
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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Chapter 63

"Don't look at me like that, teacher Orochimaru....it's scary."

Erase helplessly sighed: "Ah, teacher, you don't think of me as the experimental sample?"

Orochimaru chuckled: "How can this be? You are my most valuable and important student, but I am really interested in your Improved Genome, unfortunately there is no time for serious research

right now.": "I agree to do some research with the teacher after the war is over."

You just need to postpone it until the end of the war, by which time he will have surpassed Orochimaru and it will not matter how he reacts to such an offer.

If there are no problems, Yeruashi does not mind helping the teacher in the study of eternal life, because Orochimaru also gave him no small help, it was thanks to him that the method of Activating Cells and the natural transformation of lightning was studied.

By the way.

Recently Erase tries to explore the impact of ability time just for yourself.

For example, the ability to reverse the flow of time shows a rather peculiar behavior, if you cut your hand and spray blood on the wall, and then apply the ability to reverse the flow of time, it will lead to the disappearance of blood from the wall.

This ability ignores distance.

Yeruashi has run several tests, even if he takes his hair and puts it at a very long distance, after using the time reverse flow ability, it will appear on his head, completely ignoring distance and space!

The presence of this property means that he is Erase not wish, no one will be able to get even a tiny piece of his flesh.

It's just a pity that by activating the reverse flow of time, he can return a drop of blood that is removed from him at any distance, but he can't transfer his body to the drop of blood to recover, this property can't be used for spatial movement.

When activating the reverse time flow, the center of recovery will be the part of the body where the soul is located, which is basically consistent with the restoration of Edo Tensei.

As for ideas like splitting the soul to test the spatial effect of the reverse flow of time....Erase do not plan to experiment with something like that.

If he wants to have the ability of spatial movement, then you just need to learn Hiraishin no Jutsu.

Even if Hiraishin is too difficult and cannot be practiced without special talent, there are still Sharingans and Rinnegans that have spatial abilities, it just takes strength to capture them.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

Hearing the answer of Erase, Orochimaru smiled.

Orochimaru felt that even he would find it very difficult to deal with the current Yeruashi, so he did not want to resort to the method of coercion.

Fortunately Erase became his disciple, otherwise it would be pretty hard to touch the power of time.

Just wish...we don't know how long the war will last, and it will be difficult to find time for such serious research before it ends.

When Orochimaru was thinking about this, a shinobi entered the tent and made a report: "Lord Orochimaru, the battlefield has been cleared, a total of seventy-seven Willow shinobi were killed, including thirty Jounins...


Orochimaru nodded and quietly said: "Advanced troops Iwagakure received heavy damage and their plan was destroyed, inform about the situation Konoha. "


Shinobi accepted the order.

As he left the tent, he looked at Yeruashi, his expression a little unnatural, but there was respect in the depths of his eyes.

Although Erase so young, but his achievements in this battle can only be described as brilliant.

Almost half of all the dead shinobi Willow was killed exactly Erase, it can be safely called a hero of this battle!

This is respect won by force.

Erase noticed this look, but it is not much cared about such things, after the departure of the shinobi he turned to Orochimaru: "Teacher Orochimaru.... do you happen to have an extra Kusanagi blade?"

He was a little ashamed to ask, but The white Fang Blade broke.

Opening the fourth gate in a state of four times acceleration, plus Chidori, was too much of a burden for The white Fang Blade.

The blades used by shinobi have various properties, for example, the white Fang Blade is made of some special metal that is best adapted to the flow of chakra, but in terms of strength, this metal is inferior even to ordinary steel.

This blade doesn't have enough strength, which is why it was broken by Kakashi in the original.

If we talk about Yeruashi's strongest single attack, it's probably not as strong as Sakumo's, who used the same White Fang Blade, but the problem is that their attack methods are too different.

Sakumo fully mastered the 2nd stage of kenjutsu Hatake, which is based on changing the shape of the chakra, this method not only does not load the blade, but can even make it more durable.

But Erase different.

He uses the 1st stage of kenjutsu Hatake in combination with Chidori, and relies on pure speed and strength to reach the 2nd stage.

This was not noticed during the battle only after killing Honka, Erase noticed a small crack on the edge of a blade of the White Fang.

After another such battle, the blade will be completely destroyed.

It should help to fully master the 2nd stage of kenjutsu Hatake and master a more advanced version of the chakra flow, but this step is not so easy to do.

In addition, in the open gate state, it will be very difficult to use the true 2nd stage of kenjutsu Hatake.

If we talk about strength, perhaps only the Kusanagi blade will be able to freely carry his great speed and fierce power. Although the shape of the Kusanagi does not match the short blade of the White Fang, one of them seems to be able to shorten and lengthen freely.

But even if the length doesn't match, it's easier to just adjust.


Orochimaru thought about it and said:" Ah, unfortunately I don't have too much left, but I know where to find one... "

Yeruashi didn't say anything, waiting for Orochimaru to continue, soon he spat out a scroll and handed it to Yeruashi:" here are the approximate coordinates. As for the shinobi power of this village...

Orochimaru received this information quite recently and wanted to soon go for the blade, but just at this time, the war broke out and he was sent to the front, so I had to postpone it for a while.

Erase took the scroll.

In fact, he would like to know how many scrolls are in Orochimaru's stomach, and if only the scrolls are there. Does he even put things in order there, or does it look like a woman's purse?

Putting these thoughts aside, Yeruashi respectfully bowed to Orochimaru: "Thank you, teacher. "

" Ke-ke-ke, please."