
Naruto: The Thunder Swordsman

Ren,A Master Swordsman is reincarnated in the AU Naruto world as a civilian child where Minato and Kushina are still alive. The plot he knew got all messed up now. Let's see how he becomes strong,even though he is just a civilian. Note:- I do not own the Narutoverse and it's characters except for the Ocs, they belong to their respective owners.

Izumi_123 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

[Chapter 11] Training with Shisui and Graduation.

The next day,

Ryo went to the training ground around 5 pm as that day was Wednesday.

As soon as the training field came Into Ryo's view, he got shocked.

There were many trees that had been destroyed, it was a mess.

'Just what did he do here?! looks like I will have to take care of cleaning this up *sigh*' thought Ryo.

As he entered the field he saw Shisui resting under a tree that was barely intact.

"Oh hello Ryo." said Shisui with a smile.

"Umm.... hello, just what were you practicing?" asked Ryo.

"That is a secret" said Shisui with a chuckle.

"Anyway do you need any help in your training?" asked Shisui.

"Yes I do have something to ask about this movement technique..."

Shisui started to teach him and also pointed out all his mistakes.

After the training ended,

"Umm.... since you will be teaching, can I call you Shisui Sensei?" asked Ryo, hesitatingly.

"Well your reasoning is correct, so yeah you can call me Sensei but on one condition, since you will be my student and first one at that, you will have to spar with me as a test regularly and don't expect me to go easy on you. You may even break your limbs while sparring." said Shisui in a serious tone.

"Yes Sensei" replied Ryo without hesitation and a smile on his face.

'I am sure he will be strong in the future' thought Shisui.

Shisui started training Ryo from that day on.


1 year later,

In the middle of a forest,

Two people were moving at very high speeds with their swords clashing with each other and making the sounds *Clang* *Clang*.

Ryo rushed towards Shisui and was about to attack when Shisui swung his sword and Ryo blocked it.

Shisui vanished from where he was standing and appeared behind Ryo.

Ryo reacted fast, he tilted his sword and thrust it backwards in hope of a surprise attack.

Shisui not being slow either, swung his sword with a little more power than before and knocked the sword out of Ryo's hands.

"You fought well Ryo." said Shisui with a smile.

"But you still won!" said Ryo puffing his cheeks.

Shisui, seeing this, started laughing crazily.

"Hey don't laugh, Sensei!" said Ryo, getting pissed at seeing Shisuis reaction.

After a while Shisui stopped laughing and spoke,

"Well your swordplay was flawless but you are too slow, at least for me, and also I used a little more strength this ti- ... *pfft* hahahaha..... sorry I can't stop laughing hahahaha....."

Ryo got even more pissed.


Ryo was always like this.

Only when he got comfortable with someone, could he truly express his emotions in front of them.

He expressed less feelings around everyone else.


"Now now, don't be mad, tomorrow is the day you will graduate and become a true Shinobi so be a bit more cheerful." said Shisui still trying to suppress his laughter.

After a moment, Shisui took out a storage scroll and from it, he took out a sword.

"Ryo, I want to give you this sword before you graduate tommorow, it is made out of chakra metal and also suits your type of swordplay. I hope that you like it." said Shisui with a kind and smiling face, like an older brother.

Seeing Shisuis kind gesture, all of Ryo's anger went away.

"Sensei... I don't know what to say." Ryo said, slightly embarrassed this time.

"You don't have to say anything." Shisui said .

Over the course of one year, the student teacher relation between Ryo and Shisui had improved a lot.

Shisui even showed Ryo his three tome Sharingan.

He didn't tell him about the Mangekyo Sharingan. It was not that he didn't trust him, but, this information was too sensitive and Ryo could be in danger if he knew about it.

Obviously Ryo knew about it from watching the anime and he knew how dangerous it was to have such information.


The next day,

At the academy,

"Good morning everyone, today is the graduation exam, please be calm and you will surely pass the exam and all the best."

Said the teacher.

"For the exam all you have to do is, perform clone jutsu and transformation so when I call out your names, please come to the next room." the teacher said

When Ryo's chance came, he passed easily.

The theory exam was done weeks ago, and today was the final exam which carried the most weightage.

Ryo's rank in the class was a little above average as he didn't want to show his strength yet.

Even Naruto passed and was among the top 5 students.

Ryo celebrated his graduation with his brother and grandparents.


At night in Ryo's room,

'Finally I can remove my mask and wear a kimono whenever I want.' thought Ryo with a smile on his face.

'In two weeks, I will be assigned to a team, what should I do till then, even Sensei will be on a mission with the Hokage maybe I ....'


In a dark cave away from Konoha,

A man with very pale skin was sitting on a chair and had a wicked smile on his face.

It was none other than Orochimaru!

"Hehehe..... I will be going to the village after a long time." said Orochimaru with a playful tone.

"Let's go over the plan one more time."

"I will create a distraction at the edge of the village, Sakkon, Tayuya, Jirobo will deal with distracting the clans and Kidomaru and Kabuto, you will take my research scrolls from the Hokage's building. If you fail, you know what will happen." said Orochimaru with a terrifying smile.

"Yes Orochimaru sama." said everyone with a little fear in their voice.

"This is the best time to strike.

Minato will be in the land of wind to sign a peace treaty with Sunagakure, Itachi and Shisui will be going with him, hehehe..... things could not get easier, only the old man will be a problem..." said Orochimaru.
