
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

For early access of chapters subscribe to my Patreon patreon.com/lazarus898 Wattapad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/315878306-naruto-uchiha%27s-genjutsu-demon YOutube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_BYV1R9DpNaJ2S3lM7Tfg/videos *NO HAREM* The Mc of this novel has transmigrated to the AU naruto world as the younger brother of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. He is neither a pacifist like his brother Itachi nor vengeful like Sasuke. He is cold and calculated about every move he makes and every decision he takes. In this novel, the mc will be proficient in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but his true power lies in Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Most of the Fan-fics I read completely ignore something as op as Genjutsu which is why the MC will be using it the most. All the photos used in this fan-fic are not owned by me.

lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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398 Chs

Prison Meet

Asami and Rika raised their eyebrows as they heard this. They weren't surprised that Hideki knew that identity right away but that he was bold enough to say this blatantly. Mei and the others were also a little surprised by Hideki's behavior.

He looked more confident that he was at the mansion. They guessed he must have calmed down and had time to recollect what next steps to take. Being calm and having an understanding of the situation is one of the key qualities a spy must have. The twins didn't say anything and just sat looking at the people around them. They had been instructed by Hideki to not say a single word and leave everything to him.

They didn't want Yoshiro to get any other information from them but the twins weren't as nervous as before. They had some amount of confidence that nothing would happen to them and they had gained this confidence only a few hours ago.


Terumi Prison (a few hours ago)

In the cell where Hideki and the twins were kept, Hideki and Daichi were sitting on opposite beds while Daiki was pacing around the room nervously. Daichi looked at his brother and said "You have been at it for hours. How is pacing around the room going to solve your problem?"

Daiki looked at his brother and said "Then do you think that just sitting on the bed will make a solution fall on your lap? It's all because of that kid. He put us in this situation. He must have made a deal with the hidden stone people when he was at sea and now he has gotten us trapped here."

Daichi shook his head and said "Stop jumping to conclusions Daiki. We are already being given better treatment than any other spy. Isn't that a good thing? We are from the hidden leaf so they are being cautious." Daichi then looked at Hideki and said "Sensei one thing that Daiki said is right. If it wasn't for the kid's lies, none of us would be in this situation."

Hideki looked at his students and said "The Hokage had sung his praises when she sent me the letter but even she said that all those things are what she has heard from others after she became the Hokage. And also that the kid agreed to work this mission with us on her insistence and he doesn't trust any of us."

Daiki got annoyed when he heard that Yami didn't trust them so he sat beside Daichi and said "Humph…if he is such an amazing kid then why haven't we heard about him in the past year. She must be exaggerating the things about him."

Daiki was about to rant more but he then heard someone opening the lock that was put on the outside of the cell. All three of them looked at the door and it wasn't odd for this to happen as a mist shinobi would come every few hours to give them food. The shinobi would open the door halfway and slide the stack of lunchboxes inside and close the door back.

This time was however different. Instead of the door opening halfway, the door opened completely and they saw a mist shinobi standing outside the door with the stack of lunchboxes in his hand. Still, the three of them didn't say anything. Daichi stood up to get the lunch boxes from the mist shinobi but he came in and closed the door behind him. This alerted all three of them. Right now they didn't have any kind of weapons and their chakra was also sealed. If this mist shinobi turned out to be a spy from the Mizukage faction or hidden stone then killing them would be a piece of cake for him.

Seeing the three spies on alert the mist shinobi smirked and said "Is that how you greet your nephew uncle Kenji?" Hideki's eyes widened as he heard this. He took a step back in hesitation. Daiki jumped in front of Hideki and asked "Who are you?"

The mist shinobi closed his eyes and open them the next second and asked "Are you telling me to put you in the same genjutsu?"

The three spies looked at the eyes of the mist shinobi which had now turned into the Sharingan. Hideki walked ahead and asked "Is that you Yami?"

The mist shinobi was instantly covered in a puff of smoke and Yami walked out of it "Who else could it be?"

"You asshole because of you…" Daiki stamped his foot and started walking toward Yami in anger. The person who had gotten him and his brother in such a bad situation was standing in front of him smiling. How could he not be angry?

Daichi quickly stopped him and said "Daiki our chakra points are sealed and his are not. Don't do anything." Daichi was able to successfully stop Daiki from rushing at Yami.

"How and why are you here?" Hideki had many questions for Yami but these two were the ones that mattered at the moment.

Yami didn't want to waste much time so he said "What's hard about this? Just kidnap a shinobi who already works here and roam the estate freely. I don't know how you two got caught but at least you are safe here."

Hideki frowned as he heard the last part and asked "What do you mean safe here?"

"Your house was attacked by the Mizukage faction's Anbu. If any of you would have been there then I guess only one of you would have managed to escape. They came to kidnap me."

"Then how did you escape from them?" Daichi asked.

"I didn't. I got kidnaped. I mean they sent a few people to kidnap me and I had one of my allies transform into me. I killed one of their shinobi and transformed into them."

"You make it sound so easy that it is difficult to comprehend whether you are lying or not." Hideki said as he massaged his forehead. He then proceeded to ask "And which ally is this? Is it one of my spies? And why did the Mizukage faction send Anbu to my house directly?"

"You don't need to know who my ally is but know that I trust them. They hate the Mizukage faction and as for why they sent Anbu to your house is thanks to someone who betrayed us. I don't know who did but I will find him eventually."

This was too much for Hideki and the twins to take but after a few minutes, they started to understand what was going on.

"What do you need us to do?" Hideki asked in a serious tone. The twins didn't understand why their sensei who didn't trust Yami was suddenly willing to take orders from the kid.

"For the next few days, I will find who the traitor among the spies is as well as what interest does the hidden stone have here. Maybe we can give them a blow in the process so we don't have to worry about them for the next few years." Yami explained to which Hideki nodded. He also agreed with Yami's thinking and he understood that Yami was seeing the big picture here.

"Do we need to distract the bloodline clans with something else while you do this?" Hideki asked.

"No in fact enjoy your stay here. They aren't in any position to fight with us. For now, let's see what steps both factions are taking. Whether the Mizukage faction tries to negotiate with the bloodline clans or the hidden leaf and whether The bloodline clans ask for the hidden leaf's help or not. I have already sent Lady Tsunade a letter explaining what has happened so if the Terumi clan's Patriarch asks you anything or shows hostility, hint to him that you aren't the only hidden leaf spy here and there is one more left who must have informed the village about their capture." Yami said.

He had never worked like this as during his missions as he and his teammates would do their own thing and never had to face any problems. But now Yami understood that a small mistake could cost Hideki and his students their life. Although he had killed many after coming to this world, he never spilled blood without reason.

Hideki glanced at the twins and said "I hope you both understand what to say and what not to say." to which the twins nodded.

Yami then performed some hand seals and transformed into a mist shinobi. He left the lunchboxes on the ground and left the room.


Present time

Interrogation room

Yoshiro looked at Hideki and said "We have some bad news."

Hideki was genuinely confused at first but then he remembered that Yami had told him about the Yuta kidnapping. Hideki acted a little worried and said "What is it, Lord Yoshiro?"

"Your nephew Yuta is now in the hands of the Mizukage faction" Yoshiro said and everyone in the room looked at Hideki to gauge his reaction.


To know what Yami has planned further subscribe to my P@treon

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Link in the synopsis as well.