
Naruto: The Thunder Swordsman

Ren,A Master Swordsman is reincarnated in the AU Naruto world as a civilian child where Minato and Kushina are still alive. The plot he knew got all messed up now. Let's see how he becomes strong,even though he is just a civilian. Note:- I do not own the Narutoverse and it's characters except for the Ocs, they belong to their respective owners.

Izumi_123 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

[Chapter 9] Lightning Chakra Training

After checking his chakra nature, Ryo just had one more important thing to do, that was to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

'The academy has taijutsu training once a week, so that will be the only day I will have to go there and as for food, the clone can just go to the roof and if someone came there, he can just pretend to eat.' thought Ryo with a serious expression on his face.

He picked up the scroll for the jutsu and started practicing it.

Since he had good chakra control, he learnt it after a few tries.


The next day,

Ryo sent his shadow clone to the academy and he went to the forest.

So as to not create any suspicion, he did not wear his mask and he wore his favourite Black Kimono under which he wore his training pants.

Ryo liked this outfit and it was also comfortable for training.

Now Ryo looked different from what he did in the academy.


In the middle of a forest,

Ryo had just finished his daily workout and was sweating profusely.

In the past few months, whenever he felt that running was getting easier, he put more weights on and he never removed them except when sleeping.

This increased his stamina and speed by a lot.

After a while of resting, Ryo got up, took a deep breath and spoke with a serious expression,

"Now is the moment of truth."

He slowly started Nature Transformation on his chakra which turned into lightning and covered his whole body.

The ground around him got destroyed, the trees around him started shaking and this was the result when it was at a very low intensity.

If he Increased the chakra output thereby increasing the intensity, he would not be able to control it.

His eyes started shining with purple blue light, it was a magnificent sight to behold.

Sparks could be seen all around Ryo, making crackling sound.

Ryo tested his speed first.

He got incredibly fast! If people saw this sight, they would only see a purple blue flash, this is how fast he was!

Experienced ninjas would be able to see him though, he knew he had to practice more.

Next, he punched a tree which was nearby, even before touching, the tree got cut and fell on the ground making a *thud* sound.

Ryo was amazed at how strong this mode was.

After 10 minutes Ryo switched this mode off as his chakra had been exhausted.

Ryo did not have any idea how big his chakra reserves were, but his guess was that they were quite big as he had never exhausted his chakra before while training.

After resting for a while, he started practicing the Chakra Scalpul jutsu.

This was a jutsu where he needed to coat a kunai with chakra in a way such that it becomes very deadly.

The reason why it was an A ranked jutsu was that, it involved Chakra Shape Transformation which was no easy task.

Luckily for Ryo, all the theory of shape transformation was written in the scroll and it also explained how different patterns of chakra coating will cause different effects.

Ryo started practicing, but found it extremely hard to do it.

'Shape transformation is no joke, looks like before I can apply it on my sword, I have to practice on a kunai' thought Ryo in a Serious expression.

The next level of Chakra Scalpul jutsu was to coat it on the hand but Ryo's main goal was to learn shape transformation.


3 years later,

In the middle of a forest,


"It all comes to this now, all the efforts I have put in....." said Ryo while remembering the harsh training he did for the past three years.

As for his appearance, In the past three years, he had grown taller and had become even more handsome.

Taking a deep breath Ryo started Nature Transformation.

After a moment, his whole body was covered with lightning!

Unlike before, the ground did not get destroyed as Ryo's control over lightning had increased greatly.

The intensity of lightning was much higher than the first time but was far from full.

As he opened his eyes which shined with purple blue light he said,

"First step is done."

He then picked up his sword and started coating it with lightning chakra.

The lightning crackled and surrounded his blade, coating it perfectly.

"Finally it is stable! Now I can test its power, but this place will not be appropriate because I am sure this will cause a lot of destruction."

Ryo then switched off his lightning chakra mode and sat under a tree.

'I can maintain this form for one hour if I keep it at low intensity and for around ten minutes when the intensity is medium. Hmmm.... there is something missing and I can't figure out what it is!' thought Ryo with frustration.

In these three years Ryo practiced the lightning nature like crazy.

He did not learn any lightning style jutsus but instead learnt different things like coating his sword with lightning chakra.

This increased his lightning chakra control by a lot.

Another thing he focused on was his sword style.

He made a technique which suited his speed.

'I should go home now' thought Ryo getting up.

As he was on his way home, he saw Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Shino, who were walking beside each other and also their mothers were right behind them.

Naruto spotted Ryo and ran towards him.

Today, Ryo was wearing his academy outfit since there was taijutsu practice in the academy.

Naruto reached Ryo and spoke with a loud voice,

"You are Ryo from the academy right?"

"Yes..... what do you want?" spoke Ryo awkwardly.

He had only exchanged greetings with Naruto a few times before, so he found talking with him a little difficult.

'I knew I had to talk to him some time or another but it still is awkward.' thought Ryo.

"Me and my friends are going out for barbeque with our moms, do you want to join us? The more people there are the better!" spoke Naruto with excitement.

"I wanted to go eat ramen but they all said no."spoke Naruto again, with a low voice.


Replied Ryo with a cold voice.

"Why not? It will be fun, come on." spoke Naruto.

"I have something to do and before you ask, you don't need to know what I am doing." said Ryo, again with a cold voice.

After saying this, Ryo continued his way home.

'That Naruto will surely cause me trouble..... also I don't have any money to waste on something like barbeque....' thought Ryo with a sad expression.


Souta had decided that he would open a shop where he can earn lots of money for him and Ryo when he learnt that he could not unlock his chakra due to very low chakra quantity.

This was also the reason a lot of civilians were not ninja.

Ryo was touched by this and swore to not waste a single penny so that he can help his brother achieve his dream.


Everyone in Naruto's group heard Naruto and Ryo's conversation.

"What's up with him?" spoke Shikamaru with a lazy tone.

"He was acting weird.... just wait till I pull a prank on him, he will definitely become my friend hahaha...." spoke Naruto.

'Isn't he the boy who had very fast reflexes, he must have gone through a lot to have such a tone at such a young age ' thought Kushina with pity in her eyes.