
Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil

Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil (Full Book) Author: Late-night Farmer Also known as "The Unscientific Ninja Tool User of the Sand Village." "Ganbatte, Gaara!" "If we dig out oil, the Sand Village will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He felt indignant. “Sensei Mukaze, shouldn't hard work be about diligent training? Why are you making me dig sand and search for oil as if it's training?" “From a scientific standpoint, digging sand is a great form of exercise." "Just dig well. If we happen to find oil, everyone in the Sand Village will have a piece of white cloth on their heads, and I'll be the richest person in the world." This is an mtl then edited to make it more readable. If you read other translations of it, this is one is gonna be different since I edited to my own understanding. All rights belong to the author.

Yeeetoo · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 7: "Or should I take the lives of over three hundred people in exchange?"

Mukaze was slightly surprised. "I didn't expect that Konoha's Copy Ninja Kakashi Hatake would know about me, a mere ninja tool user."

Naruto, upon hearing that Mukaze was a ninja tool user, thought he was just an ordinary one.

"Wow, mister, how did you fly down from the sky? Did you use some kind of ninja tool?"

Mukaze replied, "That wasn't a ninja tool, but the power of science."

Naruto felt a bit disappointed. "Oh, I thought it was a ninja tool that could let you fly in the sky."

Mukaze said, "In the future, my ninja tool factory will produce ninja tools that can fly in the sky. You're welcome to buy them then."

Naruto widened his eyes. "Really? You're not tricking me, right?"

"No, you can always trust the power of science."

It's just airplanes and helicopters, but who knows, maybe I'll create a starship for you.

Mantra: Science.

Kakashi Hatake confirmed it. This person was indeed the unscientific ninja tool user from the Sand Village.

According to the village's battle records, he was an extremely dangerous ninja. He had single-handedly defeated hundreds of Konoha's ninjas in the past.

As a result, Konoha no longer considered attacking the Sand Village.

Naruto continued chatting with Mukaze. "Uncle, what are you here for?"

Mukaze replied, "Oh, I'm here to do some business."

Kakashi Hatake called Naruto over.

The relationship between the Sand Village and Konoha was not harmonious, and they had always had conflicts behind the scenes.

Kakashi Hatake was not sure about Mukaze's intentions. He had very little chakra left to use, and if Mukaze made a move, Team 7 would be in danger.

Mukaze glanced at Kakashi Hatake, who had his Sharingan prepared.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here for you guys."

Mukaze looked at Zabuza Momochi.

"Zabuza, you look quite miserable now."

Zabuza's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Hmph, I can still kill."

"Well, that's true. Right now, you want to kill him, right?" Mukaze pointed at Gato.

Gato was stunned.

Zabuza Momochi nodded.

Mukaze asked, "How about I trade his life for the Kubikiribōchō?"

The Executioner's Cleaver (Kubikiribōchō), measuring 250 centimeters in length and weighing 30 kilograms, lay on the bridge.

Zabuza Momochi refused. "I want to kill him myself."

Upon hearing this, Gato burst into loud laughter. "Zabuza Momochi, your hands are useless now. You're nothing but a cripple. With so many of my subordinates, how do you think you can kill me?"

Gato's subordinates stepped forward, protecting him. They held weapons such as samurai swords, spears, and sickles, exuding a menacing aura.

Zabuza Momochi's hands were crippled, rendering him unable to perform hand seals. Without ninjutsu and with his disabilities, it was impossible for him to face over three hundred people.

Mukaze then made a proposal. "How about you take his life and I'll take care of his three hundred subordinates?"

Zabuza Momochi agreed, saying, "Fine! If you kill them all, you can take it."

He had already made up his mind to follow Haku into the afterlife.

The Kubikiribōchō held no meaning for him anymore.

Mukaze nodded and turned to face Gato and his subordinates.

"I apologize, but I'll have to ask you to sacrifice yourselves for the sake of my business."

He spoke in the gentlest tone while uttering the most ruthless words.

Gato and his subordinates were horrified. "What are you talking about?"

"You arrogant ninja! Haven't you noticed that we have over three hundred people here?"

"Everyone, attack him together! Kill him!"

Naruto worriedly said, "Uncle, be careful."

Kakashi Hatake assured him that there was no need to worry.

The only concern was whether Mukaze would unleash his terrifying ninja tools.

Mukaze surveyed Gato and his subordinates. "It's a bit troublesome when you're all standing together."

Gato and his subordinates: ???

"Then I'll be more precise with my control."

Mukaze raised his right hand, spreading his fingers and pointing towards Gato and his group.

Gato's subordinates nervously stepped back.

Gato exclaimed in annoyance, "He hasn't even performed any hand seals. What are you afraid of?"

Using both hands to form hand seals and release ninjutsu was common knowledge in the ninja world. What could one accomplish with just a single raised hand?

A glint of electricity flashed in Mukaze's eyes.

"Raiton: Tetsu Hanabira Kai." (Google translate: iron flower party. Please recommend a better one.)

His voice was cold and ruthless.

Gato heard a series of popping and bursting sounds, as if balloons were exploding, resonating in his ears.

Hot splatters landed on his back.

He turned around to look.


He let out a scream of terror.

Behind him, the heads of his subordinates suddenly exploded, as if blooming flowers.

With a popping sound.

Blood, shredded flesh, and brain matter splattered, swirling like delicate dandelion seeds in the air.

Headless bodies spurted blood from their necks before collapsing heavily.

The flowers of blood bloomed.



The remaining untouched subordinates screamed in fear.

The opposing ninja, without performing hand seals or using ninjutsu, killed their comrades; the remaining mercenaries were overcome by terror. They began to panic.

Those who ran faster met a swifter death.

With popping and bursting sounds, blood-red dandelions bloomed along their path.

In a very short time, over three hundred people turned into headless corpses, strewn on the ground.

Gato's fear rendered his mind blank.

His legs trembled, unable to take a step forward.

Zabuza, Sasuke, Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura were all stunned.

What kind of ninjutsu was this?

Silently and effortlessly, it killed so many people.

And the manner of their deaths was horrifying.

Mukaze turned his head, wearing a smile.

"Zabuza, now that the job is done, can we consider our transaction complete?"

Zabuza nodded mechanically.

Mukaze extended his right hand towards the beheading sword, and his fingers made a grabbing motion.

The beheading sword flew into his hand.

(Goal was supposed to be 10 but my mouse died so I'll continue probably tomorrow? Depends on my mood after I come back home.)

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