
Naruto:Uchiha Sasuke The Richest Man

To read chapters ahead patreon.com/YeQingtian On the night of the genocide, Sasuke awakened the memory of his past life He knew his past and present lives, and understood the past and present of the ninja world. He also opened a golden finger, which allows him to travel to other worlds every three months. So he made a bold decision... "I want to drop out of school!" Sasuke slapped the application form in front of the Third Hokage. The purity of ninjas is too low. Who wants to be a sunset profession? If you want to do it, be a rich man, become a noble, and marry a princess. Vigorously develop the business and entertainment industries and extend its tentacles to every corner of the ninja world. What? You said Konoha wouldn't agree? "You don't need to agree, I'll do it myself. I want to build a new Konoha!" At the same time, technologies from other worlds are used to create various new ship occupations. Superpowers, ninjutsu swordsmen, the Legion of Annihilation... When Sasuke came to his senses, he aim to unify the ninja world and became the richest man in the ninja world. However, this was only the first step towards his domination of the heavens. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or demon slayer it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 迷人的杀手蟹(for the fanfic), Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)koyoharu Gotouge(for demon slayer). https://www.buymeacoffee.com/YeQingtian you can request me for chapters ahead than webnovel when you bought a cofee

Ye_qingtian · Anime & Comics
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Chapter:13 Camping

After resting for a while and waiting for Chika to regain her composure, Sasuke took her off.

Chika didn't wear her princess outfit, nor did she tie her hair up. She simply tied a ponytail and wore a dress with small white floral flowers. She was full of youth and vitality.

Sasuke still wears the classic shorts and half- sleeved suit, but today he changed it to black. With black hair, black eyes and fair skin, the young man is really handsome.

The two of them didn't bring any maids with them, and they were hiding in the dark in the freezing rain.

Sasuke held Chika's hand and carried the bento box prepared by the maid in advance, walking through the streets and alleys. When it was close to noon, he arrived at a park in the southeast corner of Konoha Village.

Konoha Village is very large, with many large and small parks and training grounds. The environment in these places is usually very good. Green trees, gurgling streams, and flat grassy areas are perfect for camping and picnicking.

When Sasuke and Chika arrived at the agreed place, everyone else had already arrived.


Ino noticed Sasuke for the first time again, then immediately dropped what she was doing and ran over.

Behind her, Shikamaru showed an expression of despair.

It was like this every time. As soon as Sasuke appeared, Ino would instantly drop what he was doing. In the end, he would always have to do the messy work, and he was used to it.

"Hey, Choji, don't just eat. Come over and help."

"Oh - click click click -"

"Sasuke-kun, why are you so slow? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Ino ran up to Sasuke, put her hands behind her back, and said playfully.

Chika suddenly stepped forward and stood between Sasuke and Ino, looking up at her love rival who was a head taller than her.

"Hey, Ino, stay away from Brother Sasuke, you almost hit him, you know?"

"Huh? Is anyone talking? Why can't I seeanyone?"

Ino raised her hands to shield herself from the sun, deliberately looking left and right, but not down.


Chika's face suddenly puffed up, looking like she was angry.

This can be regarded as the normal communication between the two people.

They don't meet often, including today it was only the fourth time.

However, as long as the two of them meet together, there will inevitably be all sorts of problems.

Chika is young, but has a vicious mouth. I don't know who she learned it from, but she dares to scold everything.

Ino was naturally not a light-hearted person, and she would have scolded him back if she had been someone else. In other words, Chika had a special status and it was difficult for her to retort, so she could only use various methods to laugh at the other person's short stature.

This was not the first time, but Chika fellinto the trap every time, and Ino was very angry.

"Okay, okay, you two, stop making trouble, others are watching the joke."

Sasuke was mixing the mud beside him, and at the same time he glanced at the woods in the distance, and the red light of his Sharingan flashed past.

"Sasuke-kun, what's wrong?"

Ino, who had been paying attention to Sasuke, immediately noticed something unusual about him and asked subconsciously.

"Nothing, let's go, everyone is waiting."

Sasuke didn't answer, just smiled, and continued walking forward with Chika and Ino, joining the others.

Those attending today's dinner are still the same old faces.

This is normal. Almost all of these little guys in front of me come from ninja families. It is not easy for ordinary people to join their small team.

That is to say, Sakura was lucky. By chance, she became friends with Ino early, and then she snuck in. For others, it would have been a no-brainer.

Although Chika is not from the ninja clan, her status is much stronger than that of the average ninja clan. She is the daimyo's daughter and the princess of this country. So she blended in easily. Except for Ino, who always looked down on her, everyone else was very kind to her.

"Hey, Sasuke, this guy, you act like this every time you come here. Can you take care of your fiancée next time?" As soon as Sasuke sat down, Shikamaru came over, with a pair of dead eyes, and looked over to Ino,chika.

The two little girls had just calmed down for a minute when they started arguing again. Sakura was speechless beside her, trying to help one or the other.

Hinata stretched her hips further and hid in a corner, staring directly at Naruto who was fishing not far away with his back to them.

Naruto was very quiet today, but this was only temporary. I believe he would start making noises soon.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous that I have a fiancée?"

Sasuke straightened his legs, held his bodyback with his hands, and glanced sideways at Shikamaru.

"I'm so jealous!"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "I just want to ask, what do you think? Ino keeps saying your name every day, and I'm almost tired of hearing it. If you don't have feelings for her, tell her as soon as possible. Understand, she has been a little absent-minded in her studies recently, and her grades have declined seriously. If this continues, Uncle Yamanaka will not let you go."

Then let him come and see who is afraid of whom.

Sasuke was thinking this in his heart, but he couldn't say it with his mouth.

And there is one thing to say, he is not weak now, but against a veteran jounin like Yamanaka clan leader, he is definitely not enough.

"I didn't think much about it. Isn't it nice to be like this now? How lively it is."

Sasuke said casually.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes at this.

"Haha, okay, no more joking. In fact, I really didn't think too much. We are all too young. It'stoo early to say anything now. Don't worry, I will find a chance to talk to Ino. At least it won't affect her. study."

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on."

He said these nonsense today mainly because he was worried about Ino and was afraid that Ino would get hurt in the future. It's great that Sasuke has made a decision in his heart. He really doesn't want to get involved in Ino's personal life at all.

Time soon reached noon, and everyone started to have lunch.

During the meal, everyone played some small games together. The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while, and even Ino and Chika stopped fighting.

The two of them were close to Sasuke, one on the left and the other on the right. You feed him a piece of sushi, and I feed him a piece of fried chicken. Sasuke could enjoy the delicious food without having to use his hands.

After finishing the meal, as soon as the tableware was put away, Naruto and Kiba jumped out at the same time, expressing their intention to challenge Sasuke.

As a result, before Sasuke said anything, the two of them started to fight They both said that they were the ones who came first and that the other party should wait for the next wave.

However, neither of them was willing to take a step back, and neither could convince the other. Soon they threw Sasuke aside, and they started fighting among themselves.

Sasuke watched the excitement from the side.

To be honest, he was not very willing to compete with these classmates. Their strengths were not on the same line, and the competition was just a matter of bullying, which was not interesting.

Naruto is different, but that requires stimulating the Nine-Tails chakra.

He still can't deal with the Kyuubi, even if it's just a small amount of chakra leaking out.

Moreover, stimulating the Kyuubi is tantamount to stimulating the nerves of Konoha's higher- ups, and Sasuke doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

The winner was quickly decided between Naruto and Kiba. Today, Kiba was even better. Naruto seemed to have eaten up his stomach. After a short span of time, he covered his butt and ran towards the woods.

Kiba finally stood in front of Sasuke triumphantly.

"How about it, can you spar with me now?"

"Okay, if you want to be beaten so much, I'll make it happen for you."

Sasuke stood up and followed Kiba towards the creek.

He hasn't done anything for a while, he can afford maggots on his body, and he can also give some pointers while moving around, so why not do it.

(End of this chapter)

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