
- 12 - Asking for the Shadow Clone Jutsu

Hearing his father say that he was a genius sent shivers down Izuna's spine. He had never been so proud. This was the first time in both of his lives that he had a father to praise him.

But he also knew what his father said was true: he had to keep practicing. He wasn't a genuine genius like the likes of Itachi, but to him, with his cheats, he felt that he could definitely keep up with anyone.

As Izuna basked in the praise of his father, they made their way back home, where they once again had a celebration.

This time, however, toward the end of the celebration, Izuna decided to ask his father for more jutsus. He walked into the room his father was in and asked, "Father, I know I'm asking for a lot, but could you please teach me the Shadow Clone Jutsu as well as some other powerful jutsus?"

Takashi was surprised by the question and asked his son, "How do you even know about the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and do you even know what it does?"

Izuna nodded his head and responded, "I heard some adults talking about it, and they said you can double your training speed with each shadow clone."

From the look on his father's face, Izuna thought he had it in the bag. Then his father spoke.

Takashi said, "How about this: when I think you're ready, I'll teach you the Shadow Clone Technique as well as some other jutsus. But for now, why don't you just keep working on your chakra control?"

Izuna's face immediately plummeted at the response, and he said, "Ok, father."

Then he ran outside, where his parents thought he would go to sleep. He would regularly fall asleep in the backyard of their house, but Izuna had other plans. He ran into the backyard and started to practice the leaf concentration exercise once again, deep into the night.

After hours of practicing with the leaf concentration exercise, Izuna once again snuck into his father's room and stole a kunai.

He then snuck off to the pier, where he once again began to practice the Great Fireball Jutsu, where he was constantly improving.

[A/n I don't think I made it clear enough that's my bad. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best author, but while he does appreciate it, Izuna isn't doing this for praise from his father. He's doing it to look like a genius to the likes of Itachi so that his father will give him more advanced jutsu earlier.]


For every 100 power stones, I'll release an extra chapter.

[A/n If you want me to write romance, comment 1; if you do not want romance, comment 2. If you have already voted, please do not vote again. It will mess up my count. Current score, I believe, is 13 to 10]

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