
Naruto: The way of a shinobi

a person reborn in Naruto, an outsides tries to survive in Naruto without any cheats. come watch nichi botsu surviving the Naruto world and to watch how powerful he becomes in Naruto

Miro_Turtak · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The crisis

The forest was shrouded in morning sunlight as the trio moved silently through the trees. Nichi, Sana, and Rei had been on the trail of someone, someone they believed held vital information about the whereabouts of Midori, the missing princess. 

While running, Nichi suddenly sensed a presence approaching at a rapid speed. 

"Guys, someone is coming," Nichi whispered urgently.

"What? They must have realized that we are following them. How many are there?" Sana asked, her voice low.

"I sense only one of them heading straight for us," Nichi replied.

Rei smirked confidently. "Ha, if it's only one, we can take them on. Actually, I can take him alone."

As they continued leaping from tree to tree, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared in front of them, clad in a blue kimono and brandishing a blue katana.

"Who are you, and where the hell is Midori?" Sana demanded angrily.

"Whoa there, you don't have to shout," the stranger responded calmly. "My name is Yuki Katuma, and if you want to save the princess, you'll have to go through me first."

Rei stepped forward, determined. "Then we should beat you to a pulp and get you to tell us where Midori is headed."

Nichi warned, "Don't underestimate him, Rei. He's at least a chunin, from the feel of his chakra."

Sana intervened, we should take him on together and finish this quickly."

Nichi agreed, "Fine by me, let's go."

But just as Nichi was about to use the Body Flicker jutsu, he collapsed to the forest floor.

"Nichi, what are you doing?" Rei exclaimed.

"I don't know," Nichi replied weakly. "I was about to perform the Body Flicker jutsu, but I didn't have any chakra left to do it, it must because of the red eyes."

Sana was shocked. "What? How the hell can you be out of chakra already?"

Yuki saw his opportunity. "Oh, it looks like one of you has already fallen. That makes my job easier."

Rei clenched his fists. "Damn it. I'll take him on, while you, Sana, take care of Nichi."

Sana went towards Nichi to help him, while Rei fought against Yuki alone.

"You can't beat me alone; you're only a genin. What can you do against me, a chunin?" Yuki taunted.

"We will see about that," Rei replied.

Yuki unsheathed his sword and dashed at Rei with incredible speed, aiming to cut him with his blue and black-patterned katana. Rei saw Yuki approaching and used his kunai to block the attack.


As they clashed, Yuki's strength pushed Rei back.

"What is this strength?" Rei wondered.

"Is that all you've got? You said you could take me on alone," Yuki mocked.

"We are just getting started," Rei replied.

Rei threw shurikens at Yuki with lightning speed.


Yuki blocked all of Rei's shurikens with his katana, ready for his next move.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" Rei unleashed a massive fireball towards Yuki.

To Rei's surprise, Yuki cut the fireball in half.

"What the hell? How is this guy chunin level?" Rei thought.

Yuki dashed at Rei with great speed.

"Darn it, I can't block this time," Rei realized.


"Got him!" Yuki exclaimed.

But it was a substitution jutsu.


Rei had quickly moved to another tree.

"It looks like you are more skilled than most genin, but you are not on my level. My sword skills are the best," Yuki boasted.

Rei threw more shurikens at Yuki.

"You know what happened before. Are you already struggling to keep up with me?" Yuki taunted.


Yuki deflected all the shurikens and dashed at Rei, slashing with his katana.

"Sword style: Fīndoshokku (Fiend Shock)," Yuki announced.

"What is that?" Rei wondered.


Rei was struck.

"Nobody could survive that," Yuki declared.

Nichi and Sana watched the battle unfold.

"No way is Rei dead," Sana said.

"Don't jump to conclusions. I know him; he's not dead," Nichi reassured her.

"I'm going to help. I already gave you a chakra pill; your chakra should regenerate quickly," Sana said.

"Don't, Sana. This is Rei's fight," Nichi insisted.

"But he is losing," Sana worried.

"He hasn't lost yet. Just keep watching. Rei has also gotten stronger," Nichi said.

Back to Rei and Yuki's fight, 

"Now it's only those two left to kill," Yuki remarked.

"I don't think so," Rei countered.

Rei appeared in front of Yuki and slashed his hand off. Yuki retreated to the other side of the tree, blood dripping from his wound.

"You cut my hand off, you bastard! I saw your body get blown up! How are you alive?" Yuki exclaimed.

"That was a smoke clone. You didn't think I would fight you head-on when you are clearly stronger than me. I used my smoke clone and waited for the perfect opportunity to attack you," Rei explained.

"You might have gotten lucky this time, but there will not be a next time," Yuki threatened.

Rei dashed at Yuki with his kunai, but Yuki blocked it with one hand.

"It looks like you're not as strong with only one hand," Rei taunted.

"We'll see who's stronger when this is over," Yuki retorted.

Yuki revealed his unique ability to repel shock, which astonished Rei.

"I guess the cat is out of the bag. Yes, I am using shock," Yuki admitted.

"That means you have a kekkei genkai," Rei deduced.

"Not quite. This katana can absorb and repel any shock it has absorbed," Yuki explained.

Rei wondered how Yuki possessed such a powerful sword.

"It doesn't matter if I have a special sword. All that matters is cutting your limbs, just as you cut my hand," Yuki threatened.

Yuki and Rei continued to clash, with Rei trying various jutsu, but Yuki repelled them effortlessly.

Rei realized that defeating Yuki would require a different strategy. He sacrificed one of his eyes to get close to Yuki while his guard was down. Rei used his Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, and Yuki couldn't escape the devastating attack.

"It's over now!" Rei declared.


Yuki was severely burnt but somehow still alive.

Rei emerged victorious and claimed Yuki's powerful katana as his spoils of battle. Sana and Nichi were surprised by Rei's win, but they were also concerned about his well-being.

"What happened to your eye, and what's that katana around your waist?" Sana asked.

"I had to sacrifice my eye to win, and this katana can absorb and repel attacks," Rei explained.

Nichi and Rei discussed their next move, but their conversation was interrupted by Yuki, who was still alive and provided information about Midori's whereabouts.

Nichi made a deal with Yuki to save him if he revealed the location where they were taking Midori. Yuki reluctantly agreed but revealed the shocking truth about their destination—the docks that is where they will take her on a boat to the land of fire, where their boss is held up in.

In a shocking twist, Nichi took out a kunai and killed Yuki, betraying their agreement to save him. Sana was outraged by Nichi's cunning deception.

Despite the deception, they now had crucial information about Midori's location. With half of his chakra restored, Rei, Sana, and Nichi set out on a quest to rescue Midori in the Land of Fire.

To Be Continued...