
Naruto to Boruto Chronicles

This is pretty much naruto and boruto but with fanmade arcs, some better writing and maybe a harem and yes i added a new character and made them a chinoike clan member because why not. (credits goes to Studio Pierrot, Shonen jump & Masashi Kishimoto)

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Time Travel Arc (Naruto Shippuden)

Tsukasa was fast asleep in his bed in the Hidden Leaf Village, his breathing deep and even. Suddenly, he heard a faint whispering in his ear. It was a soft, gentle voice, but there was an ominous tone to it.

"Tsukasa," the voice whispered. "Wake up, Tsukasa."

Tsukasa stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes, looking around the darkened room. There was no one there, but he could still hear the voice.

"Who's there?" he asked, his voice slightly groggy.

"It is I," the voice replied. "The one who knows all that has been and all that will be. The timelines are in danger, Tsukasa. The end is near."

Tsukasa sat up in bed, wide awake now. He looked around the room again, but still saw no one.

"What do you mean, the end is near?" he asked, his voice low.

"I mean that the timelines are in danger of collapsing in on themselves," the voice replied. "There are forces at work that seek to undo all that has been done. You and your friends must be vigilant, Tsukasa. You must be prepared for what is to come."

Tsukasa felt a sense of dread wash over him as he listened to the voice. He had no idea what it was talking about, but he could tell that it was serious.

"What can I do to help?" he asked.

"Be vigilant, Tsukasa," the voice said. "Watch for signs of danger, and be ready to act when the time comes. You and your friends are the only ones who can stop the end from coming. Do not fail."

With that, the voice faded away, leaving Tsukasa alone in the darkness. He sat there for a few moments, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Then he lay back down in his bed, determined to be ready for whatever was coming.

Tsukasa wakes up feeling uneasy after the mysterious dream he had the previous night. He decides to gather his friends and share his experience with them.

Tsukasa: Hey guys, can we talk for a minute? I had a really strange dream last night.

Sakura: Of course, Tsukasa. What was it about?

Tsukasa: I heard a woman's voice in my dream. She said that the end is near for the timelines. I have no idea what that could mean.

Naruto: Whoa, that's really weird. Did she say anything else?

Tsukasa: No, that was it. But I have a feeling it's important.

Karin: Maybe we should ask around and see if anyone knows anything about it.

Shikamaru: Hmm, it does seem like a cryptic message. We should gather as much information as we can.

Temari: Agreed. We should start investigating right away.

Tsukasa: Thank you, guys. I knew I could count on you.

Neji: Don't worry, Tsukasa. We're in this together.

The group nods in agreement, ready to face whatever challenge lies ahead. They know that they need to work together to unravel the mystery of Tsukasa's dream and prevent any catastrophic event from happening.

As Takashi walked into the room where Tsukasa and his friends were, he had a sly smirk on his face. "Hey guys," he said as he approached the group. "You won't believe the dream I had last night."

Tsukasa raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "What dream did you have, Takashi?"

"It was a really pervy dream," Takashi said with a chuckle.

The guys leaned in, curious to hear what Takashi had dreamt about. The girls, on the other hand, looked at him with a mixture of disgust and annoyance.

Tenten let out a sigh, "Takashi, we really don't want to hear about your pervy dreams."

Sakura nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's really inappropriate."

Takashi shrugged, "Sorry, I couldn't resist. You know me, I'm a bit of a perv."

Fujishi rolled her eyes, "Yeah, we know."

Hinata and Hanabi noticed Tsukasa sitting alone and decided to join him. "Hey, Tsukasa," Hinata said with a smile as she sat down next to him.

Hanabi nodded, "We missed hanging out with you."

Tsukasa smiled back at them, "I missed you guys too. It's been too long."

Naruto chuckled as he overheard their conversation, "You guys really are like siblings, huh?"

Tsukasa nodded, "Yeah, we are. We've been through a lot together."

Shikamaru chimed in, "Well, speaking of being through a lot, we should probably get back to figuring out how to save the timeline."

Everyone agreed, and they all got back to work on their time travel mission, trying their best to ignore Takashi's pervy comments along the way.

As Takashi walked around, he suddenly noticed something pink and frilly out of the corner of his eye. He walked over to get a closer look, and as he did, he heard Sakura scream.

"What the hell is this?!" Takashi exclaimed, holding up a frilly pink undergarment.

Sakura stormed over and smacked him upside the head. "Put that down, you pervert!"

Takashi rubbed his head in pain. "Ow! What's the big deal? I was just curious."

Sakura glared at him. "It's not your business. Mind your own business and keep your hands to yourself."

Takashi sighed and put the undergarment down. "Fine, whatever. I was just curious, that's all."

Tsukasa noticed that Hanabi and Hinata were looking confused and a bit scared, so he covered their eyes with his hands. "Don't worry about it, girls. It's nothing you need to see."

Naruto walked over, laughing. "Looks like Pervy Sage rubbed off on you, Takashi."

Takashi scowled at him. "Shut up, Naruto. It's not like that."

The girls were still glaring at Takashi, but Hinata and Hanabi knew that he was still their friend, despite his pervy tendencies. They sat by Tsukasa and held his hand, feeling grateful for the bond they shared with him and the rest of their friends.

Takashi's hand reached out to grab something round, and before he knew it, he was touching Ino's breast. He grinned like the infamous Pervy Sage, causing Ino to scream and then swiftly smack him on the head.

Everyone in the room froze, their attention turning to the scene that had just unfolded. Tsukasa quickly covered Hanabi and Hinata's eyes, shielding them from the inappropriate sight.

"Takashi! What the hell?!" Ino shouted as she pushed him away.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Takashi said, his face turning red with embarrassment.

The room was filled with awkward silence as everyone tried to recover from the unexpected incident. Finally, Hinata spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Takashi, that was really inappropriate. You should apologize to Ino," she said, her voice gentle but firm.

Takashi bowed his head, feeling ashamed of his actions. "I'm really sorry, Ino. I didn't mean to do that," he said sincerely.

Ino softened slightly and sighed. "Just be more careful next time, okay?" she said, her tone still slightly annoyed.

Takashi nodded, relieved that Ino had forgiven him. The rest of the group exchanged knowing glances, realizing that Takashi had clearly picked up some bad habits from their late mentor, the Pervy Sage.

As the tension in the room dissipated, everyone resumed their activities, with Hinata and Hanabi snuggling up to Tsukasa as they continued to talk and laugh with their friends.

The scene begins with Takashi standing in front of the group of girls, looking a bit more serious than usual. "Hey, girls," he began, "I want to talk to you all about something important."

The girls exchanged curious glances, wondering what could have made Takashi so serious. "What's going on, Takashi?" Tenten asked.

"I've been thinking a lot lately about what kind of shinobi I want to be," Takashi said, his voice steady. "And I realized that I want to be someone who can protect people, someone who can be a mentor to others."

The girls listened intently, impressed by Takashi's newfound determination. "That's really admirable, Takashi," Ino said, smiling.

Takashi grinned back at her, but then his expression turned serious again. "But in order to do that, I need to control my...uh...pervy tendencies," he said, looking a bit sheepish.

The girls all rolled their eyes, knowing that Takashi had a bit of a reputation for being a pervert. "Good luck with that," Karin said sarcastically.

But Takashi was determined. "No, really," he insisted. "I'm going to try and change my ways. In fact, I'll make a bet with all of you. If I can go one week without acting like a pervert, you all have to treat me to dinner."

The girls laughed, thinking that there was no way Takashi could go a week without being a pervert. But they also appreciated the effort he was putting in to try and better himself.

The scene then shifted to Takashi standing outside the village gates, where he spotted a random genin kunoichi named Kobayashi. He immediately began flirting with her, making her giggle and blush. Meanwhile, Tsukasa and the other genin were sparring nearby.

Suddenly, a suspicious-looking jonin named Ken appeared, eyeing Kobayashi with malice. Takashi sensed that something was wrong and stepped in front of the girl to protect her.

"What do you want, Ken?" Takashi demanded, his hand on his kunai.

Ken sneered. "None of your business, little genin. Just move aside and let me deal with this kunoichi."

But Takashi refused to back down. "I won't let you hurt her," he said firmly.

Ken chuckled. "You're brave, I'll give you that. But you're no match for me."

The two began to fight, with Takashi holding his own against the more experienced jonin. Meanwhile, Tsukasa and the other genin watched in awe, impressed by Takashi's bravery and skill.

In the end, Takashi emerged victorious, with Ken fleeing the scene. Kobayashi thanked Takashi for his help, and the two exchanged a sigh as they parted ways.

As the group of genin walked away, Takashi turned to Tsukasa. "You know, we make a good team," he said, grinning.

Tsukasa chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we do."

The scene then faded to Tsunade and the other kage meeting and discussing urgent matters, hinting at a looming threat that would soon affect the entire shinobi world.

Takashi and Tsukasa vowed to be rivals and try to best each other, setting the stage for future conflicts and adventures.

As Tsukasa approached the weird glowing device, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. Suddenly, he disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, leaving behind only a faint trail of light.

Everyone was stunned and confused, wondering where Tsukasa had gone. They looked around for any clues, and that's when they noticed the strange device on the ground.

"T-This is a time travel device," Sakura said, her voice shaking with excitement and fear. "But how did it get here?"

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound behind them, and turned around to see Tsukasa standing there, looking around in shock.

"Tsukasa! You're back!" Naruto shouted, running up to him and grabbing him in a tight hug.

Tsukasa looked at his friends in confusion, not recognizing the younger versions of them. "W-What's going on? Where am I?"

Sasuke stepped forward, looking at Tsukasa with a serious expression. "It seems that you've traveled back in time. We're in the Academy, and you're back in your younger self."

Tsukasa's eyes widened in shock as he looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings. "This is... impossible. How did I get here?"

Everyone started talking at once, trying to figure out what had happened and how they could get Tsukasa back to their own timeline. They were interrupted by a group of Academy students running past them, and Tsukasa felt a rush of nostalgia wash over him.

"I remember this," he said, a small smile on his face. "This is where it all started."

The group looked at him, unsure of what to do next. They knew that they had to find a way to get Tsukasa back to their own timeline, but they also knew that they had to be careful not to disrupt the timeline too much.

As they pondered their next move, the scene faded to black, leaving everyone wondering what adventures and challenges lay ahead.

Tsukasa had traveled back in time to the Academy arc in order to prevent any major changes to the timeline. He knew that any interaction with his younger self could drastically alter the course of events, so he decided to disguise himself as a transfer student from another village.

He had made himself look unrecognizable, with a new hairstyle, different clothes, and even a fake accent. He was now attending the Academy alongside his younger self and the rest of his friends. It was strange to see them all so young and inexperienced, but he had to remind himself not to interfere.

Tsukasa would often keep to himself, trying to blend in and not draw attention to himself. He would observe his younger self and his friends, and notice how much they had all grown since then. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic, but he knew that he had a mission to complete.

Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Hanabi, Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Choji, Shino, Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Ayane, and Fujishi were all still in the current timeline, trying to find a way to bring Tsukasa back. They knew that he had gone back in time to prevent any major changes, but they were worried about him being stuck in the past.

As they searched for a way to bring him back, they would occasionally run into Tsukasa in his disguise. They didn't recognize him at first, but they could tell that he was different. He seemed more reserved and cautious, not the confident and outgoing person they knew.

They would try to talk to him and ask him about his past, but he would always deflect their questions and change the subject. They could tell that he was hiding something, but they didn't want to push him too hard.

As time went on, Tsukasa began to feel more comfortable in his disguise. He had made some new friends and even helped his younger self with some of his training. But he always knew that he couldn't stay in the past forever.

Eventually, the device that had brought him back in time would activate again, and Tsukasa would have to say goodbye to his younger self and his friends. He had completed his mission, and he knew that he had to return to the current timeline.

As he vanished from the past, he hoped that he had not caused any major changes to the timeline. He knew that his friends were still searching for a way to bring him back, but he was content with the memories he had made in the past. He was a time traveler, but he knew that his place was in the present.

As the group walked to the barbeque place for lunch, Takashi couldn't resist making a teasing comment to Tsukasa. "Hey Tsukasa, don't forget to focus on Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Ayane, and Fujishi," he said with a grin.

Ino and Sakura immediately hit him in the arm, causing him to laugh. "Just kidding, just kidding," he said with a chuckle.

As they arrived at the barbeque place and settled in to eat, the group started chatting and joking around. Tsukasa sat with Hinata and Hanabi, chatting with them as they enjoyed their food.

Meanwhile, Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Ayane, and Fujishi were all vying for Tsukasa's attention. They laughed and flirted with him, trying to win him over.

Just as things seemed to be getting interesting, there was a sudden flash of light and the time travel device exploded, destroying itself completely.

The group was momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered and started joking about the whole situation. Takashi clapped Tsukasa on the back. "Looks like you're stuck here in the present after all," he said with a grin.

Tsukasa smiled and shrugged. "I guess so," he said. "But I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

------END OF FILLER ARC-----