
Chapter 12: Setting a small goal (Edited)

Increasing strength, of course, is something to be joyful about.

But this joy did not last long before Yeruashi gradually calmed down, because he is well aware that although the word "Jounin "is present in the wording of Tokubetsu, there is a big difference between a Tokubetsu Jounin and an official Jounin.

Since the Tokubetsu Jounin's skills are not balanced enough in all aspects to become a true Jounin, his chances of surviving in a chaotic war are much lower than those of a fully developed and prepared Jounin.

"I still don't have enough stamina..."

Yeruashi mused.

He doesn't have the Uzumaki bloodline or a Bijuu sealed in his body, his current amount of chakra, strictly speaking, at the level of an elite Chuunin, and there is still a long way for him to reach the level of a Jounin.

No need to talk about physical endurance, how much strength can his only ten year old body have?

And not to mention that in the state of time acceleration, the rate at which his stamina is consumed will also increase.

"If I use time acceleration and learn the Hachimon Tonko, I generally won't be able to carry out a long battle."

Thinking about it, Yeruashi felt disappointed.

Until the time he trained his body with the sage art, physical endurance and the amount of chakra would always be his weak point, and something like the sage body was not something he could practice right now.

However, when he thought about it, as long as the strength gained momentarily is strong enough, even if he had physical endurance issues, there was no problem, just like Minato, who was able to assassinate fifty Jounins in a matter of moments, even if his amount of chakra was not much, that did not stop the fame of the Yellow flash of Konoha from shaking the entire ninja world.

"Looks like my fighting style from now on will be to settle battles instantly..."

Yeruashi muttered.

Regardless of whether he was deficient in terms of stamina or not, in any case, he still had to practice Hachimon Tonko, and with time acceleration and Hachimon Tonko stacked on top of each other, it is considered that he really had the power to end battles instantly.

When the speed reaches an extreme level, what does stamina matter?

The battle will end quickly.

"Now, in my normal state, I should be at the Elite Chuunin level, and in the triple acceleration state, I could be considered a Tokubetsu Jounin, there are three directions if I want to become stronger..."

Yeruashi pondered in his mind.

The first direction, the most common one, was to exercise his body step by step, train his chakra and use time acceleration so that his body would grow rapidly, and when he grew to the age of about twelve or thirteen, he would possess approximately the chakra and physical stamina of a Jounin.

After learning some good Jutsus, he would have the strength of an ordinary Jounin in a normal state.

The second direction was to continue practicing Hatake Kenjutsu.

If he could master the second stage of Hatake kenjutsu, even taking into account the lack of physical stamina and the volume of chakra, he would still be able to reach the level of a Jounin.

And the third direction, of course, is the Hachimon Tonko.

"...It's best to train in all directions, of course."

Yeruashi made a decision.

For an ordinary ninja, it would be the right choice to focus on one direction, because they simply would not have enough time to train in three directions at once, such greed will only lead to the fact that the ninja will not make significant progress in any of the directions, and the overall improvement in strength will naturally be meager.

But Yeruashi was different.

The ability to accelerate time allows him to devote much more time to training.

If the time acceleration ability continues to improve in the future, he could enter a quadruple or even quintuple acceleration state... therefore, he is fully qualified to take all three directions at the same time!

"It is worthwhile to set a small goal.... I need to reach the level of a Jounin in six months."

Yeruashi clenched his fist tightly and sighed.


His goal was to reach the level of Jounin in a normal state.

With this kind of power and entering a state of triple, quadruple or even quintuple time acceleration, he might be able to do what Minato did and kill Jounins like chopping vegetables.

Only after reaching this level, he will be able to ensure his survival during the Third Ninja World War, and greatly reduce the risk of death due to unforeseen circumstances.

After completing the training, Yeruashi went home.

"It looks like the war is about to begin..."

Compared to the previous days, it can be seen that in the streets of Konoha there are clearly more ninja patrolling the streets and the frequency of patrols had become more frequent, and that was only on the surface.

The Anbu would most likely keep a close eye on every nook and cranny of Konoha, looking for spies from enemy villages that might have infiltrated Konoha.

At this moment, Yeruashi felt that he was being watched, but soon that feeling disappeared, it seemed that he was also being monitored by one of the Anbu.

The feeling of being watched was naturally very unpleasant, but because the war is about to start, this is inevitable, each village, of course, send scouts, in an attempt to find out as much information as possible about the other side.

Due to the time-accelerated state, Yeruashi ate much more often than ordinary people, and the supplies in his refrigerator were consumed rather quickly, so he has to put them every two or three days, so on his way home, he went to the street where there were a variety of ingredients for sale, intending to replenish their stocks.

But after taking a few steps.

A slightly familiar voice reached his ears from a nearby store.

When Yeruashi looked out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure holding a bag and arguing with the owner of the meat store.

"What? the beef has gone up to 450 Ryo, it's too expensive!"

Might Duy complained, unable to accept it.

The shopkeeper shrugged helplessly and said, "It's not that I'm trying to make more money, it's just that the purchase price is going up..."

Under the influence of the tense between the ninja in the villages, the price of food, of course, began to rise, even though Konoha is quite stable, but the tense situation has affected the channels through which they buy a variety of products and materials due to the danger of attacks from enemy villages, the caravans required a much larger number of ninja to escort them, which naturally leads to a significant increase in prices.

"It's very expensive..."

Might Duy scratched his head, feeling a headache.

He was just a normal Genin and there were very few missions he could accept because he couldn't find anyone willing to form a team, and the price increase, of course, affected Might Duy greatly, because his son, Might Guy, was in a period of growth and development, in which at least one serving of meat per day is required.

After some hesitation, Might Duy still bought a piece of meat, but reduced the portion size, thinking he would be fine without a little meat.

"This is a really difficult situation for ninjas..."

Yeruashi muttered, watching Might Duy buy meat.

For his part, he was fine, even though Sakumo had died, he had left a considerable inheritance, which was enough to provide him and Kakashi with several years of comfortable living, besides, Kakashi already advanced to Chuunin and became self-sufficient, so he didn't need to worry about prices for the time being.

Might Duy can open the eighth gate of the Hachimon Tonko, which is enough to reach the Kage level and completely crush the seven Mist swordsmen, so, what would happen if he opened the seventh gate of the Hachimon Tonko? Shouldn't it be a no-brainer that he reached the level of a Jounin?

But Might Duy hardly ever goes on combat missions, searching for lost cats and the like, he just doesn't have the ability to demonstrate his strength.

So, the people of Konoha never knew Might Duy's true strength.

After thinking for a while, Yeruashi bought some food and returned home, where he prepared a simple meal and had a quick dinner before heading out again in search of Might Duy.

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