
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 347

The sun's rays reflected off the calm surface of the sea, creating a soft golden glow.

The two ships drifted unhurriedly across the boundless sea.

The small ship was tied with several thick ropes to the large ship in front.

There were about twenty people gathered on the deck of the big ship.

"Ohara's incident, it's just awful...»

"...I'm sorry.»

Shanks took the cup of wine and looked at Robin, who was sitting next to Yeruashi, with a hint of apology.

Robin shook her head.»

Shanks drank the wine from the cup and looked at Yeruashi, " So, what are you going to do next, senior? After sheltering Robin and beating up the Vice Admiral, the World Government will definitely recognize you as a criminal and announce a high bounty on your head.»

Although Yeruashi didn't look much older than Shanks, but his strength was simply incredible, perhaps not to the extent of his captain, the Pirate King, but this man is at least one of the strongest standing on the top of the sea.

Shanks was certainly very polite when faced with such a strong man.

Yeruashi took a sip of his wine and chuckled, " Never mind, no matter what my run-in with that Vice Admiral, Robin would still be wanted by the World Government, so it's only a matter of time before I run into them.»


Shanks, who was wearing a straw hat, looked at Yeruashi with a smile and asked: "No desire to become a pirate? You could travel with us, we intend to conquer the Grand Line!»

It was an invitation.

Yeruashi is young and incredibly strong, besides, he doesn't belong to any of the big powers.

Shanks would certainly be happy to have such a person join the team, as far as the power gap is concerned...he doesn't care.

As a holder of the King's will and a former member of the Pirate King's crew, Shanks never doubted his ability to reach the top of the sea in the future.

"I don't mind going on the same boat with you at all, but there are places I really want to visit. As a captain, you're definitely not going to like this, so forget it.»

Yeruashi said in a relaxed tone.

There's nothing wrong with traveling with Shanks.

It wasn't that Shanks couldn't follow him to Marinford and the Holy Land of Marijoa, it was just that Beckman, Jasopp, and the others, who were still young, were definitely not ready for something like this.

"I see...»

Shanks sighed regretfully, but immediately smiled, not continuing the subject: "Of course, a person like you has his own aspirations and ambitions. Given your strength, you can not pay attention to the usual patrollers, only the Admirals and the 'Hero of the Watch' Garp can become a problem.»

As the cabin boy of Roger's Pirates, Shanks met many strong men standing on top of the sea, including Kaido, Big Mama, Garp, Sengoku, and others.

Although Shanks is nowhere near as strong as Yeruashi right now, he has a clearer understanding of the people standing on top of this sea.

According to Shanks, the Vice-Admirals will not be able to defeat the Yeruashi, and only two Admirals and the Hero of the Watch can carry a real threat.

"Admirals and the Hero of the Watch...»

Yeruashi whispered thoughtfully and smiled, " I'll remember.»

Shanks poured himself another glass of wine and held out his hand with the cup in Yeruashi's direction: "Thank you again for your help, you can contact me at any time, if you need anything, I will definitely try to help.»


Yeruashi clinked glasses with Shanks, emptied the cup, and said, " Right now, I really have one request.»

Shanks was surprised: "Which one?»

Yeruashi looked at Shanks and said with undisguised interest: "You're familiar with the will, aren't you? I want to know the methods of practicing the will of observation and the will of armament.»

In the first half of the Grand Line, it is extremely rare to find people who can use the will, but Shanks is different, because he was part of Roger's Pirates and, strictly speaking, can not be considered a pirate of the first half of the Grand Line...after all, he is one of the few pirates who have conquered the New World!

Given the talent and environment, a twenty-year-old Shanks must possess all types of willpower.


Shanks couldn't help but be surprised.

He was sure that a person of Yeruashi's level should possess a will at a high level, but unexpectedly, he does not possess a will at all and only knows a little about it.

But Shanks quickly realized that Yeruashi, as a person with no reputation, must have simply developed his devil fruit ability to the extreme, without attracting much attention and living like an ordinary person.

It is quite normal for such a person not to have a will.

"No problem, it's nothing.»

Shanks nodded.

Yeruashi smiled, " Thank you.»

He was still very interested in the will of the world of Van Pease.

Although the power of the Chakra Fruit and the Illusory Clock is enough to stand at the absolute top of this world, but the will and the way of the sword are undoubtedly able to improve the strength of the current Yeruashi.

Strictly speaking, these powers can be considered 'passive skills'.

He has quite enough active large-scale skills like Chibaku Tensei, but as for passive skills...now he has only a normal and serious blow.

Yeruashi was also interested in fencing, but the current Shanks is still far from the top of the sword path.

He didn't see the point in learning the sword path from Shanks, and Hawkeye didn't. Mihawk has not yet become the Greatest Swordsman in the World, but' Dark King ' Reilly should already be living peacefully in the Sabaodi Archipelago, so it will be enough just to find Reilly after arriving there.

Reilly is certainly one of the strongest swordsmen in the world.

He stands at the top of the path of the sword.

Originally, Yeruashi was going to learn from Reilly and Will, but when he accidentally met Shanks, he decided that there was nothing wrong with learning from him.


Shanks smiled broadly, " I'll drink to you again!»

A few hours later.

Beckman, Jasopp, and the others were sprawled on the deck, and only Shanks could barely sit up with a bowl in his hand: "Hey...older...you're even stronger than expected...»


Eventually, Shanks fell on his side, too, and the wine spilled all over the deck.

"Ah, you are still too young to drink with me on equal terms.»

Yeruashi finished his wine, looked at the Red-haired Man's unconscious Pirates, and slowly stood up: "Robin, let's go back, it's time to rest.»


Robin, who was sitting next to her, stood up and said in a sleepy voice.

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 100 more chapters here

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