
Naruto: This Uchiha Is Too Cautious

Uchiha Kai has been cautious since he came to this world. He vowed that he must be cautious and go to the end. But one day he received a mission - to cover the wave wind team to blow up the Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Kai knew that he was going to be unlucky... _________________________________________________ This is not my fanfic. The original author is called "Void Singer". I just translated it from a Chinese site. Sorry if there are some wrong translations. I have tried to translate it as best as I can but there are still words that sometimes I don't know because I take them from the raw source which is still in Chinese and when translated sometimes the meaning changes. So if you know what's wrong, you can tell me and I'll fix it.

rockefella01 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 27: Madness

"Uchiha brat, you're courting death!"

Kitsuchi, now completely enraged, had lost his composure. Both of his subordinates had been killed by this damn Uchiha kid! If he could barely suppress his anger over the first one due to their lack of a close relationship and the need to gather intelligence on Konoha's plans, the death of Aragi was a different matter. Aragi was his true friend, someone he'd known since childhood and had grown up with.

At this moment, Kitsuchi no longer cared about extracting any information. He only wanted this Uchiha brat dead.

A furious Kitsuchi was unimaginably dangerous. Kakashi had planned to use Chidori to ambush him while he was distracted, but Kitsuchi's reaction speed exceeded Kakashi's expectations! The moment the piercing sound of Chidori rang out, Kitsuchi had already crouched down and placed his hands on the ground. His formidable chakra fused with the earth, and the next moment, a ten-meter-high earth wall rose, perfectly blocking Kakashi's Chidori.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall!"

This basic Earth Release jutsu, in Kitsuchi's hands, produced an incredible effect! However, lightning overcomes earth, and Kakashi's Chidori unsurprisingly penetrated the earth wall. But Kakashi felt no joy, for Kitsuchi had already dodged his Chidori during the brief obstruction and delivered a punch almost simultaneously.

This terrifying punch shattered his own jutsu and struck Kakashi squarely in the chest! The sound of bones breaking was audible, and Kakashi spewed blood as he was sent flying, crashing to the ground with his chest caved in, seemingly on the verge of death.

Kai was stunned. Was Kakashi really going to die like this?


Nohara Rin, witnessing the scene, let out a desperate scream. She attempted to rush over but was kicked away by the Iwa-nin blocking them. Her impulsive action caused trouble for Kenta, collapsing their defensive formation.

Kai didn't need to look to know that at this moment, Kenta was probably more eager to kill Nohara Rin than the Iwa-nin. If not for the fear of Kai summoning Minato Namikaze, Kenta might have acted against her already.

Kenta, no longer caring about Nohara Rin, wished she would attract the Iwa-nin's attention and get herself killed. However, after knocking her down, the Iwa-nin resumed attacking Kenta, ensuring Rin couldn't break through to reach Kakashi.

Kenta was also reaching his limit, his injuries growing more severe. Kai, watching silently, had never cared much for his teammates or the lives of characters from the original story. How could he, when he wasn't sure of his own survival?

But Kai had saved Kakashi 'twice' by chance and thought everything was back on track. Now, Kakashi, struck down by the father of the future Fourth Tsuchikage, seemed near death, making Kai reflect on life's fragility. Was the indestructible Kakashi really going to die?

With Kakashi critically injured and Aya severely wounded, this should meet Minato's criteria for 'the most critical moment,' right?

But Kai had no time to dwell on this. Kitsuchi, having dealt with Kakashi, was now charging at him with lethal intent.

"I must summon Minato Namikaze now. The situation has become dire," Kai thought, using the Body Flicker Technique to distance himself from Kitsuchi while channeling chakra into the kunai Kakashi had given him.

Kai wasn't sure of Kakashi's condition, but he knew if he didn't act quickly, their entire team might be wiped out. However, this time luck wasn't on Kai's side. Despite channeling chakra, there was no reaction.

"Is it too far away? Or is Minato Namikaze busy?" Kai wondered, dodging Kitsuchi's attacks. Kitsuchi had left a deep impression on him in the anime and manga.

Kai remembered Kitsuchi leading the Allied Shinobi Forces' Second Division during the Fourth Great Ninja War, once punching the Tailed Beast form of Kinkaku. On the battlefield, he showcased powerful Earth Release jutsus, suppressing the Gedo Statue and the Ten-Tails.

Though not at his peak now, Kitsuchi already shown his potential. Each of his punches cratered the ground, and Kai felt any hit would be fatal.

Kai felt incredibly unlucky. Without his dynamic vision from the Sharingan and his proficiency with the Body Flicker Technique, he'd already be dead. His attacks were ineffective against Kitsuchi, who no longer bothered dodging his kunai and shuriken.

Before, Kitsuchi avoided injury or looking battered, but now he didn't care. Kai's attacks barely scratched him. Time dragged on, and Kai grew more anxious. Kakashi was near death, and Iwa-nin reinforcements were likely on their way.

Kenta was almost defeated, akin to a cat playing with a dying mouse. Seeing Kitsuchi's madness, Kai's eyes flashed with a similar insanity.

"If you won't let me go, I'll make sure you lose all your comrades!"

(End of Chapter)