
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 135

The blade formed from water under the highest pressure sliced through the steel pipe like tofu, rushing towards its target at the highest speed.

Expression of Erasi remained unchanged, he abruptly swung his Blade of Kusanagi, the blade slicing through the water, sideways scattered a large amount of spatter.


Following this.

A figure of Erase re-eroded and moved to another location, evading the earthen spike, who was going to pierce his foot.

"It was a little harder than expected to find my weakness so quickly and take advantage of it perfectly...Hanzo really deserves his fame."

Erase climbed one of the tallest buildings and have a look around: "Well then...don't blame me for being too rude."

He really isn't very good at perception, it will be incredibly difficult to figure out Hanzo's specific location, in the future, mastering the Sage Mode will neutralize this weakness.


Even today, he has a way to deal with this situation. You just need to use a wide-range attack, then it won't matter where Hanzo is hiding!

"Try this, Hanzo."

A chill flashed in the depths of Yeruashi's eyes, and in the next instant, he leaped abruptly, rising about twenty meters above the roof, the silvery light enveloping his figure suddenly becoming even brighter.

Hanzo frowned in puzzlement as he sensed the movement through his sensory perception.

What does the Silver Flash do?

Does he want to jump up in an attempt to avoid his attack?

But the doubts didn't last long, as soon as the thought flashed through Hanzo's mind, his expression changed abruptly, showing genuine horror.

In the sky.

Blade of Kusanagi, compressed in the hand of Erase, moved with a speed beyond which it is impossible to follow with the naked eye, leaving plenty of residual images.

These countless afterimages intertwined with each other, emitting a dazzling radiance like a silvery sun hanging in the sky.

In a moment.

The silvery light gushed down in a mad torrent, like a torrential rain, the source of which was Yeruashi, the huge area below fell into the attack range!

This torrential rain consisted of many small silvery crescents, shrouded in crackling arcs of lightning. It seemed as if this terrifying rain was trying to tear everything in its path!

"Yasakani no...Magatama!!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

A series of explosions erupted.

At the moment of landing, the silver slashes sliced through everything that got in their way and exploded loudly, spewing arcs of lightning.

Looking down from above, one could see that the entire area that had been attacked by Yeruashi was shrouded in a network of intertwining arcs of lightning!

Numerous Ame shinobi watching the battle of Yeruashi and Hanzo from different directions showed stunned looks.

The Ame shinobi could sense the terrifying power contained in these silvery crescents, it would be incredibly difficult for them to deal with even one or two of them, but this attack consisted of an incalculable number of such crescents spewing out almost simultaneously, allowing an extremely intense large-range attack to form!

"It is..."

"Konoha's Silver Flash...who killed the strongest Raikage in history?"

"He's on a completely different level..."

Fear flashed in the eyes of Shinobi Ame, and at the same time, the shadow clones of Yeruashi rushed towards them, still not dispelled, and the battle began again.

During the battle with the shadow clones, they could only hear the incessant monstrous rumbling, the ground trembling under their feet, as if the village was in the midst of an earthquake.

Boo! Boo! Boo!!

The building where Hanzo was hiding shuddered violently and began to collapse rapidly from the roof, but even faster, it was enveloped by numerous arcs of lightning spewed out by the explosions.

"Things are bad..."

Hanzo's face paled noticeably, he did not hesitate to fold a series of seals and put his hands on the floor, instantly a massive cube-shaped rock appeared, taking on a shower of powerful attacks.

In the eyes of Erase, giggling madly to attack, a flash of light.

"As expected, he couldn't escape this time."

He began to reduce his attack range, focusing on the spot where Hanzo had been spotted.

The stream of slashes that hit the massive rock that Hanzo was hiding in became increasingly dense.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The rock, which was stronger than even steel, shuddered relentlessly under a hail of silver slashes, many dents appeared on it, rubble flew to the sides, in the end it could not stand it and exploded with a roar!

At the moment of the destruction of the shelter, Hanzo roared loudly and activated the body flicker technique, his figure blurred and appeared in the air at Yeruashi's side a moment later.

Sickle Kusarigama rushed to Erase.

Hanzo had initially tried to avoid a short-range battle, but when Yeruashi used a terrifying wide-range attack, he could no longer continue to hide, it was either to try to escape with the flicker, or to split life and death in a decisive clash!

Hanzo chose the latter.

As someone who preferred to act carefully and with certainty, he certainly wanted to choose the first option, but this large-scale attack destroyed all the buildings in its range, turning the surrounding area into a plain!

In such a situation, given the speed of Yeruashi, his chances of a successful escape tend to zero, so it was only necessary to rush into the attack, with full faith in their abilities and experience!

He's a Shinobi Demigod!

On this path.

Countless brilliant and powerful Shinobi have fallen at his hands, he can't die here!


At the moment of Hanzo's swift attack, Yeruashi instantly interrupted his attack, and abruptly swung Kusanagi's Blade to the side, blocking Kusarigama's blade.

But Hanzo's counterattack wasn't over yet.

The moment Kusarigama was blocked, his body turned into water, it was a water clone!

At the same time, Hanzo's figure appeared behind Yeruashi and struck a swift blow with a short blade.

A combined attack!


Yeruashi was able to react to this swift strike as well, moving as if in a state of accelerated rewind, since there was no foothold in the air, he deftly twisted around the waist, turning only the upper part of his body, and swung the Kusanagi blade, blocking Hanzo's attack.

The attack failed, but Hanzo showed no concern, his eyes were cold, and his free hand had already folded a series of seals.

"Suiton! Water Spikes!"

The water spray that flew in all directions when the clone was destroyed turned into countless sharp spikes, rushing towards Yeruashi from all directions, giving him no space to dodge!

Water spikes had pierced the body of Eroiche, in the side scattered splashes of blood.

Hanzo watched the scene indifferently.

"It's over..."

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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