
Naruto :TheGame(18+)

This Fanfic Is Not Mine

ZeroMathematic0 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

[Konohagakure, Uzumaki Naruto's apartment]

Naruto was tired, but content when he got back home after training his chakra control. Dispelling clones with hours of memories had been a bit disorientating, but definitely worth it. He had kept up the same training Iruka had showed him, running up a tree while marking his progress with a kunai, and while he still hadn't completed the training, he had gotten close to the top after dispelling his clones. He had left for home after making a new bunch of clones.

When he checked his status page his control had gone from Atrocious to merely Bad. It was an impressive improvement in his opinion, but he assumed it would get harder and harder to improve.

His progress was proof of concept if nothing else and Naruto felt better than ever about his chances to become the Hokage. He still had a long way to go, but he wasn't stumbling around as he had just yesterday. The game was truly life changing.

Opening the door and seeing the clones still on the tasks he set earlier, he told them to dispel after putting everything away, it wouldn't do to make a mess now.

With that done he took a shower and then laid down on his bed to go over what his clones had learned while he was out training. To his joy, he found that the game seemed to be true about the skill part as well. He still hadn't had any problems with fuuinjutsu theory, it all just seemed to make sense to him. While was still far from even being called a novice in the art it seemed like once he got his handwriting to pass the test, which was apparently made with fuuinjutsu, he would rapidly improve with experience.

Of course, he didn't know if that was just his inherent talent so to speak, but at least it wasn't gainsaying anything. At this point he really wanted the game to be real. His thoughts were interrupted at this point by a knock on his front door. Figuring it was Ayame arriving he went to open the door.

He was correct, Ayame stood before him. Ayame was not clad in her usual waitress outfit, but a rather cute blue blouse with a black jacket over it and a black knee-length skirt. Her brown hair was done in a high ponytail tied with a white ribbon and she had a pair of black shoes on her feet.

"Hi Ayame-neechan. Wow, you look even cuter than normal. Come in come in."

"Aww, thanks Naruto-kun." Ayame answer as she stepped forward, surprising him with a hug. While it wasn't unusual for her to hug him out of the blue, he still enjoyed it. This time though he hugged her back more tightly than usual, while also keeping the hug going for just a moment longer than he usually did.

He wasn't sure if it was just a trick of the light or his imagination, but he thought he could make out a faint blush on her cheeks. Either way, she made no mention of his actions and the blush quickly disappeared as she stepped into his house.

"Alright, then let's first take stock of what you have at home. I sincerely doubt that you have everything we will need." And just as she predicted, he didn't have even close to what she deemed as necessary, not to mention those things that were just good to have. So they would go on a shopping trip.

She didn't comment when he used henge to take the appearance of a boy with long black hair, brown eyes and lighter skin colour with no whisker marks, she just smiled sadly and grabbed his hand. Giving it a squeeze, her smile changed into a happy one when he squeezed back and smiled at her.

And that was how they looked while shopping for food and cooking tools. Ayame would point out different tools and describe what they were used for or tell him the uses of different ingredients. Through it all they kept holding hands with each other. At one point they had to wander off to the side to allow Naruto to make a clone to carry their purchases home. He was lucky that he had saved up a decent amount of money from living frugally. But, it was still a big hit to his savings.

It took more than an hour, but in the end they got everything they would need. When they got back, it was with noticeable reluctance that they let go of each other's hand. Opening the door they saw the clone putting their purchases away. When it turned around noticed them entering, it nodded to it's creator, made a small bow to Ayame and dispersed into a cloud of smoke.

Naruto and Ayame looked at each other for a moment before quickly getting to work in the kitchen.

What Ayame had decided to start of with was a simple dish, stir fry vegetables. It was a simple dish with a lot of variety that didn't require a lot of skill while also taking little time, so she decided it was a good place to start. She explained to him what to do, how to do it and corrected him as necessary. It took roughly half an hour, but in the end, they had complete meal laid out before them. There might have been a few mishaps along the way, but under her careful watch they were rectified quickly.

They then sat down to try out the dish and see if it turned out as it should. And the result was good. It was in no way perfect or even excellent, but it was a good and tasty meal. The meal was spent with an amiable atmosphere where they talked about various topics. It was turning out to be an excellent night for the both of them. But all things had to end and soon it was time for Ayame to go home. She still needed to get up early in the morning.

Leaving a clone to clean up and put away the leftovers, Naruto escorted her home. And so they walked, hand in hand, towards her home. In comparison to the rest of the night, this was spent in content silence. When they got to her home, Naruto thanked her.

"Thanks a lot for tonight, Ayame-neechan. It was great and I learned a lot." Naruto said with a bashful grin on his face.

"It was my pleasure Naruto-kun, I had a great evening and it was a lot of fun teaching you. In fact, there is still a lot that I can teach you, so you better not believe that this was a one time thing. I'm not letting you get away that easily young man!" she said with a mock stern expression on her face, but her eyes betrayed her mirth.

"You really mean that? That's awesome! Thanks a lot Ayame-neechan!" And with those words Naruto, in a moment of excitement, stepped forward and gathered Ayame into a fierce hug. Feeling a sudden impulse, he leaned his head to the side and planted a kiss on her cheek. Holding it for a moment he then quickly withdrew and released her from the hug. Then with a grin on his face he gave her quick goodbye and told her he would see her tomorrow before rapidly leaving via the rooftop express. In his wake he left a blushing young woman holding her cheek in a daze.

[Konoha, Naruto's apartment]

As Naruto entered his apartment, he mentally called up the window he had been notified of when he said goodbye to Ayame.

[Quest: 'Cooking with Ayame' completed!]

Reward: +10 SP to cooking, +1 AP to charm, quest updated!]

[Quest: 'Cooking with Ayame' has been updated!]

Type: Personal, Continuous

You are in dire need of a proper diet and who better to help than your beloved Ayame-neechan. Ayame has agreed to keep teaching you the skill of cooking.

Reward per lesson: +3 SP to Cooking until chuunin rank, then +2 until jounin rank, +1 AP to charm if Ayame enjoyed it (Current: 0, Max: 5) (A maximum of 5 points can be gained in total and you have gotten 0).

Accept: Y/N

'Success! Thought the rewards on the follow up quest is a bit low, but I guess I shouldn't have expected too much from basically getting a cooking lesson. Either way, I will happily accept it. After all, it's better than nothing.' And with those thoughts, he accepted the reward and the new quest. With that done, he looked around for the clone he left. The kitchen was already cleaned up again so he looked into his bedroom. He found the clone on his bed reading one of the fuuinjutsu books. He couldn't blame it, fuuinjutsu was quite interesting after all.

Either way, he guess it wouldn't hurt to get some more practise in. With that thought, he created another dozen clones, this time actually getting the amount he aimed for. He set half on studying the ninjutsu he got while the other half worked on improving his handwriting. He himself had the clone on the bed make room and laid down with a book of his own to read. And so passed the rest of the night for Uzumaki Naruto, with a brief interruption of his clones practising chakra control dispelling which he promptly replaced.

As he decided to turn in for the night a couple of hours later, he figured he might as well test if he got memories from clones when he was sleeping. So with that thought, he dispelled the current clones, made new ones and then went to sleep after setting his alarm, happy but exhausted by the events of the day.

[Morning of the next day]

Naruto woke up with a groan as the alarm clock rang. Turning it off, he took a moment to get his thoughts in order. He wondered if he had just had a really bizarre dream or if yesterday had actually happened. With a mental call he was proven correct, as the status window appeared.


Physical: 216

Strength: 8

Vitality: 200

Dexterity: 8

Mental: 61

Intelligence: 20

Perception: 20

Charm: 21

Attribute points: 0

Chakra density: x2

Chakra reserves: x1.5

Chakra control: Below Average

Conditions: Malnutrition

'...So yesterday really happened. I still can't believe. I almost expected to wake up and realise it was a dream... Anyway, since it's apparently real, did I get the memories from the clones?' Focusing on his memories, he could remember what they had done, but it was a bit more muted than the usual memories he got.

'So it still works to some degree at least, but maybe the return is weaker if I'm not conscious when they dispel? But they are still there, so maybe not? ... I have no idea how to determine this. Guess I will just assume it works for now.' There really wasn't much else he could do about it, so he just moved on. Today he had team duties as were normal though so he would have to meet up with them later.

He still had half an hour before he would meet his team, and approximately 3 hours before Kakashi showed up. He couldn't help but wonder if he could get away with sending a clone. It wasn't like they did anything but sit around anyway. The biggest risk was getting hit by Sakura and as long as he avoided her no one was likely to know. And if something happened, he would know and could go there himself.

Action determined he made a clone to prepare breakfast. Ayame had briefly gone over what was a healthy breakfast so he knew what to prepare. After he had eaten and prepared for the day, he sent off a clone, with more than enough chakra to last through the day, to the meeting spot and contemplated on what to do next. After thinking about it he really didn't have much else planned other than team stuff nowadays, he figured that he might as well spend the day training as well. He could send a few clones to search for Hinata and keep track of time so he wasn't late to his lesson with Ayame, but that was all he really needed to do.

From his memories the clones seemed to have figured out surface walking on dry solid surfaces. If he remembered correctly, next was the surface walking on liquids, known as water walking. He made and set 10 clones on practising his handwriting and studying fuuinjutsu, he didn't want to try out the jutsus he got inside so he took those with him.

And so Naruto spent the day on the training. He managed to get down the very basics of water walking, though it was more like water standing for now. While he had initially had problems with the jutsus he got, he was shocked when he realised just how little chakra they required, the first successful attempt of the campfire jutsu was more along the lines of an offensive fire jutsu than something to light a campfire with. At least he had had the foresight to use clones rather than do it himself.

Since he hadn't got any memory surges other than the ones he dispelled himself, he assumed that everything was going fine elsewhere. The clones at home were still studying, the ones searching for Hinata still hadn't found her and his team had not realised his duplicity.

He himself had spent most of the day trying to improve his taijutsu, but had also switched to training the other things to avoid growing bored. For whatever reason it seemed like shadow clones had it a lot easier staying focused on one thing over longer periods of time. Something worked into the design maybe? Either way, it made his life a lot easier.

Either way, it was time to head home and prepare for Ayame. He made a new batch of clones and took off towards his home. Arriving home showed that he had been correct in his guess that the clones were still doing what they were ordered to. Dispelling them and taking the handwriting test after a few minutes of practise showed that he wasn't that far off from being ready to begin making use of his fuuinjutsu knowledge.

As he did yesterday, he sat down to read some fuuinjutsu theory after he had prepared to receive Ayame. While waiting he received the memories from his clone that had spent the day with his team. Nothing of note had happened the whole day. Kakashi was late as usual, Sakura basically drooled over Sasuke and Sasuke himself spent the day brooding. They had completed 2 D-ranks, which were so generic that even his game system just labeled them as D-rank mission with 1 AP and 3 SP reward for every 10 completed. They had painted a fence and walked a couple of dogs. To finish things off, they had done a few teamwork exercises. That wasn't how he had imagined his life as a ninja, but at least he didn't have to suffer in person.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door. Looking at the time, he realised enough time had passed for Ayame to arrive, thought she was a little early. Opening the door revealed that it was Ayame that had arrived. Today she had a hint of makeup on and was clad in a white dress with red patterns on it. It showed off plenty of her nice and smooth skin while also giving him a hint of cleavage. It was held up by strings looping around the back of her neck and the dress ended at her knees. All in all, Naruto had to say he liked it. A lot.

"Welcome Ayame-neechan!"

Stepping forward and gathering her into a hug, he held her closely for a moment, then he stepped back while keeping his hands at her shoulders. Looking up and down her body quickly he complimented her.

"Wow, you look stunning in that. How am I supposed to focus on cooking with you looking like that?" He said, looking into her eyes while taking another half step back and letting his arms rest peacefully at his side.

"I'm sure you can handle it Naruto." She answered with a smirk. Then, in a move that surprised herself, she stepped forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then she strode into the room with a small shake of her hip when she saw Naruto turn his head as she walked past him.

That interaction set much of the tone for the rest of the evening. While Ayame still taught him the ways around the kitchen, it was now accompanied by small lingering touches as either of them complimented the other. While the first few was hesitant and a bit awkward, they got a lot more certain and comfortable as the night went on.

By the time their time together came to an end, both of them was quite excited. The walk back to Ayame's home was slower than the day before and this time they held hands with interlocked fingers. Ayame had a hint of a blush on her face while Naruto had a content smile on his face. But in the end, they reached their destination and both of them hesitated for a moment. It was Naruto who firmed up his resolve and decided to follow his instincts first.

He took a step forward, placed his hands lightly on either side of her hips and leaned in slowly for a kiss. Ayame was hesitant for a moment longer, but feeling his hands on her hips she firmed up her own resolve and leaned in herself while placing her hands on his hips in return. The kiss was awkward and brief, but neither was disappointed. After staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds afterwards, Naruto slowly withdrew his hands from her hips and took a slow step backwards.

Thanking her for the night, Naruto gave her a shy smile, which she returned with one of her own, before leaving in a daze, no doubt reminiscing about the kiss. Ayame wasn't much better as she lightly touched her lips, lost in thought, before she got a wide smile on her lips and stepped into the house, humming a small tune to herself.

[With Naruto]

Naruto moved in a daze towards his home. He absentmindedly entered and went towards his bed, bypassing the curious looking clone cleaning in the kitchen on his way there. Once there he managed to calm down enough to shake off the daze. It helped that he felt another notification from the game begging for attention. With a sigh, he called it forth. What he got wasn't one, but several.

[Achievement: 'First kiss!' unlocked!]

Reward: +5 AP to charm, +15 SP to Foreplay, +15 SP, +1 perk point

[Ayame Achievement: 'First kiss!' unlocked!]

Reward: +2 AP to charm, +2 AP to dexterity, +5 SP to Foreplay, +5 SP to cooking

[Continuous Quest: 'Cooking with Ayame' cleared!]

Reward: +3 SP to cooking, +1 AP to charm

The reminder made him blush again and get a goofy smile on his face. Sadly, he had been too nervous to really enjoy the kiss, but he vaguely remembered the sensation of her lips on his. Now he was really looking forward to tomorrow's lesson, hoping that she didn't regret the kiss either.

After taking a brief walk around Konoha, he returned home. Nothing notable happened for the rest of the evening, he spent it reading some fuuinjutsu theory as usual while refreshing the training clones as needed. He did decide thought that it was time to pay a visit to the library tomorrow, either in person or with a clone. He had found it relaxing and enjoyable to read when the subject was actually of interest rather than the dry history textbooks he was used to. He just hoped the staff had changed since last time he went there, otherwise he would have to disguise himself. When he had tried to enter a few years back he had been met with glares and abusive words, which had made him leave in a haste.

Either way, it would be nice to have some more books to read, and he didn't really have the money to buy more than a few and still have enough to live on.

And with that ended another day in the life of Uzumaki Naruto.

[Next day]

The following day actually featured a few differences from the last ones. For one, he actually found Hinata! He had found her close to the Hokage tower with her team, on their way to pick up another D-rank. He had made sure to keep himself at some distance so as not to spook her too much. Looking back at their time in the academy, he had realised that appearing close to her suddenly would likely lead to another fainting episode.

So he had just greeted the team and traded a few friendly barbs with Kiba before turning to Hinata. He had decided to just be straightforward and ask if she wanted to help him with his taijutsu, after a brief spiel about the laziness of Kakashi and just how horrible he had realised his taijutsu actually was. She had been quite embarrassed and had stuttered a lot, saying that she wasn't good enough to help.

But figuring out that it was just her self-doubt and embarrassment speaking, he had insisted while bringing up the skills she had shown in the academy, proclaiming that during training she was one of the best in class with taijutsu, though he didn't mention that she seemed to have trouble overcoming her shy and kind nature during actual sparing.

He had been quite surprised when her jounin-sensei, who introduced herself as Kurenai Yuhi, had actually encouraged her to accept! And she had actually given him a small smile and a nod when he had looked at her with a shocked expression. He couldn't know, but while Kurenai had initially let public opinion influence her own opinion against Naruto, it had later changed. It was after a talk with Mitarashi Anko that she had realised that letting someone else form her opinion for her was not a good idea, Anko's own situation being a prime example.

And so she figured that this could be good for both of them. Naruto could use another friend and considering his personality, he could probably help Hinata with her self-confidence. Faced with a two pronged attack, Hinata's defense had, to her own hidden joy, quickly crumpled and agreed to meet up and train together. She had more duties to attend to than Naruto did, so when she hesitantly asked if they could train in the morning due to her having clan training most evenings, Naruto readily agreed. The three genin was shocked, and thankful to their own jounin-sensei, when he mentioned just how late in the morning Kakashi actually met them.

So deciding to meet up the next morning in the usual training ground Naruto used, he bid them goodbye. Once out of sight, the Naruto clone dispelled to let the boss know of his progress.

The main body was happy to finally have some progress on that front, but was surprised to receive a new notification.

[A new target has been acquired!]

[Kurenai Yuhi]

Military rank: Jounin of Konoha

Occupation: Ninja

Title: Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha

Her impression: Positive. She is impressed with how you have handled the hate and abuse from the village because she has gotten some understanding of it from a dear friend of her. She knows of her student's crush on you and takes that as another good sign of your character.

This was the first time he got a target not from his age group. He hadn't actually thought all that much about it, but in hindsight it made sense that his targets was not just limited to those around his age. Though he was stumped on how to make any progress with her, their social status and rank difference was too big and he had no reason to seek her out. Her title did say Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha, maybe he could approach her for lessons on genjutsu? He decided to put that on hold for now, he had enough stuff to do at the moment.

The library visit had payed off. He couldn't say that the entirety of the staff had been welcoming, but it seemed like they were for once in the minority and had not made things difficult for him. It had been a novel experience and made him quite happy. He had picked out books on a variety of topics, ranging from factual to fictional books. There were books on anatomy, psychology, math, fantasy, romance and several other topics. The biggest reason for the diversity was that according to the fuuinjutsu books, high level seals would need more than just pure fuuinjutsu theory depending on the function of the seal.

The clerk had told him that due to his ninja rank he had a month to return them, afterwards the library would issue a D-rank mission for retrieval with the cost coming out of his pocket. Naruto wasn't worried about that, with the help of his clones, he doubted it would take even half that time to finish most of the books. He had also gotten some books on literacy, he had realised that he was gonna need to get better at reading and writing if he was gonna be able to grasp the higher levels of fuuinjutsu.

But the biggest find of the day was neither of those, it was a clone that had been searching for Hinata that had found something else instead. He had been searching the various training grounds when he had found a glowing symbol for shinobi on a log there. It was obviously something unnatural and after a quick try at genjutsu dispelling with no change, the clone approached the mark. Touching it, he got a notification from the game.

[Mission system unlocked!]

The mission system allows the gamer to accept missions that will take place in a different dimension. While in the special dimension, no time will pass in the normal dimension and any wounds received will not carry over to the main body. Even death do not carry over, but will demand a penalty from the user.

The missions are ranked from D to S-rank like normal shinobi missions and the rewards will reflect that. The missions themselves has various objectives that must be accomplished within a specific time frame. At higher ranked missions, a failure will result in punishment.

The missions will be unlocked as the gamer progress through life, so keep an eye out for the glowing shinobi symbol.

The quests will be renewed after a cooldown period after each attempt. The higher the rank, the longer the cooldown is. If the mission failed, the cooldown is increased. Every mark only gives out missions of one rank, so if you find a mark with a C-rank mission, it will always give C-rank mission regardless how many times you do it. The mission itself will vary though.

Absorbing the information, the clone turned to the actual mission notification.

[D-rank mission found!]

Rank: D

Cooldown: 24h

Mission: Farming. Tile the whole field.

Time limit: 12 hours

Reward: 10 000 ryo, +1 AP to strength

The clone's eye widened at the reward. It wasn't only status points, but actual money. He didn't know that the game could actually produce stuff like that. Was it possible that other things could be gotten as well, such as weapons or scrolls!? Either way, the boss needed to know about this. So with that, the clone hurriedly dispelled itself to inform the main body of its findings.

The main body had been just as shocked when it had found out and had hurriedly rushed to the mission in question. He was tight on money from the shopping trip with Ayame so replenishing some funds would be nice and he was also quite curious about how it all worked. Once he reached the mark in question, he made a clone to observe the process before accepting the mission.

As soon as he had accepted the mission, his surroundings blurred for a just moment, before clearing again. But he was no longer in the training ground he had previously been in. Instead he stood before a small farm surrounded by trees. Looking around in confusion for a few moment before reasserting himself, he suddenly noticed a mental prompt of some kind. After focusing on it, he suddenly got a sense of direction which pointed him at the farm. After a moment of contemplation, he figured it was some kinda a map that gave him direction to his mission objective.

As he approached the farm, he noticed that at the entrance to it stood an old man with grey hair. He had rough looking appearance and with a piece of farming equipment over his shoulder. When greeting him, the old man just went straight on to a mission briefing where he pointed out the field to be tiled, the tools to use and to get started as soon as possible. After a few attempt to interact more with the old man, which was only answered by prompts to get started on the field instead of lazing around, told him that he was probably just there to give context to the mission.

So grabbing the tools and making some clones, Naruto got started on the field. With the help of his clones, the job was done in just over an hour. As soon as he was done, the old man approached him and gave him the reward money and a brief word of thanks. After a window proclaiming his success, his clones suddenly dispelled and he was back in the training ground again before he knew it.

Naruto just stood there for a moment, trying to take in the abrupt end of it before being interrupted by the clone.

"Umm, boss? Everything okay?" the clone asked hesitantly. The boss had suddenly spaced out after touching the mark after all.

"... Yes, dispel and give me your point of view." Naruto was surprised that the clone had no idea what had happened. His clones had dispelled before his return after all.

'Did the clones not get the memories? Maybe the memory sharing doesn't work unless they are also in the mission? Either way, it doesn't matter as long as I personally do the quest, but who knows what would happen if a clone tried to do the quest and failed due to dispelling. Best not risk it for now, I only have one quest.'

After getting the memories from the clone, he confirmed that the clone had not noticed anything. No memories from the clones dispelled in the mission, nor Naruto himself entering the mission.

The rest of the day was spent training as usual, but with some additional reading done, while one of his clones kept his team company. On another note, he had finally passed the handwriting test after he had dispelled the clones at home. He immediately sent out a bunch of clones to give fuuinjutsu a try before making the last preparations for another lesson from Ayame.

He was very excited for today's lesson, but was not sure how it would go. He had kissed her last night and she seemed to have enjoyed it, he didn't know for sure. After considering his options, he decided that if she seemed happy, he would go for a quick peck as a greeting.

When he heard a knock on his door even earlier than yesterday, he got a wide smile on his face. If that was Ayame, then that probably meant that she was looking forward to today's lesson as well. Filled with excitement, he opened the door.

On the other side was Ayame and she looked stunning. She had apparently put a bit more effort into her looks this night and Naruto was very appreciative of it. She had gone with a more seductive look this night, wearing a tight red spaghetti strap dress that hid nothing of her delectable curves while wearing a pair of heels that put a seductive sway in her gait. What really enhanced her beauty though was the look in her eyes and the smile on her face. Drinking in her appearance for the night, Naruto only had one thought on his mind at the moment.

'Definitely a kiss.' he thought with a smile on his face. As he stepped forward and greeted her with a hug, he once again put his hands on her hips afterwards. Looking into her face he could see the anticipation there, so he leaned forward and placed a slightly less awkward kiss on her lips. Ayame had clearly been anticipating it because she responded immediately with wrapping her arms around his neck and prolonging the kiss while lightly pressing her body against his.

While Naruto was surprised for a moment, he quickly responded by in turn wrapping his arms around her back and drawing her body closer against his. It was an incredible experience to both of them and both was clearly happy with the progression when they separated their lips from each other. Standing there, with their arms around each other, Ayame returned his greeting with a seductive smile on her lips.

"Good evening indeed, Naruto-kun" she said, before releasing him from her arms, prompting him to do the same, before sashaying into his home. Naruto closed the door behind them with a grin on his face.


The evening just continued from there, filled with seductive moments and touches, a moment such as Ayame pressed tightly against his back, steering his arms while whispering into his ears what to do while cooking. But also romantic gestures such as simply interlocking their hands while waiting for the next step in the recipe.

It was a pleasant evening regardless, which ended up with the couple embracing each other on his bed, still fully clothed. Naruto laid at the bottom while Ayame was pressed against him, locked in a deep french-kiss. It was their first kiss involving tongues and while the first moments had been awkward, they had quickly improved with a lot of enthusiastic effort. He had his arms around her back, holding her steady in his grip while her hands explored his body.

Feeling his chiseled body under her hands, Ayame grew more and more excited. As she ground her crotch against his while vigorously squeezing his buttocks. He moaned into her mouth, making her release a drawn out one of her own.

As if on autopilot, Naruto's arms changed position in response, one moving to her head, tousling her hair as he caressed her lovely while simultaneously pressing her upper body against his. This made her full C-cup breasts press up against his torso, eliciting a deepening of her moan as his other hand traveled to her bottom, kneading her flesh firmly and pressing her crotch harder against his.

The roaming hands and grinding went on for minutes, with each of them caressing the others sex more than once. Naruto's pants laid on the floor, having been tossed away in a moment of frustration by Ayame when they got in the way one time too many. Naruto still had his boxers on, but they were far less obstructive.

After feeling her partners stiff length under her hand one time too many, she for the first time put her hand under his boxers and gave his cock another squeeze before shifting its position slightly. She then withdrew her hand before pressing her clit, wet from her arousal, against his impressive length and ground hard against it. This got them to separate from their latest kiss, instead clinging tightly to each other as Ayame rode hard against him.

The room was filled with moans as it didn't take long before Naruto released his load under his t-shirt-clad chest while moaning deeply. As if the pulsing rod under her was a trigger, just a few moments later, Ayame stifled her moan into his shoulder as she convulsed against him and utterly soaked her panties as she came hard against him.

They laid there, basking in the afterglow for a while, each with a content smile on there face. Ayame finally raised her head and looked into his for several seconds, before leaning in and giving a short, chaste kiss on his lips. She then laid her head on his chest, shifted into a more comfortable position before relaxing in his embrace.

[A while later]

After having laid there for a while, they had with great reluctance gotten up from their relaxed position. Realising that her clothes were not in any state to be worn in public, she had Naruto send a clone to her home with instructions to get her another set. Meanwhile she took a shower while he tidied up after them. She had been tempted to invite him into the shower with her, but they had gone far enough for one night. While she had a few moments of doubt, wondering if this was going too fast, she shook it off quickly. She knew that she wanted this and would see where it took her.

When the clone had gotten back with a change of clothes and they were both decent, they shared another deep kiss before leaving for her home. It was a similar atmosphere as the night before, with the same interlocked hands and smile on their faces, but it was still different. Maybe it was the way they looked at each other every once in a while or maybe it was that they were just slightly closer to each other. But the pair knew that while much stayed the same, even more had changed.

For some reason, when the time came to say goodbye, the pair was much less reluctant than before. With just a quick hug, a glance and a few words between them before their parting, there should have been a reluctance, but both couldn't help but feel content instead.

And so ended another night in the life of Uzumaki Naruto.