Otogakure, when they arrived at the village of sparks. They had to change plans. They couldn't risk getting involved, it would be an international incident, it could become an all out war. The new plan is to take a boat from the port village of sparks through the bay and arrive at the village of hot water.


It was the first time I'd been to the ocean. Over the past two days I started getting along with the leaf squad, especially Hatake Sakumo and Umino Unagi, they were the most easy going, and laid back out of the bunch. While the other two ignored him except Hiroto Yoshiaki who seemed to hate his guts.

I was walking through the streets with Umino Unagi right behind me. They wouldn't let me go alone, honestly I expected to be completely surrounded by them at all times so this was nice. "Hey, Unagi wanna go on a date~" I said, while staring at a dango shop sign for a couple's 2 free orders of mitarashi dango. Unagi grinned "I'm already married with a child but I guess a small affair would be fine, after all food before fidelity, but you're a bit young for me." "Oh but that can be solved easily, Transform!" Unagi couldn't hold in his laughter, I poofed into an ugly, middle aged man. "Couldn't you have at least made yourself a pretty young woman?" He complained "Oh really… Sorry, I thought this would look great together alongside you." I said in a Apologetic tone, and poofed into an average looking woman "lets just claim the food." He replied.

After ripping off the small shop and claiming the dango, Unagi switched places with Hiroto Yoshiaki who just followed me from a distance, as I walked to the beach. I sat down on the beach, this was probably the last time I'd see a sunset in kumo. I still have a mission to complete, the total crush of Konoha's military power. Smiling, I remembered the 2 years of preparation with Yokota, and all the time of techniques from A and training with B and Yugito all to destroy their biggest threat, Konoha. Suddenly I felt a killing intent directed at me. In a flash of crimson red I disappeared "Lightning Style: crimson step" "I knew you hate me, but I didn't peg you for a traitor. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want war?" Red static bolts started flickering around me. My hair started standing on end. "Shut up, you Kumo ninja are scum! I bet the Hokage only agreed to take you in to kill you! You killed her!" Yoshiaki was hysterical. I honestly had no idea how he kept all this in for 2 days.

Well step one gain trust. That means I can't kill him. So how should I do th-

"Wind Style: pressure Gale Blast"

"Lightning Style: crimson cloak" I jumped to the side In a flash of red. The area I had just left was completely destroyed, rocks, trees, everything.

'Shit, I need to keep damage to a minimum.'

Going through the hand signs in an instant then pointed a finger gun at Yoshiaki, "Lightning Style: Taser gun" I shot out 2 blue lightning chakra threads that instantaneously pierced Yoshiaki's chest. "I'm actually quite proud of this technique I created it myself, but this is just the toned down version *sigh* and I wanted to show off." Picking up Yoshiaki I headed back to the inn where we were staying. "Tch" I wish I could kill him, this one is true Konoha scum. Walking through town I got a couple odd stairs.

"I'm back, Yoshiaki passed out after he tried to kill me. " I said with a smile as I opened the door to sakumo's room. Then threw Yoshiaki's body inside.

"What am I supposed to do with him? He does know we are leaving at dawn tomorrow right?" Sakumo sighed, he was clearly fed up. Seems like everyone didn't like Yoshiaki. "Go to bed I'll deal with this" gestrutring the body. "Sure thing see you tomorrow, captain." I said as I walked to my room.