
Naruto: Trading System

Traveling through countless worlds, doing business and exchanging goods. Follow Uchiha Kenzo on his adventure. Uchiha Itachi: "I want to buy the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan from Sasuke." Naruto: "I'll trade you the stinky fox for the revival of my mother and father." Kurama: "...." Uchiha Sasuke: "I don't know who gave me this gift, but these eyes are incredible!" Shikamaru: "The Shadow Monarch?" Kiba: "Entei Pokémon?" Uchiha Kenzo: "I have everything to offer, you just need to have goods to exchange!" . . . . (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃.....Cover photo is from a Chinese site, all copyrights reserved.....⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠⊂⁠)

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 059

"I see that you have studied a lot," Yue stroked her little head.

"Mhmm, when I grow up, I will become a shinobi and help protect the village."

The father stood helplessly by their side.

His daughter didn't usually act this way with strangers.

This small family of three was Yue's family.

Yue brought her parents back to life, but modified their memories.

Naturally, they remembered her, but they believed she had died on that night when she was separated from her mother's arms.

The memories of being killed by the bandits were erased with the meticulous help of Kenzo.

The scene where they had been murdered never happened and was completely erased.

Nowadays, they live peacefully a little away from the center of the village.

There are two ninja squads formed by four Elite Jōnin Uchihas, who ensure their safety at all times.

These four ninjas take turns every 24 hours.

And if that wasn't enough, outside their home, there is a kind of matrix, a strange term for Yue since she is not fond of spiritual literature.

In summary, it is like an extremely powerful barrier that is capable of repelling the attack of a Kage.

It can even attack using the power of the elements, as it has a kind of chakra reserved for urgent situations.

Yue didn't want to see the scene where her parents were killed again.

Even if she had the opportunity to revive them. After all, who would like to constantly see their family die and constantly modify their memories?

For that reason, Yue hid it, and in the history books, she appears as a war orphan.

The little girl couldn't stop talking about her dreams to Yue, which reminded her of herself when she promised to protect her parents.

A tempting aroma filled the entire living room.

The little girl couldn't help but stop talking when her stomach growled, and she happily said to Yue.

"Big sister! Stay for dinner, Mom's cooking is really delicious." The girl stood up, took Yue's hand, and led her to the kitchen.

The father watched this with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

His daughter was too innocent and lively.

However, he didn't suspect anything strange, after all, he had full confidence in this village.

And despite the countless ninjas from other countries working as personal guards for the nobles and even spies, there had never been a case of kidnapping or murder of a native.

All visitors were monitored by the village guards.

No one could act recklessly.

Proof of this was the prison full of ninjas and bandits from other ninja villages.

Even these villages didn't dare to claim them.

For this reason, no resident of Yu no Kuni is afraid of any visitor and has full confidence in the village's security.

Because even the nobles have to show respect to them.

Due to the extremely difficult process of obtaining a permanent residence and only being able to come as a tourist, and as a tourist, you have to abide by the rules.

Yu no Kuni has been functioning like this for years, and no power has dared to change it so far.

It must be said that fear of the unknown is the best deterrent.

"Sister! Eat a lot to recover, Mom cooks deliciously."

Yue's eyes almost threatened to cry at feeling this kind of warmth.

"It's the same warmth I felt when I was in Kenzo's arms.

Kenzo had told her countless times that she could present herself as his missing daughter, that as long as they stayed in the village, no one would be able to harm them.

And her master and lover had never broken a single promise.

This situation was too dramatic for someone like Kenzo who hates drama and only follows power.

For those who know him, they know that if anyone lays a finger on his family, Kenzo would take revenge even if they are protected by others.

The family had dinner peacefully with a few jokes here and there.

Among them, the news that the village leader was rumored to be pregnant.

But the father is currently unknown, after all, all the nobles who approached her with the intention of flirting were beaten by her and sentenced to months in prison.

This rule was not dictated by her, but by Kenzo...


River Universe S.A.S - Secondary Headquarters

Time here is disproportionate to each secondary world.

But that's according to how the world's custodian configured it.

In this case, Kenzo, who, in order not to stop time, left a ratio of 1:5.

One day in space is five days in the ninja world.

Recreation Space

This space is the largest in this headquarters. It is dedicated to various activities such as parties, meetings, announcements, and even training battles to entertain the public.

"Do you want me to help?"

Kenzo was busy setting up protection matrices when someone approached him and said so.

Kenzo unconsciously turned his head and looked at the same man who had greeted him at the reception when he arrived.

"Get out! What do you know about matrices? You just want to impress my master!"

Kenzo exposed the man while kicking him in the butt.

He's not the first person who has tried to suck up to him just to have a chance at getting promoted.

Kenzo set up protection matrices with extreme ease, something that did not go unnoticed by the people around him.

Jiang Mingxue and Ye Lington looked on in amazement as they watched Kenzo set up the matrices with such ease.

You should know that for this, you have to have a great understanding of matrix seals and have such delicate strokes to prevent them from easily breaking.

Jiang Mingxue clenched her fists in annoyance.

She was a very competitive young woman, and as someone who came from the lower worlds, she couldn't accept that someone so lazy and shameless could be stronger than her.

Her master had never mentioned such a person, and she had convinced herself that she was his favorite disciple.

She really refused to call this rascal her older brother.

"Kenzo has a monstrous compression talent. If I hadn't kicked him out of the Heavenly Library, that brat would have comprehended all the basic techniques there."

Although Chen Linjan said it in a disgusted manner, his face couldn't be more proud.

Causing Jiang Mingxue and Ye Lington to roll their eyes.




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