
Naruto : The War Hero

Volume-1 Synopsis What would happen if Sasuke had actually killed Sakura instead of putting her in a genjutsu after resealing Kaguya. Watch as Naruto's life is transformed by this one traumatic event NaruSaku & Harem. Mainly a R-18 fic with somewhat of a plot tying everything together. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ Volume-2 Synopsis Naruto has successfully returned Sasuke and Orochimaru has fallen, however he has had to make the ultimate sacrifice. The struggle is on as he attempts what no man has before, to change his destiny ... ~(^з^)-♡ Volume-3 Synopsis Naruto is hated by the village. He is sad and leaves. He is not alone. He has Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune with him. Tsunade tries to comfort Naruto. Everyone goes to Iwa. Can an impossible love happen? Tsunade X Naruto (๑♡∀♡๑) Volume-4 Synopsis Naruto starts to build a Harem, Will he be able to control all the women or will they over run him? This is a R-18 story so stay out if you don't like reading naughtiness. As a note. there is little to no plot in this..... ( ◜‿◝ )♡(灬º‿º灬)♡ Volume -5 Synopsis soon.... I'll be uploading Some of Best FanFictions Here Found this on online Posting it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 9: Twilight Dance

Chapter 9: Twilight Dance

Naruto stood in front of a large building which was bright enough to provide light for the whole street. He had never been in the posh districts of Konoha often, especially at night however it was an amazing sight to behold. He took a quick look at his invitation to make sure this was the right place. A smile crept across his face as he walked through the entrance. He was in a large lobby with a few people walking around attending to their own personal business. He walked to the front desk with a confused expression as he had no idea where to go in this humongous structure.

The leaf-nin was dressed in more casual attire than his ordinary shinobi wear. He wore a tight fitting red top accentuating his well defined body as well as pitch black trousers which were loose around his legs. His head protector was tied around his right arm letting his golden hair fall down from their usual pointed position. The jinchuuriki handed his invitation to the receptionist hoping for some help. The worker quickly took a look at the paper and handed it back before directing him where to go. He thanked him before heading to the second floor. Walking through a few hallways he came upon a large set of doors with two men standing in front. The two let him through aware of the head protector he proudly wore.

Naruto eyes were threatening to fall out as he stared in awe at the hall he had walked into. It was of gargantuan proportions with a large amount of distance between the floor and ceiling. The ceiling was made of pure crystal glass allowing the people to look at the wondrous and beautiful sky outside. The golden lights in the white chandeliers perfectly lit the chamber. There were elegantly patterned columns around the room supporting the ceiling and the floor was covered in majestic marble. There was a dance floor in the centre of the room whilst musicians played classical music using instruments varying from the violin to the piano. He let the soothing music enter his ears fully appreciating its calm quality. A large table which hosted fresh h'orderves was present along with numerous tables for people to sit at. Observing his surroundings he realised that there were well over a hundred people attending the party. All the shinobi were wearing casual clothes and some were even in finely tailored suits. He looked at the shinobi who looked anomalous, attired in such gentlemanly clothes. He choked as he tried to stop himself from bursting out in full blown laughter. He knew such a thing wouldn't be appreciated since he was already over an hour late.

"Would you like a drink?" Naruto turned his attention to a cute brunette waitress no older than twenty standing in front of him. She carried a tray with her upon which there were slender glasses full of wine.

"Uh, no thanks, I'm too young."

"Oh, my mistake." The brunette quickly bowed. He could tell that she was new to her job.

"Heh, no problem miss." He flashed a foxy grin noticing the blush which appeared across her thin face before she walked away.

The blonde placed his hand on his chin, "Heh heh, I must look good."

"So you've finally arrived." The whiskered boy broke out of his musings upon turning to face the bearer of the lazy voice.

The sight before him foiled all his previous effort in stifling his laughter as he let his vocal chords loose. "Troublesome." The Nara shook his head as Naruto laughed at his apparel. The shadow user was fully clothed in a fine tuxedo letting his shirt hang loose attributing to his lazy posture. "Are you done?"

Naruto wiped the few tears from his eyes before addressing his friend, "Sorry, Shikamaru...it's just that…" The jinchuuriki let a few more chuckles escape, "I would've never believed you would dress up in such a way if I hadn't seen it myself."

Shikamaru looked at his energetic friend who was already enjoying the party, "Stop being so troublesome, you're already late."

Naruto waved his hands defensively, "Sorry about that, I lost track of time whilst training. Genma can be a slave driver."

The Nara merely continued in his usual tone, "Genma's been present for a while now."

The blonde raised an eyebrow, "Hey, I was the one doing most of the training. He just helped out every now and again." He failed to add mention of his unconscious state due to mental fatigue upon dispelling his clones.

"Ohayo, Naruto." The demon container twisted to see his large Akimichi friend with a plate of food in his hand. However what he instantly recognised was his similar appearance to the shadow user. He broke out into a fit of laughter again whilst Chouji looked on unaware of what was so funny.

After finally containing his laughter the genin finally spoke, "Is anybody else dressed like this? You've got to tell me in advance or I might die qui…" He quickly coughed realising his mistake, "…of laughter." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Chouji gazed at the delicacy within his grasp before entering it into his mouth whilst the Nara kept his lazy demeanour all the while inwardly contemplating his friend's peculiar words. "There are a few others. We can continue this troublesome discussion elsewhere. I'll show you to where the rest are." 'I knew wearing this was a bad idea, kaasan…such a troublesome woman.'

Naruto smiled before wrapping his arms around his two companion's shoulders. "Lead the way." The three shinobi headed in the direction of their companions.


Sakura sat at a table whilst talking with her fellow kunoichis. The most animated of which was her childhood friend Ino. However her mind was still on the hyperactive ninja. She was dressed in a fine white kimono made of the softest silk entailed with patterns of roses running along the side. She played with her short pink hair twirling it with her fingers. It had been an hour since the party had gotten underway and there was still no sign of the blonde knucklehead. Previously she thought that he would be late but as time went by she began to realise that he may not be coming at all. 'Shannaro Naruto! You said you would come! I'm going to kick your ass when I see you! Hell Yeah!'

She let out a sigh before she noticed the large entrance doors open. Her worry flushed away as she saw the familiar ninja walk through and into the grand hall. The shinobi looked different from what Sakura was normally accustomed to seeing. She realised that he looked a lot better when he wore something that wasn't such an eyesore. A smile was across her face before she realised a cute brunette waitress talking to him. She knew that it was their job to serve the guests but she felt a twinge within her and a growing feeling of anger.

The medic-nin rose from her seat about to walk to their location but was interrupted by a loud voice. "Oi, Sakura!"

The 16 year old turned to see her noisy friend looking at her, "Eh?"

"Where are you going?" The Yamanaka gazed past her friends figure noticing Naruto laughing at Shikamaru and Chouji. A knowing smile appeared across her face before she whispered into her friend's ear. "You know, it's better to make him wait."

Sakura looked at her, an impression of confusion imprinted on her attractive facade, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Ino let out a sigh, "Nevermind."

The medic-nin looked at her annoyed friend before realisation of her implication dawned upon her, "Wait. It's nothing like that."

Ino turned from her friend preparing to walk towards the h'orderves table, "Sure."

The Godaime's apprentice was irritated with her friend's casual manner. She looked back towards Naruto seeing him walk off with the shadow user and Akimichi. She didn't comprehend the mixture of feelings she was experiencing but what gripped her attention was Ino's implication.

"Sakura, you coming?" The medic-nin, broken from her thoughts, followed her fellow chuunin.


Naruto already having his insides hurting from laughing too much was glad to see that the rest of his friends didn't look too out of place with their chosen garments. Neji was dressed in traditional Hyuuga garb and Shino was wearing clothes similar to his standard attire. Asuma was dressed up in a tuxedo just like his student and to his left Kurenai wore a striking purple kimono. He saw that Sasuke was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest dressed in a black and blue ensemble and next to him Kakashi was wearing a black tuxedo and his mask in its regular position. Amazingly the tuxedo suited the masked pervert well, "Looking smooth Kakashi-sensei." He got a smile in return before being greeted by his friends.

He was pulled into a seat by the Godaime, "Good to see you made it. We needed another player." He turned to the Hokage of the village who was dressed in a radiant green dress.

He voiced his confusion at the situation, "Eh?"

"Yosh! Now we can finally begin. Kakashi, prepare to suffer at my youthful hands." The energetic speech caused Naruto to turn towards its bearer and a shudder drifted along his spine when he saw the blinding sight. The enigmatic Maito Gai and his student Rock Lee were dressed in matching green tuxedos.

Kakashi who was shuffling a deck of cards in his hands looked at his fellow jounin with his lazy eye, "Huh? You say something Gai?"

Gai instantly rose from his position, "DAMN YOU HATAKE WITH YOUR MODERN ATTITUDE."

Kakashi continued shuffling the cards oblivious of the taijutsu specialists screaming. Naruto realised that they were about to play a game of cards but why did they need another player. "Tsunade-baachan, why do you need me?"

Asuma was the one to answer his question, "We're playing in teams of two." Naruto looked at the positions of the people around the circular table. Everyone was indeed in pairs of two.

To his right were the senseis of teams 8 and 10. Next to them were the taijutsu specialists, Gai and Lee. Sasuke was paired with his Icha Icha reading teacher and Neji was paired with the equally silent Shino. The only person remaining was the legendary sucker herself. He realised that he was her partner. He shrugged deciding not to protest at the teams knowing that they would most likely be the first ones to be eliminated.

Kakashi handed out the cards before adjusting his lazy eye in the direction of the standing Nara and Akimichi, "Last chance."

Shikamaru shook his head, "This game is too troublesome." He walked away with Chouji who now had an empty plate of food. Naruto picked up his cards looking at his relatively good hand.

"Yosh! Gai-sensei I have received great cards." Lee was standing with sparkles in his eyes.

"Excellent my youthful student." Gai focused on his eternal rival. "Kakashi, after this, the score will be 68 to 67 in my favour."

The ex-Anbu merely continued to alter the cards in his hands. "What was that?"

Gai's eyes were lit with fire, "KAKASHI! I WILL SHOW YOU THE BLINDING FIRE OF MY YOUTH!"

Everyone surrounding the table sweat dropped as they saw the unfathomable blue beast of Konoha scream incoherently.

Naruto chuckled. 'Maybe we won't be the first ones to be knocked out'

An hour later Tsunade let out a frustrated sigh as she punched the table destroying it. The remaining shinobi inched away from the decimated structure of wood aware of the Hokage's volatile state. Naruto had a disappointed look on his face, 'So much for not being eliminated first.'

The current leaders in the game were the stoic Hyuuga and Aburame as both had expressionless faces making it impossible to figure out whether they had received a good hand or not. Surprisingly Gai and his passionate student were close behind leaving Asuma and Kurenai in third place and the two members of team 7 in second to last place. Tsunade frustrated from losing so much money quickly left the vicinity of the card game in search of some sake.

Naruto gave a nervous laugh before hearing his stomach rumble. He hadn't eaten any food since the morning. Deciding to fill himself up he left the remaining participants of the card game to pick up the pieces and relocate to another table.

Naruto had to stop himself from drooling as he saw the delicious assortment of food along the massive table. Carrying an empty plate he picked out a mixture of cakes and sweets. Although the food was mouth-watering he couldn't find his favourite dish of ramen. He resigned himself to what he already had and took a seat at a nearby table.

Engaged with eating he failed to notice a kunoichi calling him. The kunoichi walked up to him and poked him on his head. "Naruto-kun?" He looked up to see Ten-Ten smiling at him.

"You really do zone out when eating huh?" The chuunin dressed in a light yellow dress sat down at the table.

"Sorry about that. Would you like some?" Ten-Ten shook her head.

"Tousan said that he'd have the kunais ready soon so come and pick them up in another three days." Naruto nodded acknowledging her statement.

"Genma tells me that you're training in kenjutsu."

Naruto tried to stop himself from choking but was failing resorting to gulping down a full glass of water. "He told you that."

The weapon mistress laughed at him, "Hai, why are you acting like it's such a big deal?"

"No reason. You just took me with surprise." He continued eating his food.

Ten-Ten adopted a more serious tone of voice with a hint of curiosity, "The kunai…" Naruto's ears twitched, "…Is it really the one that the Yondaime used?"

The Kyuubi vessel finished swallowing the piece of chocolate cake that was in his mouth. "Yeah. He told you." He was referring to her father.

The kunoichi nodded, "So you're learning it, his prized technique." Ten-Ten had taken up the task about learning the significance of the kunai that Naruto had handed in to be duplicated because of her father's interesting statements. She had looked through a few books about the Yondaime eventually finding out that the kunai was used for his most lethal technique. Naruto grinned letting her know that she was correct in her assumptions.

She got up from her seat addressing the boy for the final time, "If you need a sparring partner to practice your sword skills, let me know. Genma said it would be good to have you practice with a variety of people so you're not surprised by people whilst in battle." She gave the blonde a smile before leaving.

Naruto rested his chin on his hands before looking through the shinobi populace in the hall attempting to locate the rest of his friends. He eyes darted around the room before they fell on the Godaime's apprentice. Sakura was standing with Ino and Hinata on the other side of the room talking and laughing. However his attention was solely focused on the pink beauty as he found her to be enchanting. The white kimono she wore starkly contrasted from the colour of her hair drawing the observer's attention to her pretty face. Naruto's feelings for his team mate were still quite strong however he had accepted that he wouldn't win the kunoichi's heart as he thought that she would always be in love with the black haired Uchiha. However he realised that the pink haired medic wasn't chasing Sasuke around like she used to during her earlier days as a genin, maybe he had a chance.

"Something caught your eye?" Naruto nearly fell over as he saw Sasuke looking at him with a smirk.

"Eh? What are you doing here?" The sharingan user placed his plate of food on the table before taking a seat.

"We got knocked out." His answer caused Naruto to scan the room for his sensei, surely enough the masked and tuxedo wearing pervert was leaning against a wall reading his orange book. He sighed before turning back to his calm friend.

Unbeknownst to him Kakashi was keeping a keen eye on him paying attention to any unusual mannerisms that he might display. He had been curious about Naruto's behaviour recently and brushed it off as just a phase before he learnt from Sasuke that the blonde was training even though he was taking a break from missions due to overtiredness.

"So, you're playing card games now. What's next, a wife and kids?" The unresponsive form of the Uchiha was enough to make Naruto burst out in laughter.

Sasuke glared at his friend, "Shut up, dobe."

Quickly collecting himself Naruto addressed the teen, "What? It's not my fault, I mean you never even paid attention to girls and now you're set on getting one." He laughed once again.

Sasuke ate some more of his sushi, "I have to revive my clan. And I never said that I would be finding a suitable wife straight away. It'll probably be another few years before I decide to do anything." He took another mouthful of his delectable food, noticing that Naruto's vision had once again drifted to their other team mate. "Not that I can say the same for you."

Naruto instantly stared in the direction of the Uchiha, "What's that supposed to mean."

The Uchiha smirked knowing he had the blonde in the palm of his hand, "A cherry blossom comes to mind." He nodded towards the direction of their team mate.

Naruto looked at Sakura before his cheeks reddened. He laughed nervously trying quickly to come up with a response having been caught red-handed staring at her earlier on. Failing to think of anything he changed the topic, "I needed a partner to help with my kenjutsu training. Can you help?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow aware of the Uzumaki dodging his insinuation, "I guess so. It's been a while since I trained with my kusanagi."

"That's great, come to the jounin training grounds at 6pm tomorrow." Naruto didn't want him to see his other training method as the Uchiha would definitely become suspicious of his activities.

"Why there?" Sasuke wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and pushed his empty plate away from himself.

"I'm learning kenjutsu from a jounin. That's the training ground we use."

Sasuke nodded whilst they both sat in silence for a few minutes. Naruto let his gaze wonder to Sakura again. She was sitting at a table and Lee was talking to her. He saw the animated green beast of Konoha jump around before Sakura said something. The taijutsu specialist walked away with a disappointed look. He rose from his seat heading towards her direction leaving his friend.


Sakura was sitting at a table by herself. Hinata had left with her little sister to see their father. Ino went to search for someone to dance with as the rest of the rookie nine were ether too lazy or didn't want to dance in the case of Neji or Shino. It was satisfying and funny to see her fellow kunoichi become so frustrated. She was going to speak with Naruto when he was eating but was interrupted by Ino and Hinata. She decided she would wait since she saw him speaking with Sasuke. Occupied with her wandering thoughts she didn't notice the presence of the hyperactive ninja to her side.

"Sakura-chan." She turned to see Naruto smiling at her.

She got up filled with anger, "Baka! Why were you so late?"

Naruto took a few steps back and waved his hands in front of him, "Gomen…I got distracted." He began to sweat under the glare he was receiving knowing full well of the kunoichi's wrath.

Sakura sighed before a smile was plastered across her face, "It doesn't matter. So tell me, how do I look?" She gave a little twirl for added affect.

Naruto couldn't help but blush before stuttering out, "…You…ahem. You look good."

Sakura sat back down before the jinchuuriki pulled out a chair sitting next to her whilst they faced the dancing couples in the middle of the chamber. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"It's been interesting."

Sakura gave a little laugh, "Tsunade-shisou blames you for the loss at the card game."

"Eh? Me? She's the legendary sucker." Naruto pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

Sakura laughed at him, "No need to get upset. It's not that bad."

Naruto pulled out his frog shaped wallet from his pocket. He opened it and showed the emptiness within, "Look what she did to Gama-chan." Sakura noticed the lack of money.

Naruto put the wallet back into his pocket, "Naruto…" he looked towards the pink haired medic recognising the worry in her voice whilst her eyes were fixed on the ground below, "…is it because of the transformation?" He was taken aback at the suddenness of the question.

Naruto's eyes widened. Did she know? That shouldn't be possible as he had only told Jiraiya and Tsunade. Sakura continued, "The exhaustion."

Naruto inwardly sighed relieved she didn't know of his coming death as he wasn't ready to tell her just yet, "Yeah…I'll be better in no time Sakura-chan." He smiled at her, "I pr…guarantee it." He was beginning to become uncomfortable as he had nearly made a promise that he knew he couldn't keep.

"So…uh what happened to Lee? He looked quite down." Sakura felt embarrassed but knew she couldn't avoid answering it.

"He asked me for a dance and I said no." She let out a tense laugh after finishing.

Naruto scratched his head feeling sorry for Lee but was also happy, "So…why'd you turn him down?"

Sakura coughed a little before muttering something. Naruto didn't understand what she said so asked her to repeat it.

Sakura sighed, "I don't know how to dance."

The leaf-nin looked at her incredulously before he began to laugh. The pink haired girl slapped him hardly across the back of his head. "Baka! What's so funny?"

Naruto rubbed his head, "That's it?"

Sakura folded her arms, "What's that supposed to mean? It' not like you know how to either."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, "Actually…I do."

Sakura had to stop herself from screaming, "Eh?" She was boiling with fury secretly, 'Shannaro! What the hell? Even he knows!'

Naruto raised his index finger going into his lecture mode, "Ero-sennin thought it mandatory for me to know how to court a woman in the proper way if I was to…" He was tentative of continuing.

"If you were to what?" She curiously waited for him answer.

"…If I was to be taught by the man who has women swooning over him at every angle and looks that make girls die of blood loss." Both the shinobi began to laugh whole heartedly as they thought of the perverted sannin holding himself in such high esteem.

They enclosed their laughter and resumed sitting in silence as they looked at the couples on the dance floor. The song was finishing and the musicians were arranging to start another. He looked at the beauty to his left noticing the longing look in her eyes as she stared at the dance floor. A sweet smile appeared across his face and an idea in his mind. He got up from his seat before grasping her hand and pulling her up with him. A warm sensation travelled through both their bodies when their skin touched.

Sakura shocked by his actions was still feeling her hand tingling, "Naruto…what are you doing?"

He didn't answer, instead pulling her behind him towards the dance floor. She was surprised and ultimately frightened of embarrassing herself when she realised that he was leading her to the core of the dance floor.

She didn't get a chance to protest as they came to a halt, he turned and their eyes made contact. She took in the full beauty of the deepness within them. "Trust me."

He placed her right hand on his shoulder before clutching her left hand with his right. Finally placing his left hand on her waist, he spoke in a soft voice, "Follow my lead."

She nodded taking note of their closeness and began to redden. The musicians started to play again, a slow rhythmic piece of classical music. The romantic piece sent a warm sensation throughout her body. She had never been this close to the blonde before and recognised the peaceful smile across his handsome face. His hand was warm and his skin astonishingly smooth.

Naruto stared into the emerald eyes which had captivated and captured his heart on so many occasions. He enjoyed being this close to the medic-nin and felt pleased with knowing that he was the first person she danced with. All his previous feelings of anxiety and worry about messing up washed away as he let the soft caring music guide him in the dance.

The two shinobi danced slowly as Naruto tried to let the stunning girl in his arms get accustomed to the movements. He gave a smile, "See it's not that hard."

Sakura gave him a warm smile back, "…Thank you."

Naruto gave a small laugh, "It's my pleasure."

They continued to dance as Sakura grew more comfortable with the art form. Naruto span her around once and pulled her back into him. Sakura, a little taken back with the force, crashed into him. Naruto chuckled lightly.

"Baka! What was that for?"

"Just keeping you on your toes."

The two continued dancing unaware of everything else. All the other couples moved out of the way on order of the Godaime as she looked at the blond with a caring smile. She could tell that he was enjoying himself and she hadn't felt this peaceful inside since his announcement to her.

The music became softer and slower as Sakura wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck and rested her head against his shoulder. The genin wrapped his defined arms around her waist before continuing to dance slowly. The lights above them shone brightly illuminating the dance floor with a dazzling golden colour reflecting the inner feelings of happiness that the two shinobi were experiencing.

Naruto gave out a soft chuckle before whispering, "I would've never thought I would get the opportunity to dance with you."

Naruto felt her breath through his red top sending a nice feeling through his body. He could tell that she was smiling. "Life is full of surprises."

He sighed sorrowfully feeling desolate inside, "Isn't that the truth."

Closing his eyes, he inhaled the fresh smell of her hair, "Arigatou…Sakura-chan."

The musicians slowly came to a stop as the two parted feeling the warmth escape from their bodies after being separated. Sakura stared into his bright blue eyes as he gave an affectionate smile. Their faces inched closer before the sound of clapping broke them from their actions. They turned to realise that they were the only ones on the dance floor with the rest of the shinobi staring at them.

The onlookers broke out into applause as Sakura and Naruto, blushed, feeling embarrassed at having an intimate moment observed by so many people. They heard a wolf whistle noticing the familiar voice break out through the crowd.

"GO NARUTO! I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU!" The voice was accompanied with what sounded like happy barks. Naruto turned to see Kiba grinning at him whilst sitting on his faithful companion Akamaru.

He scratched the back of his head and led Sakura off the dance floor and away from the attention. The kunoichi was swamped by her friends who started talking to her whilst the rest of the shinobi resumed normally. Naruto smiled in the direction of Sakura who was now facing away from him.

Sakura accepted all the compliments whole heartedly and couldn't stop blushing as she realised that she had been so close to the hyperactive ninja and everybody had seen it. She turned to where he was but couldn't find him. Looking around the room, the genin was nowhere in sight.


Naruto let out a heavy sigh as he stood on the balcony. He had left all the commotion inside by going through the glass doors which led outside. The full moon shone vibrantly accompanied with the sparkling stars. The water below glittered as it reflected the night sky. He looked into the distance at the Hokage monument being reminded of his duty.

"Nice dance." The ex-Anbu walked forwards until he was standing next to his student.

Naruto closed his eyes, "Thanks Kakashi-sensei."

They both remained in silence enjoying the peaceful atmosphere which was a stark contrast from the hectic party. "So, how are you doing?" Kakashi keenly awaited his student's response.

A smile broke out across the vessels face, "Quite good."

Not receiving the answer he wanted Kakashi continued, "Whenever I'm not feeling well inside or if there is something that I am finding hard to cope with. I look towards nature to provide peace within me." He gazed at the beautiful scenery in front of him, "It's amazing what a person feels when he takes his time to see the natural beauty of the world we live in. It's calm…and comforting."

He turned to face his student who still had his eyes shut, "Is that why you're here?"

Naruto opened his eyes as he sighed. He could tell Kakashi knew that not everything was right with the genin but he wasn't sure that he should tell him. "I…" He looked at the masked jounin, "...I should probably get some rest. It's past midnight."

The jinchuuriki made his way towards the glass doors, "Friends support each other Naruto. You can always rely on us." Naruto waved before continuing, a genuine smile across his visage. He reached towards the glass doors but stopped when somebody from inside pulled them open.

The Hokage walked onto the balcony giving the younger boy a smile, "Get some rest." He smiled at the older woman before leaving.

The Godaime, after knowing that the leaf-nin had left the vicinity, looked towards his sensei who seemed troubled. She walked forwards and rested her arms against the railing of the balcony. She hesitated for a few moments, "There is…something you should know."