
Naruto: The Weapon Lord

An anticipated end that had long been awaited spiraled into the beginning of a new existence. Known by many names, revered and feared as a cursed weapon and at times, hailed as a divine instrument, the expected conclusion did not unfold. Instead, a new chapter commenced. Upon awakening, memories foreign to his essence etched themselves into his consciousness. He soon realized he had transmigrated into the body of a man known as Hiruzen Sarutobi; The Third Hokage.

TheFairyLord · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: New Life, New Home



A thunderous noise reverberated through the room the moment the leader of the Hidden Grass Village stomped his right foot on the ground with force.

The ninjas present bowed their heads, immersed in embarrassed silence.

Under his watch, they had allowed the enemy to manipulate them, creating a distraction to kidnap the Uzumaki mother and daughter. Those two were invaluable resources to the village.

Observing the leader's eyes, inflamed with rage, the ninjas swallowed hard, feeling guilty.

"But, leader..." One of them ventured, "even though they were just clones... They were exceptionally powerful, surpassing the capacity of an ordinary ninja, matching the level of a Kage."

"Do you think that escapes me?" The village leader raised his voice. "But, in the end, they were just clones! We couldn't overcome even clones? What a disgrace we will become when this becomes known, huh? Moreover, whoever managed to escape with something valuable from our village. This is unacceptable, understand?!"

The face of the ninja who spoke turned red, and he lowered his head even further.

Another ninja let out a heavy sigh. It was clear that any comment made at that moment would only provoke more reprimands.

"And now, what do we do?" A third inquired, seeking some direction.

"Obviously, we have to find out who is behind this and not only recover what is ours but also seek compensation for this humiliation?!" The village leader declared, raising his voice again.



On the border of the Land of Fire, near the Leaf Village, Sarutobi gently placed mother and daughter on the ground.

The little girl, almost two years old, pouted in dissatisfaction.

However, her dissatisfaction soon dissipated. Being a child full of curiosity and despite being slightly nervous about the sequence of unknown events, she proved to be surprisingly brave at that moment. Perhaps the comforting presence of her mother gave her a sense of security?

The mother, in turn, was visibly tense and apprehensive. The situation they were in was like a nightmare she never imagined she could escape from.

Meanwhile, Sarutobi's shadow clone resumed its original form.

The woman exhibited an expression of surprise upon witnessing the transformation. She had never seen this man before. Despite knowing the Second and Third Hokages, she had never encountered this Hokage...

"We are safe now," Sarutobi announced, clearing his throat. "I haven't introduced myself properly. I am the Hokage of Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi. How may I address you?"

"S-Sarutobi-sama?" The woman could hardly believe it.

'Shouldn't he be... older?' Her memories of him dated back to before the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan, but his appearance and age did not match. How was this possible?

"I understand your surprise at my appearance," explained Sarutobi. "To sum up, I awakened a Kekkei Genkai linked to vitality, which resulted in this transformation."

"I see," she responded, still incredulous. Although it was hard to believe, it wasn't impossible, even though she was intrigued about how he not only rejuvenated but also became more attractive.

Meanwhile, little Karin, safely in her mother's arms, just observed Sarutobi with curiosity.

"Oh, where are my manners?" said Akina, nervously. "My name is Akina Uzumaki and this is my daughter, Karin Uzumaki. We are very grateful for saving us, Hokage-sama!" She bowed her head in respect.

Imitating her mother, Karin also bowed her head, babbling a thankful "Thank you."

"Hahaha, it's my duty," Sarutobi replied, easing the tension in the air. "And I apologize for only becoming aware of your situation now."

"It wasn't your fault," Akina hurried to say, shaking her head.

"Well, let's not stand around here," Sarutobi suggested with a smile. "I imagine you're hungry and want clean clothes. I've prepared a place for you to stay, with clean clothes and food."

"I don't know how to thank you for all of this," said Akina, with tears welling up in her eyes again.

"Don't worry about it," Sarutobi responded, shaking his head.

And then, they resumed walking.

The majestic and imposing silhouette of Konoha soon became visible to them.

Upon reaching the village entrance, they were intercepted by the ninjas responsible for gatekeeping.

"Stop there. Identify yourselves..."


In the middle of the standard identification procedure, one of them halted their words upon sight. The unexpected new appearance of Hiruzen Sarutobi still echoed in their minds.

"How can he be here if I saw him just a while ago, before starting my shift?" another ninja asked, perplexed.

"Oh, I understand your confusion," Sarutobi intervened. "The explanation is simple. This here is a shadow clone. Allow me a moment to dispel it and transmit the information to my original body. Meanwhile, I ask that you take good care of my guests until my return."

Despite the initial astonishment, they responded in chorus: "Of course, Hokage-sama."

'Wait... So this was also a clone?' Akina could hardly believe it.

That means... Sarutobi had infiltrated the Hidden Grass Village, used shadow clones to create distractions, and then escaped with her and her daughter back to Konoha, all through the use of clones?

Reality seemed to defy any logic...

Akina's esteem for Sarutobi intensified once again.

Lost in her thoughts, she automatically answered the guards' questions, but her eyes betrayed her upon noticing a familiar presence. And there was Sarutobi, approaching them with light steps that, paradoxically, seemed to traverse the distance with impressive speed.

"Hokage-sama!" exclaimed Akina upon seeing him from afar.

The guards, following Akina's gaze, also turned their attention and, upon confirming the presence of the Hokage himself approaching in his official attire, expressed their respect.

"Mm," Sarutobi, now among them, inquired: "Has she clarified the situation?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Your action to rescue them from the clutches of the Hidden Grass Village was admirable!" One of the guards couldn't hide his enthusiasm.

"It's our duty. We cannot ignore evil, nor fail to protect our people," Sarutobi declared, with a dignified and imposing stance, his apparent calm exerting a palpable pressure on those present, especially his eyes, which seemed to penetrate their souls.

"Hiruzen-sama is right!" another guard agreed, inspired by his words.

Sarutobi surveyed the guards with a keen eye and, with a nod, said: "Keep up the excellent work. Now, I'll take care of them."

The guards responded in unison: "Yes, Hokage-sama," with a mix of respect and admiration, before returning to their positions.

As Sarutobi led the way, with Akina carrying Karin, everyone they encountered along the way, from those rebuilding their homes to the passersby, greeted the Hokage with respect and admiration, which he cordially returned.

"We've arrived," Sarutobi announced, breaking the silence that had settled between him and Akina.

In front of them stood a three-story apartment building.

"We will go up the stairs; your new home is on the third floor," Sarutobi explained in a calm manner.

"Yes..." Akina responded, visibly surprised by the quality of the accommodation that had been provided to her, and began to follow him, still a bit perplexed by the situation.

Noticing her hesitation, Sarutobi adjusted his pace to accompany her more closely.

He understood why she was so quiet and tense; changes can be frightening, especially for someone who had just escaped from a terrible situation.

And if the Hokage had hidden intentions and wished to impose something even worse on them?

However, her relief grew as she got to know Sarutobi better, especially as they climbed the stairs of the building.

Upon reaching the third floor, Sarutobi handed her the key and documents serenely.

"Here are the keys and the documents that officially make you two residents of the Leaf Village. In addition, for a year, you will be entitled to a pension to assist in your adaptation to the village. This envelope contains the amount for this month. Although the apartment is already stocked with groceries and clothes, the food will last about a week. You should use this money for the needs of the next few weeks, until the next pension payment, okay?"

"But, you've already done so much..."

"No 'buts'," Sarutobi interrupted gently. "Please, accept my help, okay?"

Struggling to hold back tears, Akina agreed with a slight nod.

After placing Karin on the ground, Akina held the key firmly and unlocked the door.

Upon opening, her eyes lit up with admiration and surprise.

The apartment was cozy and well laid out, with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a spacious living room, and an equipped kitchen. Karin, released onto the floor, immediately ran off to explore the new environment. Her little feet took her first to the living room, where she spun in circles, laughing with the freedom of the open space.

Akina followed her daughter, watching her with a smile. The kitchen was clean and organized, with cabinets full of basic groceries. She opened the refrigerator, finding it partially stocked, which made her sigh with relief.

Exploring the bedrooms, Akina saw that one was set up with a small bed that would be perfect for Karin. The main bedroom was simple but comfortable, with a window that allowed natural light to come in.

Karin, curious, entered what would be her room, timidly touching the bed and the toys left there for her. Her face lit up with a pure smile, and she looked at Akina, clearly happy with her new discovery.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, mommy?" said Karin, her childlike voice filled with joy and admiration.

Akina, moved, hugged her daughter. "It's perfect, sweetheart." Her voice trembled with gratitude. Looking around, she felt a wave of hope for the future, a feeling she had not experienced in a long time. This apartment, simple and modest, symbolized a new beginning for them, away from the horrors of the past.