
Naruto: Trading System

Traveling through countless worlds, doing business and exchanging goods. Follow Uchiha Kenzo on his adventure. Uchiha Itachi: "I want to buy the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan from Sasuke." Naruto: "I'll trade you the stinky fox for the revival of my mother and father." Kurama: "...." Uchiha Sasuke: "I don't know who gave me this gift, but these eyes are incredible!" Shikamaru: "The Shadow Monarch?" Kiba: "Entei Pokémon?" Uchiha Kenzo: "I have everything to offer, you just need to have goods to exchange!" . . . . (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃.....Cover photo is from a Chinese site, all copyrights reserved.....⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠⊂⁠)

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter 016

"Was someone hiding in the shadows? This bastard didn't even feel their presence. If he had died, I would have to spend the last 100,000 CP I have to revive him." Izumi pulled her younger brother's ear again, speaking melancholically.

"We're leaving now, Kenzo-sama has instructed us to leave the Daimyo alone. Let's go back to the village," Shisui ignored this and said.

Izumi and her brother nodded in understanding and followed their captain.


Shisui was surprised to see the destruction.

'This girl...she's too fierce, she killed a Jōnin with such ease,' he thought.

Judging by the rubble, he deduced that Izumi had used her Mangekyō Sharingan.

He had to admit that a Mangekyō capable of greatly increasing the power of jutsus was terrifying even for him to deal with.

A simple fireball of only five meters in diameter, the usual for the Uchiha.

This girl can turn it into 10-20 meters in diameter.

Add to that jutsus that were already terrifying.

"Well, let's go..."



Mabui entered A's office to report.

Seeing her leader looking murderously at the man lounging vulgarly drinking tea, she gave a wry look.

"Raikage-sama, we've just been informed that the Daimyo is safe, only his concubines and wives were released, along with several guards being killed," Mabui quickly reported.

A frowned at this, but then relaxed again.

He leaned back in his chair and massaged his temple, thinking about the budget cut that annoying old man will make for this incident.

Kenzo observed all this with amusement.

"Karma is a bitch, my friend!" He said.

"I can handle several squads of spies, after all, they are under my watch, but more than ten squads with even Jōnin among them is my limit."

Upon hearing Kenzo's words, A contained his murderous intent.

"Are you satisfied now?" A asked.

"Yes, I have no intention of taking up more of your busy time."

Kenzo took one last sip of tea and got up from his seat.

He walked over to a stunned Mabui and kissed the back of her hand.

"We'll meet again soon, wild beauty," he said in a sensual tone as he dashed out through the window.

Breaking the glass, just like his leader does.

"Mabui, prepare a report on the damages caused by this bastard. Believe me, if I weren't fighting in the village, even if it cost me my life, I wouldn't let him act so arrogantly," A said with annoyance, pulling Mabui out of her internal thoughts.

"Right away, Raikage-sama!"

Mabui responded with respect as she left the office.

A was left alone in silence, deep in thought.

'I've never heard of a Uchiha so powerful besides Uchiha Madara, and that strange and mythical summoning, where did that guy come from?' A sang in his mind.


Yue's Office

"Miss Yue, this investment you're talking about, I'm really interested, I just don't know how it works."

Yue had a peculiar visitor in her office.

The Daimyo of the Land of Rice Fields himself.

"I'll be brief," Yue said with an expression of annoyance.

She still wasn't used to politics.

She missed the adventures and battles she and her master used to have.

"I will invest in the rice fields in your territory. We will provide the labor, machinery, and enough money. We just need the territory, naturally, as it is yours and we have no intention of wrongfully taking it. You will receive a large percentage of the wealth, as well as open a channel to trade directly with us!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Rice Fields opened his eyes fiercely.

"Are you serious?" His voice trembled with excitement.

Oto no Kuni (The Land of Rice Fields), also known as the Land of Sound, is a small land located on the border of the Land of Fire. It is politically new, although it has existed for a long time. The number of ninjas is limited and after the war, many survivors left the country, including the Fuma Clan.

Currently, the situation in this country is pitiful.

The Daimyo, hoping to increase his reputation and political power in his territory, decided to pay a visit to the leader of the new Yu no Kuni.

"I am completely serious. Here is the contract, you can read it and sign it. We will immediately move to your territory to accommodate our workers."

Upon hearing Yue's words, the Daimyo became even more excited.

He did not expect his visit to really catch the attention of this great leader who was talked about by everyone.


A shadow appeared in a blink in the middle of the meeting.

The Daimyo's guards went on alert, but he raised his hands to calm them down.

If this woman wanted to kill him, she wouldn't have waited until now.

The fierce woman who ended up playing with the Bloody Mist Seven Swordsmen did not need to beat around the bush at this point.

"Report," Yue said in a dull tone.

She didn't like interference in important meetings.

"Yue-sama, several ninja squads have crossed the border towards the village. According to the report, they seem to be ANBU squads from Konoha," the kneeling ninja reported.

"They want to act already? It seems that prosperity attracts fools," Yue smiled maliciously.

Now that her beloved master isn't here to release that tension she feels.

The invaders are a good appetizer until he arrives.

"Put the village under Martial Law. I will take care of this," Yue ordered calmly and decisively.

"Hi!". The ninja stepped back.

"I'm sorry, but our meeting will have to be postponed for later, don't worry about your safety, you won't be in a safer place than this, just I recommend that you don't leave the hotel where you are staying." Yue looked at the Daimyo calmly and said.

The Daimyo nodded inconsistently and left with the help of his guards.

Yue walked towards a hidden room and went down some stairs, reaching a kind of basement.

She walked to a box and pulled out a battle suit made of mesh, completely black, catwoman style.

Her attractive breasts stood out, while her waist, hips, and buttocks were perfectly outlined due to the tightness of the suit.

Biting her lip, she exclaimed with delight.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" (Summoning Jutsu)

A cloud of smoke suddenly appeared, and within it, a kind of creature could be seen.

As the smoke dissipated, its figure was revealed.

The creature was similar to a swan, its head formed by two crescent moons joined together. Its wings had a planetary ring-like aspect of different shades of pink that waved around to protect it from its enemies.

Its skin was blue on the upper part, and yellow on the face and lower part, giving it a wonderful and elegant presence.

Yue smiled as she saw the gentle creature looking at her with some annoyance.

It seemed to have disturbed its rest.



Uchiha Clan training area.

A young boy of about seven years old trained ferociously in the middle of the night.

Throwing shuriken and kunai indiscriminately at a worn-out target.

In the distance, a man watched the training with a smile.

While swinging a kind of token up and down.

"You will be my next client, Uchiha Sasuke."

The man, who was naturally Kenzo, smiled with excitement to see little Sasuke so focused on his training.




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