
Chapter 204

Although he felt a lot of resentment after the collision with Obito, but he had to keep moving on.

Yeruashi left the house.

He climbed onto the Hokage rock, and sat on his knees, his consciousness immediately entering the seal space inside his body.

Up to this point, he hadn't had time to deal with it, but now it was time to talk to the fox.

In his previous life, Yeruashi was very fond of Kurama and even bought a lot of his children's figures, but this fox is too big and not so cute anymore.

In the print space.

There lay Kyubi, paws folded on top of each other and eyes closed, in an unsuccessful attempt to sleep, today he was in a very bad mood.

Although Kushina was similar to the rest of the Shinobi, considering herself a chain binding him, but at least she was much better than his previous Jinchuriki-Uzumaki Mito.

In the end.

When he wasn't feeling too bad, someone grabbed him by the tail and pulled him out of the Jinchurika.

But the worst part was that the attacker was a member of the Uchiha Clan, who immediately after extraction used the Mangekyu Sharingan to subdue his spirit, which led to a complete loss of control over the body.

How can this be tolerated?!

In the end, Minato came to the rescue, cutting off the Uchiha's control over him, but when Kurama was about to talk to him, this guy decided to give his life, using Shiki Fujin to suppress him at all costs.

What the hell?!

Kurama was going to run away immediately, but once Shiki Fujin was activated, it didn't make any sense.

It can be said that since the moment of forcible extraction from the Jinchuriki, he was always put on a leash, he never got the opportunity to act on his own will.

Now as usual.

Back in the cage.

When the Sage of the Six Paths shared the chakra, it was necessary to give him a little more portion! In that case, there would be very few people in the world capable of taking control of it! This old man is a rare asshole!!


When Kurama was scolding the Sage of the Six Paths in his heart, he suddenly felt something strange, as if his head had become a little heavier.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw a man who had just appeared, lying in a comfortable and relaxed position right on his fluffy nose.


For a while, Kuby didn't react at all.

After a few seconds, he came to his senses and abruptly jumped up, violently throwing the man aside, " Bastard! How dare you use my head as a bed?!»


Yeruashi flew out of the cage.

He looked at the Kyubi and sighed, " Ah, why didn't you lie still...I'll tell you straight out, from now on, you'll follow me. Hmm, but first we need to decide who is the boss here, although it may seem strange, but in my opinion, I am a little stronger than you and much better suited for this role.»

Seeing the confident demeanor and hearing Yeruashi's smug words, Kurama instantly became enraged and shouted through the cage: "Arrogant kid! If you are so confident in your strength, then come in right now! Come on! I'll kick your ass!!»


Yeruashi shook his head and walked over to the cage.

Under Kurama's shocked gaze, instead of stopping when he reached the cage, Yeruashi calmly continued walking forward and walked inside, at the same time placing the palm of his left hand on his right fist and starting to knead it.

Crack! Crack!


Half a day later.

Yeruashi opened the cage.

Kurama turned to Yeruashi, who was standing on his head: "You should know that just because I can't beat you and there's no point in continuing this, I've decided to let you go for a while....»

"Yes, yes, we have concluded a truce to abandon the senseless struggle...»

Yeruashi patted Kurama's head, " ... you are now my pet fox.»

Kurama sighed fiercely, intending to strike out with his paw and throw Yeruashi off his head, but remembering how he had been subjected to a one-sided beating throughout the battle, he restrained himself and fiercely exclaimed, " What the fuck is a fox?! Bastard! My name is Kurama!»

"Got it ... fox.»

Kurama decided that even if he was beaten mercilessly again, he still had to fight! Such a disgrace cannot be tolerated!!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Half a day later.

Kurama is sprawled on the floor, his tongue hanging out, his breathing heavy, his nine tails lying motionless.

Yeruashi was lying across from Kurama, but unlike the fox, he was in the best of spirits.

Earlier, it was very unpleasant for him to fight with Obito.

Although the completed Susanoo didn't cause much trouble, but Kamui's intangible ability to avoid all attacks was really annoying, and now there was an opportunity to fight normally and take out the stress.

"Hey, fox, do you want to go out for a walk?»

Yeruashi stood up, walked over to Kurama, and patted him on the nose.

Kurama no longer wanted to argue over the name, the giant body remained motionless, he sucked in his tongue and turned his gaze to Yeruashi: "...what does it mean to go out for a walk?»

"That's what it means.»

Yeruashi grinned, " Should I be afraid to let you go like the other Shinobi?»

Since he decided to get a fox, he must take care of it.

According to his experience in the care of pets from a previous life, the animal will feel very bad, all the time being in a cage, you need to walk it as often as possible.


Kurama replied listlessly: "But not today, I want to rest.»

"Call me when you want to go for a walk.»

Yeruashi ruffled Kurama's red hair and disappeared from the seal space.

Some time after Yeruashi's departure, after recovering a little, Kurama gathered up his limbs and gathered up his scattered tails, assuming a more dignified and majestic pose.

"More chakra than me, this guy must not be human...»

Kurama whispered thoughtfully.

Although he was beaten to a terrible state, but the attitude of Yeruashi was completely different, compared to other Shinobi, at least with him it was possible to fully conduct a dialogue, the main drawback was that he was not able to defeat this person.


Two months later.


A huge red tail stretched out over Konoha and stopped over one of the streets, then a small stream of chakra gushed out of it and rushed to the shops.

But this did not cause horror, but only made some people swallow nervously, most of the residents of Konoha have already begun to get used to it.

The shopkeepers began to bring out the prepared food.

"Hey, be careful! Don't you dare break the stores again.»

Yeruashi, who was lying on Kurama's head, patted his fur.

Kurama, who was lying in a clearing outside of Konoha, picked up a 'little' of food with his tail, threw it into his mouth and began to chew contentedly.

"There won't be any more problems, you can be sure.»

"Thank you to Lord Kurama for visiting! A total of two hundred thousand Re...»


Yeruashi hit Kurama on the head, " Don't you dare eat any more!»

"Hmm, greedy.»

Kurama snorted, but did not extend his tail again.

Yeruashi rubbed his temples, feeling that something had gone wrong with taming the fox.

"The fox...you say which job suits you best?»




Maito Gai, Genma Shiranui, and the others who had left Konoha for the mission more than two months ago looked at this scene in shock and involuntarily rubbed their eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Genma muttered: "I must be tired to the point where I started seeing hallucinations, I need to rest urgently...»

"See you later.»

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