
Naruto the System king

Tygoku_Gray · Anime & Comics
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It have been 5 years after Naruto Uzumaki was born. It was a order by the daimyo to banish Naruto or give him to Donzo. Hiruzen was crying and ordered his student Jiraiya back immediately. Hiruzen decided to seal up the Namikaze compound and all none food Items. Hiruzen also decided to seal all Uzumaki stuff. Hiruzen also took out all the Namikaze money of 200 billion ryo and sealed it in a separate scroll.

Hiruzen also made a copy of the forbidden scroll just incase was stolen but sealed it with the other jutsu scrolls. He also had all clans make copies of there jutsus incase all other copies got destroyed. Hiruzen even has made a copy of the hokage jutsu storage and his personal stores in it except the monkey contract.

He told the daimyo he will be gone as soon as Jiraiya of the Sannin comes to protect him until he finds somewhere safe to live. Serial weeks later Jiraiya arrived and was pissed to no end at Donzo. Now to the day Naruto was told he was banish. "Naruto just know it was this or become a emotionless killer. Naruto Uzumaki you have been banished from Konoha." Hiruzen said.

At that moment Naruto's dreams shattered. "Naruto and If I did not do either I would have been kick out of the hokage role." said Hiruzen. "I have one thing to say who were my parent's since if I am to be banished I request what rightfully belongs to me." said Naruto. "They were Kushina Uzumaki, and Minato Namikaze I kept it secret so Konoha would be safe. The Stone would have attacked when we were weak. Komo would of then had another chance to get a byakugan eye's as we got invaded." said Hiruzen.

"Now Donzo Shimura would you mind explaining this pulls out a scroll and have an anbu put a chakra blocking seal on him." said Naruto. Opens and unsealed the scroll to show bodies of near blank masks. "Now Donzo why do you still have root active that was disbanded by order of the Daimyo after the end of the second great shinobi war. I also did my own research and found out every few months you go and get orphaned children to join your root from 5 year olds to 10 year olds. Now the seals under their tongue first is a emo removal seal the second is a loyalty seal the last one is a salve seal. So not only did you not listen to the Daimyo you also broke the no slavery laws of the land of fire. Both of those are punishable by death not only that because I am able to sneak into Anbu HQ a and paint all their crap Orange. So I followed you Donzo and hid better then Your root nin and found out files and I used a ability I had thanks to the fox without knowing and created a sealed copies you also kidnapped huyuga, aburame, akamichi, yamanaka, and has Sakura Haruno's twin sister in his root program which Kakashi hatake had to kill to protect me from being more subsetpable to the foxes chakra. But that's not the best part this asshole have been in contact with o

Orochimaru helping orochimaru plan of getting the sharringan by using a jutsu that allows him to destroy someone's soul and take over their bodies. His bandages are covers one on his head has shisui's eye in the mangekyo form. Meaning he has been using katsumatsukami to get his way. However it keeps getting better that he had orochimaru grave rob the first hokage grave to give him a new arm that he had his doctors put the dead uchiha members eyes in that arm so he can use izanagi to rewrite his death up to 21 times. So Donzo how does it feel to lose all chances at being Hokage now Donzo kindly rot in purgatory." said Naruto.