

"No, I can't give you a system".

What!! I was just told by a God I couldn't obtain a system. How would I survive in the Naruto world without one? I already died once today due to a truck accident, I don't ever want to die like that again! A meaningless death!

"Why not! Your a god, nothing should stop you", I responded to the God, quite angry because of my denied request.

"It is not a matter of I can't, rather I won't", God smiled, towering over me with it's gargantuan height. It took the form of an old man.

"It is not natural to that world. You have to adhere to the laws of that world too, you know", the God continued." Rather, I can give you an alternative".

I couldn't argue against God's agreement, it was pretty rock solid. Now, I was just intrigued in what "alternative" the diety was thinking of.

"I have designed an ability, that will grant you the potential to become the strongest the Naruto world has ever seen. I call it "The Unbounded Talent", the old man said, coining his latest creation.

All I could do was listen intently to the booming voice. "The Unbounded Talent" seemed pretty strong. It might have not been a system, and probably won't be as overpowered as one, but it will still be good for me.

"Ok, I'm listening", I responded to the diety, to which he smiled , happy that I moved on from wanting a system. He then begins to explain my talent.

"The first part of this talent is the physical talent. You'll be way stronger than your average shinobi. Your physical prowess as a whole will be one to reckon with. Your 5 senses will be enhanced too beyond average shinobi. It will grow with training", The god told to me, as I listened carefully.

The average physical strength of a shinobi is already top notch. The Naruto verse is far above my past home in terms of physical strength. The average gennin would probably humiliate any top athletes on earth.

Being beyond that, with the likes of A, the 4th Raikage, Tsunade, or Guy would be certainly helpful.

A, for example, could hold a massive 2 handed barbell with only one of his hands. He beat Tsunade in an arm wrestling contest too, testifying his showing of absolute physical strength.

"The second part of your ability is the mental talent part of it. WIth this, your brain will be faster than normal, giving you greater capabilities with it. You'll also gain a perfect photographic memory from this, being able to recall anything with your 5 senses", The divinity continued explaining.

I smiled hearing that. It was a great ability I wished I always had. A greater mind will only result in greatness.

It would be such a good ability for training and also learning. This basically means I was a perfect student, who basically soaked up everything I heard forever.

Orichamaru was the perfect example of where your smarts could lead you. Being an orpahn, he had no clan, like most ninjas.

However, with his smarts, he worked hard, learning and studying all kinds of jutsus. Later on, he would obtain his version of pseudo immortality. He was truly, one of the smartest people alive and his abilities showed that.

"All of this is cool and all, but when I'm thinking of talent in the Naruto world, my mind jumps to Chakra and Affinites. So what about that?", I said to the supreme being, curious about how good is my chakra reserves.

God chuckled at my question, before equipping a smile." Calm down, I was just about to get to it". I soon adopted a smile too, chuckling at the response.

"With "The Unbounded Talent", your Chakra reserves will be exceptional. You will have an affinity in all 5 nature transformations,Yin and Yang release and your chakra reserves as a whole are two times the standard of a pure blood Uzumaki from the jump", God told me.

I marveled at the idea of such refined chakra reserves. Now I was in the small club of people with an affinity in all the nature transformations, that being fire,wind,water,earth, and lightning. Yin and Yang releases were also very cool.

The thing I was most excited for was my Chakra reserves. Being a child, with 2 times the Uzumaki's reserve. or reference, Kushina Uzumaki was born with the reserves of a standard Jonnin.

With higher Chakra reserves, means the higher level jutsus you could use, and I wanted to use them all.

"The next talent you will have is some auxillary talents. You will be born with a sage body, allowing you to withstand natrual energy and be a sensor type ninja, being able to recognize chakra", the diety told me.

Those were pretty good. Being a sensor type and having the potential to become a sage, is some pretty good talents, sage especially. Being a sage is something only reserved for the greats of the Naruto world.

"This is more than enough! Thank you, God.", I exclaimed to the supreme being, to which he smiled sincerly.

"Oh, I still have something for you and in my opinion, it will be your greatest talent", God told me, to which I gasped. What could be better than all that.

"For your final talent, I designed an ability just for you. You do not need a Kekai Genkai to mix elements into advanced natures anymore. With this, you can use and make Kekai Genkais and Kekai Tota. It will however, require an advanced amount of chakra control for even small techniques. ", God explained my final talent.

First, all of those abilities, now, a completely original one! God was being too generous for me. Does he do this will all reincarnators?

Such a powerful ability that will allow me to use very powerful releases like Lava Release , Boil Release, Magnet, Wood Release and more. Even if it took the maxium amount of chakra control, I'll try to use it to it's upmost potential.

"Now that the talents are disclosed, I wish you a good life. Train hard and achieve your maximum potential. Become Unbounded", God said, with the widest smile ever.

The space around me began to fold in on me. Before that, I was thinking of my potential new life.

My life will be different this time around. I promise myself that. If God believed in me, why shouldn't I myself.

I smiled at God's last sentence." Become Unbounded", huh?

I'll see if I can do that.


First chapter is a go.

Ask any questions about the story in the comments and I'll answer them as quickly as possible.

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