
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 196

"There are some skills, ah.»

Obito calmly said and spewed out a stream of blue chakra, covering the lower part of Susanoo.

At the same time, Minato appeared on the head of the Kyubi and pressed his palm to it, from which a network of black symbols immediately began to spread.


With the rotation of the Mangekyu Sharingan pattern in Obito's eyes, these black symbols quickly slowed down and eventually collapsed.

"How can this be?..my Fuinjutsu...»

Shock flashed in Minato's eyes.

Obito controlled the Kyubi by reattaching Susanoo to his head, and calmly addressed Minato, " Did you really think that by separating me from the Kyubi, you could break the connection? Hmm, you're too naive.»

The fuinjutsu left by Madara in Kyubi's body is much stronger than any Fuinjutsu in Minato's arsenal, because Kyubi is Madara's summoning beast!

If the Kyubi is not sealed in the Jinchuriki, Madara can even use a simple Kuchiyose no Jutsu to summon it as a normal contract beast!

This is the hidden trump card prepared by Madara!

Uchiha Obito, who inherited most of Madara's abilities, can certainly use this tool to take control of the Kyubi, so Minato and Hiruzen's thoughts about breaking the connection with the Kyubi were fundamentally wrong, it's just impossible.


Obito's eyes were cold.

Under his control, Susanoo and Kyubi launched a fierce attack, blue slashes and giant tails sweeping in all directions.

Minato dodged with the help of Hiraishin, and Hiruzen was thrown back by the Kyubi's tail and rolled through the streets of Konoha, spitting out blood.

On the other hand.

Jiraiya was also swept away by the Kyubi's tail, although being in the Sage Mode managed to avoid injuries, but he was also thrown far to the side.

Jiraiya is Hiruzen's disciple, Minato is Jiraiya's disciple, and Obito is Minato's disciple...

Watching as his teacher, teacher teacher, and teacher teacher teacher were easily swept away by just one attack, Obito felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

"Is that what Uchiha Madara was feeling at the time?»

He whispered softly.

This is a mighty Shinobi, having fame all over the world, but in front of him, they seem to be nothing more than ordinary Jounins.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Obito continued to attack Minato, Jiraiya, and Hiruzen, single-handedly overpowering the three mighty Shinobi.

Their strongest attacks couldn't even damage Susanoo.

Faced with Obito controlling the Kyubi, the three felt very oppressed and powerless.


Jiraiya spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Kyubi, " So strong, even my Sage Mode...»

Two Hokage and one of the Sannin were powerless in front of one opponent, numerous Shinobi Konoha with horror watched the unfolding battle.

Under Obito's control, the Kyubi slowly approached Konoha.

He was in no hurry.

Susanoo itself has a terrifying power, after adding to it the power of the Kyubi, Obito wanted to feel this invincible power, wanted to feel what Madara felt in those years.


At that moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

It wasn't Yeruashi, Hiruzen, Minato, or Jiraiya, but a clumsy shinobi in a green leotard, the father of Maito Guy -- Maito Dai!!

Because in the past, Maito Dai received the rank of Tokubetsu Jounin because of Yeruashi, most of the Konoha Shinobi, including Obito, knew him.

But Obito wasn't interested in the sudden appearance of Maito Dai at all and only asked in a bored voice: "You want to stop me too?»

This is not worthy of attention.

Obito controlled the Kyubi, intending to kill Maito Dai with one tail.

"Watch out!»

Minato, Hiruzen, and Jiraiya were nearby. Minato exclaimed in concern, about to use Hiraishin to save Maito Dai.

But at this moment.

Dai tilted his head and sharply pressed the thumb of his right hand on his chest in the area of the heart.

His body spewed out a terrifying pulse and was covered in a blood-red flaming aura.

This was the Eight Gate Release Formation!


Maito Dai's figure swooped up, dodging the Kyubi's tail and striking at Susanoo.


With the impact of Maito Dai's fist bathed in red light, a huge column of compressed air, visible to the naked eye, crashed down on Susanoo Obito.

Under the shocked gazes of Hiruzen, Jiraiya, and Minato, the Susanoo Obito that they couldn't break by any means was instantly covered in many cracks under this Maito Dai strike.


This blow instantly crushed Susanoo Obito and crashed down on the giant head of the Kyubi.

The Kyubi's head twisted violently under the impact, and his massive body, which seemed to have boundless strength, was sent flying backwards with a crash, crashing to the ground in the distance.


Seeing this shinobi shrouded in a red aura, the Konoha Shinobi showed disbelieving and stunned looks.

"This...Is this Maito Dai?!»

"Unbelievable...just one hit...»

Maito Dai was still a Tokubetsu Jounin, having never achieved the rank of Jounin. He stood out quite a lot among the Tokubetsu Jounin because he had great strength, even though all the other aspects were just terrible.

The highest power previously demonstrated by Dai had allowed him to kill an Elite Jounin, but at this moment, he was showing ten times more power!

This was a terrifying enemy that even Jiraiya, Hiruzen, and Minato couldn't shake! They were powerless!!


Just one hit from Maito Dai...

Even the Kyubi was thrown away with exaggerated ease!


Minato was greatly shocked as he watched, but quickly recovered and reacted.

Now they have a chance!

Previously, they couldn't overcome Susanoo's defenses, so all they had to do was try their best to keep the Kyubi out of the village, but the appearance of a shinobi capable of breaking Susanoo completely changes the situation!

They have a chance to win!!

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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