
Naruto: This Uchiha Is Too Cautious

Uchiha Kai has been cautious since he came to this world. He vowed that he must be cautious and go to the end. But one day he received a mission - to cover the wave wind team to blow up the Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Kai knew that he was going to be unlucky... _________________________________________________ This is not my fanfic. The original author is called "Void Singer". I just translated it from a Chinese site. Sorry if there are some wrong translations. I have tried to translate it as best as I can but there are still words that sometimes I don't know because I take them from the raw source which is still in Chinese and when translated sometimes the meaning changes. So if you know what's wrong, you can tell me and I'll fix it.

rockefella01 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 41: Facing the Sharingan

The genjutsu of the Sharingan is different from other genjutsu. This type of illusion is purely inherent to the eyes and does not require any hand signs; it only requires eye contact with the opponent!

In the original series, only two people pushed this ability to its limits: Madara and Itachi.

There's no need to elaborate on Itachi; his expertise in genjutsu was probably even more terrifying than Shisui, whose Mangekyō Sharingan ability was 'Kotoamatsukami'!

As for Madara, he fully maximized the effects of the Sharingan. During the Fourth Great Ninja War, he single-handedly fought against the Allied Shinobi Forces, using only taijutsu and his Sharingan to render them helpless. Anyone who made eye contact with him was essentially immobilized and slaughtered like chickens!

Although Kai couldn't match these two, his genjutsu was still quite formidable.

With a mental focus, Kai unleashed the full power of his genjutsu. Just as Gari was about to strike him, Gari experienced a fatal moment of disorientation!

Kai wouldn't miss this opportunity. With a powerful grab of his left arm, much like Itachi's handling of Sasuke's Chidori, he firmly grasped Gari's chakra-filled hand.

Then, Kai pulled Gari's hand towards the ground while simultaneously slashing at Gari's head with his ninja blade!

In this extreme crisis, Gari displayed the necessary qualities of a strong ninja, regaining his clarity within a very short time.

Despite having his right hand caught and his attack altered, he still had his left hand!

Almost instantly, his left hand burst with terrifying chakra light, and he fearlessly struck towards Kai's chest.

Ninjas share a significant trait, or rather, humans in general have a common tendency: when pushed to the brink, they will opt for mutual destruction.

Kai sensed Gari's intent. His decisiveness forced Kai to release his left hand and leap backward.

Kai valued his life and didn't want or intend to get defeated when he was so close to going home.

However, Kai wasn't one to have a good temper. Though forced to retreat, he twisted his blade in that instant.

The ninja blade, imbued with Kai's chakra, sliced towards Gari's extended left hand. But after striking the hand, Kai quickly withdrew and relinquished control of the blade.

This damned guy had explosive release in his left hand!


The tremendous explosion hurt Kai's ears, dust filled the air, and debris flew everywhere, forcing Kai to increase his distance.

But at that moment, Kai noticed Gari suddenly stand up and hurriedly retreat.

Trying to escape?

Kai smirked coldly, immediately pulling out a kunai and following. Smoke meant nothing to Kai.

His eyes could clearly see Gari's chakra and even his small movements.

Gari was in great discomfort. He had to admit he underestimated the Uchiha clan or the power of the Sharingan.

This Kai looked no older than thirteen or fourteen, but his mastery of the Sharingan was intimidating.

He had heard about not making eye contact with an Uchiha during battle, and he knew this boy's Sharingan was strong, reportedly reaching the three-tomoe level.

However, he didn't take it seriously without seeing it himself. He had encountered and dealt with Uchiha members, whether their eyes were activated or not.

Therefore, he believed the Uchiha were mostly mythicized. Yet, he hadn't been careless; his combat strategy and pace were according to his plans.

He had intentionally avoided Kai's eyes but never expected that when he seized a chance against the Uchiha boy, he was also giving the boy an opportunity.

With no preparation or chakra anomaly, he fell into the genjutsu!

Even though the genjutsu's effect lasted less than a second, it brought him immense danger.

Even as he regained clarity and made his decision, his actions were still seen through by the Sharingan!

Through a life-for-life strategy, Gari salvaged his life but lost his left hand.

While stopping the bleeding, Gari pondered how to deal with the boy. Without stemming the blood, he would die from blood loss; without dealing with the boy, their trouble would only grow.

"Damn! So fast?"

At this moment, Gari sensed a terrifying presence behind him.

However, Gari seemed sluggish. He had no time to react before a kunai pierced his heart from behind!

Gari's face paled, and he slowly fell to the ground, appearing dead.

Standing behind him, Kai tilted his head, a hint of mockery on his face.

"Is that all? Your gap with Kitsuchis is quite big." Kai's voice sounded slightly flippant, more like a relief.

But then, a figure suddenly broke through, with terrifying chakra in his hand, striking fiercely at Kai's position!


Kai seemed a bit panicked, as if not expecting such a situation at all!

Gari remained silent. The ninja technique he unleashed with all his gathered chakra was terrifying.

Kai seemed frozen in place, making no effort to dodge, his terrified expression making Gari extremely alert. As expected, when his fist connected with Kai, it felt different – it was a clone!

But Gari didn't give up. Forcing a turn, chakra gathered in his right hand, and he struck again.

However, this time he truly couldn't touch Kai. Forced to turn while bleeding from his severed left hand, it was incredible he could land even one punch!

Half a meter, thirty centimeters, ten centimeters – just as his fist was about to hit Kai, Kei subtly twisted, and his kunai pierced Gari's chest!

The ten-centimeter-long kunai slanted into Gari's right chest. Kai exerted great force, the sharp kunai breaking Gari's ribs, embedding entirely except the handle.

Blood flowed continuously from the wound, dripping to the ground, moistening the nearby soil.

"Did you think I couldn't see what you were doing? Before these eyes, you have no secrets."

Kai's voice was unusually cold, his scarlet eyes staring directly at Gari. He then viciously twisted the kunai in his hand.

Instantly, a harrowing scream echoed across the wilderness!

(End of this chapter)