
Naruto: Uchiha Rebirth

In the turbulent world of Naruto, a young man by the name of Uchiha Kazuya emerges. Descendant of the legendary Uchiha clan, Kazuya carries in his blood the fate of his people. Furthermore, he is the only one who knows about the tragic destiny of his clan. Although the future of the Uchiha clan appears bleak, Kazuya has people he must protect, and because of that, he is determined to change the future of his clan, even if it means destroying an entire ninja village in the process. -x-x- Feel free to support me on Patreon -> https://www.patreon.com/nulsora

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8 Chs

Chapter 2

"Maybe I should just assassinate Itachi; that way, I could avoid a series of future problems..." Kazuya thought resolutely in his heart.

He knew that if he did that, he could make Danzō take the blame for this murder, after all, among the higher-ups in Konoha, everyone knew that Danzō had a strong enmity with the Uchiha and his greatest desire was to exterminate this clan, which he considered cursed.

Furthermore, by killing Itachi, he could prevent Sasuke from evolving his eye into the Eternal... Of course, first, he had to survive the night of the clan massacre. If he couldn't get through that, the future wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Walking through the streets of the clan's territory, Kazuya sighed quietly.

Assassinating Itachi was just a passing thought.

First, because he was not an assassination expert. Killing Itachi, who had a three-tomoe Sharingan, and then framing Danzō... There were many uncertain factors in that.

Not to mention that perhaps he wouldn't be able to kill Itachi, who had a lot of luck in his life. Kazuya knew that if he failed in this assassination, he would probably be hunted by the entire Uchiha clan and maybe even by Konoha.


A shout from above interrupted his thoughts.

Kazuya stopped and looked in the direction of the voice, seeing a man with short, tousled hair and a relatively wide nose, which was rare among the Uchiha.

"Shisui, you're back!"

"I arrived today."

Uchiha Shisui jumped from the roof of a pancake shop. The shop owner, a man known as Mr. Akai, didn't mind, continuing to read his newspaper with the day's news. Ninjas always preferred rooftops and terraces over walking on regular streets. In a large village like Konoha, it would be hard to find a rooftop that hadn't been trodden by a ninja.

"Kazuya, you look worried. What's going on?"

Shisui naturally approached, walking alongside Kazuya.

They were good friends who had been through some battles together, forging a strong friendship fighting against the Mist ninjas on the western front.

"What else could it be? You already know about the clan's situation!"

Upon hearing this, the faint smile on Shisui's face disappeared, and a dark shadow covered his eyes and brows.

"You weren't at the meeting the other night, but I can tell you: the accumulated resentment among the clan members is growing. Those who were neutral before have now joined the radicals, and the number of people supporting an armed coup has increased. Most importantly, the clan leader hasn't tried to ease the situation this time. Even the attitude of the two opposition elders is not as firm as before...

I feel like the clan leader seems willing to collaborate with the radicals."

Kazuya informed Shisui quietly about the details of the clan meeting.

He was also against the idea of a coup. In fact, in his view, an armed coup should be the last option, a method to be adopted only when there is no alternative left. After all, such a choice not only harms the enemy but also harms oneself. And even if the coup were successful, the losses would be enormous. What would they use to face the enemies surrounding the Land of Fire?

Of course, if there were someone among the Uchiha who had the strength of Uchiha Madara, then a coup would be the best option, after all, someone with Madara's strength could rule in the current era, and no one would be able to do anything. But unfortunately, neither Kazuya nor anyone in the Uchiha clan possessed such strength at the moment.

The Uchiha clan's strength at that time was not weak, but it was not that strong either. It had already lost some of its former prestige. Although they were still called the village's main family, how much of that was sincerity and how much was sarcasm depended on who was looking.

There were many Jōnin in the clan, but still not as many as in other clans and civilian ninja in the village.

And to make matters worse, the only Uchiha who had clearly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui, was a man who surpassed the clan's 'will' and accepted the Will of Fire from his ancestors. He would not betray the village. Besides, he was only slightly stronger than Obito and Itachi, preferring to kill himself rather than raise his hand against his own people.

The current Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, who was suspected to have activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, chose not to resist when faced with his son's coup... He may have reconciled with it, but unfortunately, all clan members became victims.

With such a divided clan, how could they carry out a coup?

Kazuya simply didn't see any hope of success in a coup.

"Argh! In the end, I'm still too weak. If only I were stronger..."

Kazuya clenched his fist.

And then he released it, devoid of strength.

Becoming even stronger was not something that happened overnight. He had already exhausted all his strength just fighting to survive on the battlefield during the war. The war had barely ended, and the crisis of the Nine-Tails had erupted, pushing the Uchiha clan to the brink.

In this murky and dangerous water, just staying alive was exhausting.

"The situation has already come to this point..." Shisui frowned. He loved his clan, but he also loved the village. When these two elements entered into an irreconcilable conflict, even heading towards an inevitable end, he certainly suffered a lot.

Shisui was someone who later in history committed suicide. In his suicide note, he had written that he was tired of missions, and that if he continued like this, the Uchiha clan would have no future, and for that reason, he didn't want to continue living this way.

At that moment, Shisui was probably already crushed by the deep despair of not seeing a future where his clan could coexist peacefully with Konoha. And suicide was a choice people made in the depths of their despair.

Especially someone like Shisui, who had a kind and cheerful personality. How could he choose such a tragic end if he weren't desperately desperate!

"Kazuya, really... is there no way to stop... the actions of the clan members?"

"There are some ways... The main one would be if the village leaders stopped oppressing and deliberately making life difficult for the Uchiha clan, if they did that, we wouldn't have a radical faction dominating our clan.

Perhaps you don't know, but there are many in the clan who oppose the coup, but... with the endless and unfair hardship, it's really... frustrating!"

"But the Hokage..."

Shisui began to speak, trying to defend the Third Hokage.

"Shisui, I know that what's happening to our clan is a side effect of the Nine-Tails crisis. If I were in the Hokage's place, I would also be cautious about the Uchiha clan. But the problem is that the incident really had nothing to do with us! Currently, there should be only you in the clan who activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, and that was after the Nine-Tails crisis.

The clan members won't understand how concerned the Hokage is about the village's peace. They... no, we only feel the endless malice coming from the village. Although you're serving in the ANBU, you must know how bad the reputation of clan members in the police department is, right?"

Ignoring Shisui, who was about to speak, Kazuya looked around and pointed to a small three-story building not far away. "Shisui, let's go there. You've just finished a mission and are free... how about we have a good conversation?"


Shisui agreed with a nod.

There was no reason for him to refuse this invitation from his friend.

He himself had a heavy heart, so he also needed someone to talk to. It was sad, but being one of the top ninjas in the Uchiha clan, he didn't really have many friends. Many people only saw him as an object of admiration, not as a friend to interact with on an equal basis.

If it weren't for Kazuya, the only person he could talk to would be Uchiha Itachi, who was too young to be a good listener for venting. 

In the original story, without friends to share his thoughts with, he had to suppress everything inside, forcing a smile in front of Itachi, accumulating pressure and despair. Fortunately, the story had changed, even if only slightly, and with Kazuya as a friend, Shisui had someone to share his burdens with.

Although they didn't agree completely on some points, they still enjoyed each other's company.


The rooftop was open and spacious, with no hiding spots nearby, making it an excellent place for private conversations as long as they were careful about their surroundings. For Kazuya, this place was much more reliable than hidden, sunless secret rooms. After all, who would imagine that someone would discuss important matters in such a well-lit place?

"Do you prefer chocolate or salmon?"

Kazuya held two ice creams.

Although it wasn't summer, the weather in Konoha was already warming up. And the ice cream vendor in the clan was eager to start selling his ice creams with strange flavors.

"Are those the only options left?"

Shisui widened his eyes.

"It seems the vendor only had these two flavors. I remembered that you like salmon, so I got it for you."

Kazuya handed the salmon ice cream to Shisui before he could give his opinion.

"Even though I like salmon, I don't need to taste ice cream with the same flavor..." Shisui looked at the salmon ice cream with a disbelieving expression. If he had known that Kazuya wanted ice creams, he would have bought them himself to avoid having to taste these strange flavors. Shisui felt that Kazuya probably did this on purpose.

Salmon ice cream...

With mixed feelings, he took a bite...


The flavor wasn't as bad as he expected, at least it seemed pleasant to him...

"Where did we leave off with our conversation?"

Kazuya licked his ice cream with a smile on his face, returning to the main topic.

"The reputation of the police department... it's just terrible!"

"Exactly, the reputation of the police department is terrible," Kazuya agreed.

"So, Shisui, what do you think the police department members did that was so terrible? Why is their reputation so bad that even children would spit on them following the example of adults?"

Shisui fell silent upon hearing this question.

Had the members of the police department of the clan really done something terrible? Of course not. Arrogance, contempt for others, excessive pride... these were common flaws, but it was precisely because of this deep-seated pride that they looked down upon illegal and disorderly behavior.

It was all about following the rules, and at most, they could be accused of being overly harsh in law enforcement.

"Even if we're not well-liked by the villagers, we shouldn't be despised like this..."

"Shisui, you're not a fool who's easily fooled, and I don't think my rhetoric can convince you either. I'll be direct: the police department's bad reputation is mainly due to someone scheming behind the scenes, encouraging the villagers to view the department and the Uchiha clan with hostility.

Our decline to the current state is our fault as well, but ultimately, I think the biggest culprit behind our fall is the Third Hokage with his constant pressure.

To be honest, few people like the idea of a coup, even the radicals need a lot of effort to convince themselves of such an act. After all, what's the point of shedding blood among our own? But, in my opinion, the problem is that the village itself is forcing us down this path."

"Kazuya, the Third Hokage isn't... it's Danzō who's really targeting our clan..."

Shisui tried to defend the current Hokage, but he didn't seem very convinced by what he was saying.

He wasn't foolish. Even if he firmly believed in the Will of Fire, it didn't mean he was blind to the village's oppression and pressure on the clan. Moreover, he knew that Danzō could only press the clan to this extent because he had the Hokage's tacit approval, even if not explicit.

But, due to the teachings of his ancestor, he was used to seeing everything from the village's perspective, thinking about issues from the village's point of view. Fortunately, he still had feelings for his clan and wasn't entirely on the village's side. He still dreamt of a peaceful coexistence between the village and the clan, without divisions.

He believed the clan was a part of the village and shouldn't oppose or separate from it but actively integrate into the village...

However, he didn't know how to achieve this ideal future.

Mere ideas and pretty words didn't solve problems, at least not in this world.

Before he could explore further and find a solution, the conflict had already escalated. Clan members, unable to endure the village's oppression, secretly plotted a coup, heading towards a dead-end and a hopeless situation.

That's how Shisui's despair was born.

Not even a god could change the mindset of so many people!

"To some extent, you're right; this isn't the problem of a single person. The Third Hokage, the two elders, and that old Danzō... They inherited the caution and defense against our clan from the Second Hokage, but they haven't learned the greatness of accepting an Uchiha as a disciple."

Kazuya didn't overly criticize the Second Hokage; after all, Shisui's ancestor, Uchiha Kagami, was a disciple of the Second Hokage, and it didn't make sense to criticize someone who was already dead.

He looked directly into Shisui's eyes and said, "Shisui, no matter what you think, in my opinion, it's them who have pushed us into this situation."


The ice cream in Shisui's hands was slowly melting. He furrowed his brows even more.

"Are you telling me all this to convince me to support our clan's coup? The problem is, this is a dead end. Whether the coup succeeds or not, our clan won't have a good end."

"Are you telling me that we should endure humiliation just to survive? Tell me, what did we do wrong? Why should we live like this, oppressed? Is it because of the actions of Uchiha Madara? Or because of that powerful unknown member of the Uchiha clan who caused the Nine-Tails crisis? Because of their mistakes, does the whole clan deserve to suffer?"

At this point, Kazuya's voice had already risen.

The two friends stared at each other for a while, and Kazuya finally managed to calm down, clearing his throat before saying, "Still, if I were the Hokage, I'd probably also be suspicious of the Uchiha clan. But the problem is, I'm not the Hokage; I'm an Uchiha. Before thinking about the greater good of the village, even if not for myself, I need to first think about my parents and my sister."

Currently, the village sees the Uchiha clan as a time bomb, not knowing when it might explode and harm the village, so they are constantly trying to defuse this bomb. Furthermore, as the current village leaders were disciples of the Second Hokage, it's natural that they know about Uchiha Madara and his terror. That's why they are extremely cautious about any talent from the Uchiha clan, fearing that a new Madara could be born. And that's also why they are constantly trying to defuse this bomb.

The Uchiha clan, on the other hand, believes that the village is being overly oppressive and unfair as it constantly suppresses them, thinking it's better to act first than wait until the noose tightens around their neck.

This is the current situation between Konoha and the Uchiha clan!

"Kazuya, you've said all this, but what do you want to do?"

Shisui, letting his ice cream melt, remained calm and asked, "Tell me, Kazuya, what do you want to do?

You've talked so much; you must have thought about it, right? The problem between the village and the clan is not something that can be explained in a few words. Just tell me what you want to do!"

Shisui was talented and wouldn't be swayed by Kazuya's words. Besides, he realized something important in what Kazuya had said.

Taking one last bite of his ice cream, Kazuya tossed away the stick and spoke directly, "Shisui, I want you to help me change the Uchiha clan."


Shisui furrowed his brows slightly.

Change the Uchiha clan? How exactly? He also wanted to change the clan, but the problem was that he didn't know how. He always felt like a traveler in the darkness of the night, searching for a glimmer of hope in the darkness where directions couldn't be distinguished.

"What do you think of the clan leader, Fugaku?"

"The clan leader?"

Shisui was confused; the topic had changed too quickly, and it took him a while to adapt. After all, weren't they talking about changing the Uchiha clan? How did the conversation suddenly shift to overthrowing Fugaku as the clan leader? Did that mean they were planning a coup within the clan itself?

"Unfortunately, if we want to change the Uchiha clan, we need power. Otherwise, who will listen to our words?"

"But, but... we can also try to convince the clan leader..."

"I'll be honest with you; I don't trust him."

Kazuya's expression was serious at this moment, and he said coldly, "I don't trust the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku!

How can I put it... he's indecisive. During the Nine-Tails crisis, he accepted the Third Hokage's order to stay in the clan territory and not leave, even when the Fourth Hokage was the true Hokage! The obvious choice would have been to support the Fourth Hokage, but he...

Then, when there was a change in the clan territory, he not only didn't help clan members protest and challenge that order, but he also helped the village suppress voices of opposition within the clan for the greater good. He may have considered the greater good, but the problem is that the village doesn't care about the Uchiha clan's feelings.

Now, with the growing oppression from the village leaders, the radical faction within the clan has gained even more strength. And it seems like the clan leader is ready to support the radical faction in a coup. Swinging back and forth like a spring puppet, one doesn't know what he's thinking each day..."

Kazuya also wanted to say that in the future, when Itachi begins his massacre, Fugaku chose to do nothing and let his son kill him, with the only request being that his younger son could live. Of course, Kazuya knew that this should never be said to anyone.

Currently, the people he despised the most were not Danzō or the Third Hokage. It was Obito and Itachi, followed by the clan leader, Fugaku. These three managed to top Danzō, who had caused serious trouble for the Uchiha clan over the years.

And the reason why Danzō was not as hated by him as these three was because Danzō always made his position clear.

Disciple of the Second Hokage, the Hokage's assistant, leader of the Root, and... an enemy of the Uchiha clan.

That was Danzō's position, known to all the village's superiors.

No matter how cruel Danzō's methods were, he always made his position clear, leaving Kazuya with no room to complain about his ambitions and desires.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Fugaku didn't understand his own position, constantly wavering between the village and the clan without fulfilling his responsibilities as the leader of the Uchiha clan. In the end, he even died easily and quickly, unlike those clan members who died without peace and justice.

Fugaku... This guy being the leader of the Uchiha clan was simply a disgrace!

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