
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

For early access of chapters subscribe to my Patreon patreon.com/lazarus898 Wattapad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/315878306-naruto-uchiha%27s-genjutsu-demon YOutube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_BYV1R9DpNaJ2S3lM7Tfg/videos *NO HAREM* The Mc of this novel has transmigrated to the AU naruto world as the younger brother of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. He is neither a pacifist like his brother Itachi nor vengeful like Sasuke. He is cold and calculated about every move he makes and every decision he takes. In this novel, the mc will be proficient in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but his true power lies in Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Most of the Fan-fics I read completely ignore something as op as Genjutsu which is why the MC will be using it the most. All the photos used in this fan-fic are not owned by me.

lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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398 Chs

Hokage's word

Extra 10 chapters on my P@treon

Link in synopsis


Yami looked at his pale hands and decided to tell Sasuke enough truth to satisfy his curiosity. He didn't want Sasuke to be worried about him.

"Actually I got bats as my summoning animal and the paleness is just a small effect of it. But passively my eyesight and hearing have improved a little." Yami said. He kept looking at Sasuke to take a guess how much convinced he was and after a few seconds, the frown on Sasuke's face eased a little as he said "You should have said so. Did you do it alone? You should have taken my help."

"Don't worry big brother I had a jonin with me. It wasn't that hard anyway." Yami said. Hearing this Sasuke was relieved and he just nodded and left the room. In the room, Yami sighed and went back to sleep. He was totally exhausted because of the entire process of creating a chakra core.

Yami woke up after a few hours and took a shower and had some breakfast as usual. He decided to skip his training today and head straightaway toward the Hokage building but as he exited the Uchiha Compound he saw Guy, Neji and Lee coming toward him.

Seeing Yami come toward them Guy shouted "Yami it's good that you came. We were about to come and call you."

Hearing this Yami raised his eyebrows and asked "Oh, what is it? Did we get a mission?"

Guy struck a pose and said "YES, Yami we have got a C-rank mission to escort a merchant group to a village. The village is in the Land of fire itself and we will be back in 3 days. And here Hokage-sama told me to give you this." Guy said as he took out 3 scrolls from his pockets and handed them to Yami.

Yami took the scrolls and they were lightning scrolls. The jutsu lightning beam jutsu C-Rank, Electric Detonation Technique B-Rank, Lightning hound S-Rank. Seeing the names on the scrolls Yami's eyes widened. He had expected Hokage to give him D and C-ranked jutsus and didn't expect them to be honest enough to give whichever jutsu was found on the Kumo shinobis. Yami could see that these scrolls were fresh copies as they were written on the scrolls sold in the land of fire which means the real scrolls were kept by Hokage in the secret library. This was obvious and Yami had no qualms about it. As Yami was thinking about all this, Guy said

"Hokage-sama told me to tell you that the C-ranked and S-ranked were obtained from the Kumo shinobis and the B-ranked was from the Hokage-sama himself to appreciate your performance. He said that this B-ranked jutsu can very well be used on shadow clones which you are good at using."

'Looks like the old man knew that the ones coming to the academy were shadow clones and not the real me. He even kept his word of giving me the scrolls found from the dead kumo shinobis' Yami thought.

Neji and Lee were shocked to hear that Yami had just received 3 jutsus and one of them was an S-rank but they couldn't say anything as they knew Yami had contributed the most among them. Even more than Guy sensei.

"So Yami we will leave for the mission today evening and after we come back you can continue your training." Guy said.

"Guy sensei I will continue studying these scrolls slowly over time but after we come from the mission I would like to train with you in Taijutsu. I don't want to be left behind." Yami said.

Hearing this made Guy really happy as he was already feeling guilty for not being able to teach anything to Yami but now knowing that Yami wanted to increase his proficiency in taijutsu, Guy knew he could finally teach Yami something, and only then will he be deserving to be called Sensei by Yami.

"Now I can fight with you every day Yami." Lee said excitedly. Even Neji had made a firm resolve to fight with Yami as much as he could and defeat him as he said "Yami I will defeat you one day."

Seeing his students so ready to fight each other and become strong, Guy couldn't help but shout "THIS IS YOUTH."

After that Yami and others went back to their homes to prepare for the mission. At the same time in another part of the village, someone was furious.



Danzo was sitting on a chair in the middle of a big hall. The hall was heavily guarded with people dressed in black cloaks and masks. In front of Danzo stood a man who was slightly trembling. He could see the rage in Danzo's eyes.

"Why hasn't he come yet?" Danzo asked in a cold tone.

"We have no report as of yet Danzo-sama. He should have reached last night. I have sent 2 teams to search for Sero." the masked man said.

"The mission he went to this time was extremely important. I had told you to send the best you have."

"Danzo-sama Sero is the best student I have taught. No one in his generation can match his speed. His strength is not something to scoff at either."

"I don't need assurances. I want the package Orochimaru sent. The investment in that is way too much to ignore and I even had to do a lot of favors for that snake so that he could make and give it to me." Danzo said.

"Danzo-sama what if..." the man was about to say but Danzo interrupted him by saying

"I know, that snake can't be trusted and the chances of him kidnaping Sero and experimenting on him are high. He is greedy enough to keep those Sharingans and Hashirama cells for himself. But he still needs me so I can't completely believe that he betrayed me."

"There is one more possibility Danzo-sama." the masked man said making Danzo raise his eyebrows.

The masked man said "Many Kumo ninjas have been spotted at the borders of the Land of Fire. Those who are proficient in lightning jutsus can match Sero's speed."

"It makes sense. Those cloud ninjas have always wanted to perform experiments on different bloodline limits and Dojutsu. Go and find out if any of them were spotted near the hidden sound village." Danzo said as he got up and left the hall.

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To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.