
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 117

"In terms of talent, brother might even surpass me!"

Seeing Killer Bee included in the Regime Biju, Hey visibly relaxed and calmly looked at Erase.

Erase looked at Hachibi, which no one could have stopped, and calmly turned to EU: "Looks like it's time to finish."

He wanted to keep an eye on Ey's Lightning Chakra Mode and maybe borrow something.

Hearing these words, Hey grinned and said coldly: "You're not bad at judging the situation for your age, but unfortunately, I'm not going to give you a chance to escape."


Erase shook his head: "You misunderstood, unfortunately, that's not what I meant..."

Rampaging chakra flowed along the meridians of Erase, opening the Fifth Storm the Gates!


Many arcs of lightning intertwined and a fierce chakra pulse flashed, giving a strong sense of oppression, Ey's expression changed dramatically.


He involuntarily exclaimed.

Previously, Silver Flash had already used some sort of means to dramatically raise his chakra and speed, but Hey never expected that he could do it again!

Ei focused and raised his vigilance to the maximum, watching Yeruashi closely, but in the next instant, the figure of the Silver Flash blurred and escaped his gaze.

"How can this be?..."

There was a hint of terror in the depths of the future Fourth Raikage's eyes, and he jumped aside without hesitation, and in the next instant, Kusanagi's Blade flashed past his figure.

A figure of Erase, enveloped in a silver light flashed by Eya, leaving behind in the air interlacing arcs of lightning. At this moment, he was completely surpassed in speed, the Silver Flash was much faster!


Erase again swung his Blade of Kusanagi.

A thin line of blood appeared on Ei's back, if he hadn't dodged ahead of time, sensing the deadly danger, this strike would have been enough to cause the heaviest injury!

"Damn it!!"

As the son of the Third Raikage, practicing the Lightning Chakra Mode to reach the ultimate speed, he felt this feeling for the first time! Hey lost for the first time in speed!!

At this point, Hey I felt like was in place of the usual shinobi, of which so many had in the past, there is no way to resist, can only focus up to the limit, hoping to catch at least some movement of the enemy, he was like a small boat in the middle of a raging storm that might capsize at any moment!


Hey knew that everything had gone wrong, he was no longer able to keep up with the Silver Flash, and only with great difficulty dodged the attacks, doing his best. Although it turned out to dodge a couple of times, but next time you may not be lucky!

Killer Bee, who had gone on a rampage, did not hear Ei's cry, continuing to attack Tsunade with his giant tentacles.

"Bi, your big brother is in danger."

After a while, Hachibi's voice rang out in his head.

Killer Bee turned his head in shock and saw his brother standing still, while a silver light flashed around him that was impossible to follow.

Taking a closer look, Bi experienced another wave of shock, a deep cut can be seen on Ei's right shoulder and his entire body is covered in blood, apparently his brother is seriously injured!

"When it happened..."

Killer Bi felt a tremor in his heart, he immediately stopped attacking Tsunade and rushed to Ei.


There was a flash of silver, and Kusanagi's blade swung toward Ei's heart.

The Future Fourth Raikage tried to dodge, but could only avoid the fatal blow, the blade pierced the right side of his chest!


Ei grabbed Kusanagi's Blade, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and delivered a fierce kick in the direction of the opponent.

Erase calmly dodged, taking a step to the side, his hand kept squeezing the hilt of the sword.


Massive arcs of lightning flashed, and Ei couldn't hold on to Kusanagi's Blade any longer and flew back, blood splattering everywhere.

"Big brother!"

It was the first time Killer B had seen his brother in such a serious condition, and what was even more striking, the speed of the Silver Flash was higher than Ey's!

It was the first time he had seen a shinobi with a higher speed than his brother!


Killer Bee swung a tentacle, gently picking up Ey, who was bleeding and no longer able to maintain the Lightning Chakra Mode.

But Yeruashi was not going to let go of the future Fourth Raikage so easily, a silver flash flashed, he caught up with the tentacle in the blink of an eye and swung the Kusanagi Blade.


The tentacle was split in two, and Ei's figure flew down.

Killer Bee roared furiously as Hachibi's huge body leaned forward, swallowing Ei's falling figure at the last moment and getting in the way of Yeruashi's strike.


Kusanagi's blade drew a silvery arc in the air.

A small part of the horn Hachibi was severed with the blade of Erwache!

Hachibi loudly roared and tried to grab Eroiche, but he just swung his blade, slicing through the palm of the monster.

"Hachibi...As expected, the chakra is far beyond the Kage level, but the way it is applied is too straightforward and crude."

Erase remained calm.

Among all the Biju, only Kyubi has power at the level of super-Kage, even the second most powerful Hachibi, is only at the peak of the Kage level.

Now it is extremely difficult to find a shinobi of the Kage level that can resist Yeruashi, all Biju, with the exception of Kyubi, do not deserve special attention!

Hachibi roared loudly, spewing out a powerful chakra pulse, the wound on his palm quickly healed, at the same time the tentacles rushed towards Yeruashi.

The momentum of Hachibi's chakra had reached such an extent that it was difficult for any normal shinobi to maintain composure in front of him.


Faced with this fierce chakra and the most powerful tentacle attack, Yeruashi still remained calm, the next moment he rushed towards the monster and swung the Kusanagi Blade sharply.

Time after time, a silvery light flashed, accompanied by furious screams, as more and more wounds continued to appear on Biju's body.

Even Biju, izvergnulsya all his power, was suppressed with the blade of Erwache!

The Kumo shinobi watching this scene felt disbelief and lost all fighting spirit.

Single-handedly suppressed Biju!

The Silver Flash has a much more terrifying power than all the rumors say!!


Tsunade was also shocked.

She is well aware of how terrifying Hachibi's power is, but now such a monster has been suppressed by Yeruashi!

Even she couldn't keep track of Yeruashi's speed at this moment, it's much faster than during the battle with Chiyo, the chakra fluctuations are also much more abundant and violent!

Recovering from the shock, Tsunade gritted her teeth.

Although Yeruashi defeated the son of the Third Raikage and suppressed the rampaging Hachibi, but this power was obtained through the use of a forbidden technique, the side effects are likely to be even more severe than last time.

If she were stronger, Erase would not have to go for it, but this time she didn't have a chance to contain the rampaging Biju.

The student defends his teacher...

Last time, Tsunade had a blood phobia problem, but she didn't expect that even getting rid of it wouldn't change anything...just like that time.

Tsunade took a deep breath, making a decision in her heart, no matter how serious the side effects were, she would go to any lengths to heal them!

"Bi, my chakra is draining too fast, if this continues, our situation could become very dangerous."

"I know...but this guy is not going to let us go so easily, at such a speed, the chase will be a trifling matter for him."

Killer B was mentally communicating with Hachibi.

No one imagined that the power of the Silver Flash was so terrifying, Hey was crushed and even Hachibi couldn't resist!

He is even more dangerous and problematic than the Third Hokage!

Even more frightening is the fact that according to known information, Silver Flash is now only eleven years old!

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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