
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

For early access of chapters subscribe to my Patreon patreon.com/lazarus898 Wattapad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/315878306-naruto-uchiha%27s-genjutsu-demon YOutube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_BYV1R9DpNaJ2S3lM7Tfg/videos *NO HAREM* The Mc of this novel has transmigrated to the AU naruto world as the younger brother of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. He is neither a pacifist like his brother Itachi nor vengeful like Sasuke. He is cold and calculated about every move he makes and every decision he takes. In this novel, the mc will be proficient in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but his true power lies in Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Most of the Fan-fics I read completely ignore something as op as Genjutsu which is why the MC will be using it the most. All the photos used in this fan-fic are not owned by me.

lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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398 Chs

News and Negotiation

The fact that Kozu village was attacked had spread out throughout the Land of water. The bloodline clans had increased their presence in the area and the whole place was now swarmed with shinobis. The Terumi clan also called a meeting with the heads of other bloodline clans to discuss further moves.

The variable of hidden leaf shinobis getting in the midst of an internal conflict of the Land of water was unexpected for everyone. While the bloodline clans were arming for conflict, the Mizukage faction had gotten a bit lax. They had prepared themselves to face more than a few casualties and even direct confrontations with the hidden leaf shinobis.


Terumi Clan Estate

Underground conference room

Around a round table,4 people were seated. And there was one person standing behind each of them. These six people were the heads of the 4 bloodline clans and at one end of the table was the Patriarch of the Terumi clan. There were 2 empty chairs where the Yuki clan head and the Kaguya clan head would sit but now they were wiped out. The person standing behind each seated person was the head's advisor. Such meetings were only called when the situation was dire. AO was standing behind the Patriarch and for security Mei along with Santo, Kana, Elder Wu and Enko were leaning against the wall. The security this time round was even tighter than what was yesterday at the Terumi mansion. Mei reported all her findings and also her opinions to the Patriarch. After doing some investigation, her father called this meeting.

"I hope you all know why we have gathered here." The Terumi clan Patriarch Yoshiro Terumi started the meeting.

(the name of Mei's father isn't mentioned in the anime so I just used a random name. In fact he is dead in the anime from the start but not a single fuck was given)

Some of the people at the table gave a nod, but Yoshiro knew that they had just been informed about a spy being caught and a small conflict with negligible impact in Kozu village.

One of the people sitting at the table turned to Yoshiro and asked "But would such a small thing warrant a meet like this?" he was the head of one of the 4 clans and had become the Patriarch just 2 years ago. He was in his late 20s.

One of the other clan heads who was in his 60s stopped the young clan head from speaking further and said "Riko let Yoshiro explain the entire situation first. There is no need to be so impatient, is there?" the man said in a grandfatherly tone which made Riko nod in understanding. The man was someone who even his father respected so he wouldn't be rude.

The man signaled Yoshiro to continue to which Yoshiro stood up and said "The arrest of the spies and the attack on Kozu village are connected. The spies don't belong to the Mizukage faction. In fact they aren't from our village."

The old man looked at Yoshiro and asked "So were they from the hidden stone?" As the old man asked that question, the other clan heads quickly looked at Yoshiro. They knew they wouldn't stand a chance. No matter what kekkei Genkai they have, they can't go against one of the 5 great villages directly.

Yoshiro shook his head which gave everyone a sigh of relief only to give them a bigger shock "They are from the hidden leaf."

"That's even worse." The old man said in a serious tone making Riko frown and ask "Why? Haven't they suffered an attack recently? I don't think that they are much of a threat."

A woman who was sitting opposite him instantly leaned forward and said "And that's why we say that you have much to learn from us kid." It was a woman named Asami. Another bloodline clan Patriarch.

Riko didn't say anything and just looked away from her with an annoyed expression which made the woman smirk.

The old man looked at Riko and said "The hidden leaf is not said to be weakened but there are many who protect it in the light and the shadows. Yoshiro if they are truly from the hidden leaf then I'd suggest we not prosecute them."

Yoshiro nodded and said "I understand what you mean and I have confirmed that they are telling the truth. The good thing is the new Hokage Tsunade Senju wishes to help us in this conflict but I don't want the fight to end up becoming a war between the hidden leaf and hidden stone with the Land of water becoming the battleground."

"That would be disastrous. We will have to think carefully about our next step." Asami said.

"It doesn't end there. The place attacked in Kozu village was where the head of the spies lived along with his nephew who arrived a few days ago now that house is burned and the nephew is missing. The Mizukage faction used Anbus for such a small task so I am sure they are going to use him for negotiating." Yoshiro dropped the final bomb.

The 3 clan heads quickly started whispering with their advisors as this wasn't a small thing. They even started discussing among themselves. Yoshiro decided not to intervene and wait for them to come to a decision of their own.

After a few minutes, The old man looked at Yashiro and asked "Why is a spy's nephew here and how did he even come here?"

Mei decided to intervene and said "As far as we know, the kid Yuta didn't know about his uncle being a hidden leaf spy nor did he know the spy's real name. He traveled with my cousins from the land of forest after the death of his relative." Mei pointed at Santo and Kana and the two siblings nodded making the clan heads understand the situation deeply.

The old man rubbed his chin for a few seconds and said "Yoshiro, Mei I will be honest with you here. Things aren't as simple as they look that's for sure. But the immediate steps that we need to take is we need to inform the hidden leaf about this development. Maybe we can receive actual help from them to get the kid back. There is a chance that instead of negotiating with us for the kid they might directly ask for the hidden leaf's help or tell them not to intervene in our internal conflict. This could be a huge blow to our faction."

Toshiro nodded at the old man's suggestion and said "I will also speak to the spy personally about this. He needs to know that his nephew has been kidnapped."

Toshiro was about to continue when the old man stopped him and said "I would also like to be there."

Riko and Asami were confused when they heard that and asked "Could you tell us why? If it is something important then we will be there as well. After all we all are in the same boat." Asami said. She didn't want to be left in the dark so she mentioned that they all are in the same boat.

The old man laughed and said "Alright if Yoshiro permits then we all will be there. You kids are really the suspicious type and don't let go of this."

Toshiro had no problem with taking them to meet Hideki so he said "Let's go now. I don't see any reason to delay this matter." Toshiro and others stood up. While this was happening, Kana looked at Santo multiple times desperate to say something and at last, when the clan heads stood up she walked ahead and said "Lord Toshiro and the other clan heads…forgive me for my interruption but I have a request."

Toshiro and the others who didn't take such honorifics seriously didn't mind the intrusion so Toshiro looked at Kana and said "What is it, Kana? You seem restless."

"Could I also join you all?" Kana asked as she hesitated a little. Toshiro looked at Mei who nodded and said "Let's all go." No one argued with Mei's decision and without wasting any time they all headed toward the cell where Hideki and the twins were kept. As they reached the cell they saw that the conditions they were kept in were way better than what the other spies were kept in. Toshiro wasn't sure whether they would be future allies or enemies so he had them taken care of.

"Let's wait in the interrogation room. Enko, Santo go and bring those three." Elder Wu said and they all went into a dimly lit room with a table in the middle and handcuffs attached to it.

Within a few minutes, Enko and Santo walked into the room with Hideki and the twins. They didn't have cuffs on them but their chakra was sealed. Yoshiro signaled them to sit at the chairs in front of him and without saying anything they sat down.

"I hope you are being treated well here." Yoshiro said.

Hideki nodded and said "Yes thanks to you lord Yoshiro that we are in such a good condition. Is there any special reason for today's visit with the bloodline clan leaders?"


To know what Yami has planned further subscribe to my P@treon

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Link in the synopsis as well.