
Chapter no.63 Estate?

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[ Naruto's POV ]

My mind was blank.

All the mysteries in my life seemed to be solved, yet my anger still remained, though now only in the form of embers.

As I walked down the street, I felt some people glaring at me, which made me snort. I wondered if Mom also had to deal with this bullshit.

While I was numb to their hatred, it felt nice knowing that Mom went through something similar and became someone so strong.

I want to be strong like you, Mom.

I smiled as the world of glares and hatred melted away, and I saw Ichiraku Ramen shop.

Mom loved ramen.

I wondered if Teuchi ever served her.

Lifting one flap, I saw Ayame placing a bowl of ramen in front of a customer.

She noticed me and her eyes moved to my Konoha headband.

Pure joy lit up her face as she motioned me to the back to avoid glares from the civilians.

I just shook my head and used a transformation jutsu to change my hair color to red.

I sat down at the front, feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia.

"Welcome..." Teuchi's voice trailed off as he saw me, or rather, my red hair.

"You know, I just found out that my mother loved ramen. Guess your ramen is just that good, huh?" I said with a grin.

Teuchi chuckled.

"When I first opened my shop here in Konoha, my first customer was a red-haired girl with a temper as hot as my chili oil," Teuchi said, as Ayame looked confused and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Business was slow, and sometimes I wondered why I was even doing this when I was starting off. But that redhead's smile as she ate my ramen always reminded me of why I started cooking."

"For the smiles," Ayame and I said at the same time.

"For the smiles," Ayame and I said at the same time.

"Of course not, I did it for the money," Teuchi said. I felt my smile falter as I looked at Teuchi with a "are you serious right now?" look. Teuchi was clearly enjoying the expressions on both mine and Ayame's faces.

"Really, Dad?" Ayame said, exasperated.

Teuchi shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Hey, I'm just telling the truth. But the smiles were also nice," he said, winking at us.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Teuchi's playful attitude. "Guess you got us good, Teuchi-oji."

"Kushina was more than a customer, she was my friend. She even gave me the courage to ask your mother out," Teuchi said.

I smiled as Teuchi began making the ramen, his hands moving skillfully as he prepared the ingredients.

The miso paste, the rich broth, the perfectly sliced chashu pork—it all came together with such care.

The aroma filled the air, making my mouth water.

"I guess I never thought that Kushina was your mother, Naruto. Fate really has quite the sense of humor," Teuchi said as he placed the bowl of miso chashu ramen in front of me.

"Miso chashu, this was also your mother's favorite."

I took a deep breath, soaking in the beautiful aroma.

"It's on the house as congratulations for passing the exam and becoming a Genin, right, Dad?" Ayame said with a big smile.

"Of course," Teuchi added as Ayame and I high-fived, her hand meeting mine with a satisfying smack.

"You know, Ayame, you're the best!"

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Teuchi called out, pretending to be hurt.

"Alright, alright, you too." I paused and said. "Teuchi-oji, make two more bowls. My friends should be arriving in a few minutes."



I exclaimed loudly before vacuuming the content of the bowl.

The first bite was heavenly.

The rich broth, the tender chashu, the perfectly cooked noodles—it was all perfect.

I felt a connection to my mother, knowing that she had sat in this very spot, enjoying the same flavors.

"So Naruto, you have to tell me how it went," Ayame said excitedly.

I slurped on the noodles, chewing carefully. As good as they were, they were slippery and could easily end up in the wrong canal. "Well, nothing much. We got a boring written test," I began.

In my mind, I replayed the day's events. It all started as I jumped from the Communication Tower to the Hokage Tower.

"Then some shuriken throwing, pretty easy," I continued.

Then I made my way to the vault, escaping the vigilance of the patrolling chunin.

"Then what was it again… Oh yeah, a stupid genjutsu escape test," I said, scratching my chin.

"Then we all had to demonstrate our taijutsu," I kept on going.

I then escaped with a very important scroll and fled to a little clearing where I learned one jutsu from the scroll.

"And to finish, the Academy Three, except this time I didn't flunk the clone," I finished brightly.

To finish, I beat a traitor and gave the scroll back. I probably saved Iruka-sensei and learned I'm a jinchuriki.

The unofficial version definitely sounded more awesome.

"That's so cool!" Ayame exclaimed, interrupting my train of thought.

I smiled.

"Thinking about dropping ramen and going ninja?"

She laughed before pumping her fist, stars shining in her eyes.

"No, silly, there is nothing that'd distract me from the holiness that is ramen!"


"Really, you joined a cult," a voice said. I turned to see Hinata and Tenten at the entrance.

"You just don't know the holiness of ramen," Ayame and I said in unison, as Tenten gave us a deadpan look and whispered to Hinata.

"I'm telling you right now, there is a secret ramen cult in Konoha."

Hinata giggled.

"Tch, insolent," Ayame threatened, giving Tenten and Hinata a mock glare before her smile returned.

"Naruto already ordered two bowls, I'll get them."

"Why the red hair? Don't tell me you're trying to cosplay as your mom," Tenten asked, and Hinata looked curious.

"I'll tell you later. For now, bask in the holy light of ramen," I said, evading the question.

"How about this?" Hinata suggested. "Whoever eats the most is the ramen cult leader."

I looked excited while Tenten looked ready to run away. "Don't humor the orange flopper."

"Well, it's on the house."

"Only two bowls, Naruto, only two bowls are on the house," Ayame said, placing a bowl in front of Tenten and Hinata each.


"Hinata is the ramen cult leader," Naruto whispered in disbelief as the trio walked on the dirt road surrounded by forests.

"Hahahah," Tenten laughed from behind, while Hinata blushed. She had eaten 46 bowls of ramen, Tenten had eaten 1, and Naruto had managed 30.

"Where does all of that food go?" Tenten commented, poking Hinata's side, making her turn even redder.

"Where are we going, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, shooing away Tenten's hand.

"My home," Naruto said, speeding up.

"In the forest?" Hinata asked as Tenten hit her palm with her fist, like a hammer on a nail.

"Does this home belong to your mom?"

Naruto frowned in confusion.

"How do you know?"

Tenten pridefully lifted her chin, looking down on the world with a confident smirk.

"Well, the answer is simple. We are currently inside the western forest area of Konoha, away from the central village. With you saying there is a home here, it means it's more than likely a private estate. Private estates are so expensive that only S-rank ninjas and ninja clans have the economic means to make or buy them."

Hinata and Naruto clapped at Tenten's analysis, but they stopped when the trio saw an ANBU ninja standing with a giant scroll in their path.

"Hokage-sama wanted me to hand you this," the ANBU said, giving Naruto the giant scroll, which was frankly bigger than his body.

[ Item: Scroll of Safekeeping ]

- [ Description: A meticulously crafted scroll designed to safeguard precious items. This scroll features a complex 420-lock sequence seal barrier, ensuring exceptional security and protection against unauthorized access. ]

[ Warning: The lock seals have been broken, items can be taken out ]

"This is a storage scroll?" Tenten recognized it immediately.

"Indeed. The scroll contains items that were confiscated from the estate when your parents died. So that they don't rot away, Hokage-sama is giving them back to you," the ANBU said.

"Anything related to my father is missing, right?" Naruto asked.

"Affirmative," the ANBU replied.

"Tell the Hokage and Dragon-sama that this is bullshit," Naruto said.

"Noted," the ANBU said, then disappeared, revealing a majestic gate, with its deep red pillars standing tall and proud against the backdrop of the forest. The crossbeam, elegantly perched on top of the pillars.

"A torii gate?" Hinata looked confused.

"Don't tell me your home is a temple," Tenten joked.

"This is my home?" Naruto asked, staring at the large torii gate in disbelief. The gate's red pillars stood tall and imposing, marking the entrance to the estate with an air of solemnity and history.

Hinata activated her Byakugan, her eyes widening slightly.

"There is some kind of chakra barrier surrounding the gate, like it's protecting something," she said.

"Makes sense. This is the home of an S-rank shinobi. It would be weirder if they didn't have some kind of security mechanism." Tenten stated while flicking the tori gate.

Naruto immediately took out the key that Dragon had given him.

As Naruto moved closer to the gate, a Fuinjutsu seal formed on the torii gate.

The seal revealed an actual solid gate.

Hmm, looks like it's a combination seal of a barrier and a seal that reflects light to hide the estate.

His heart pounded in his chest as he inserted the key and turned it.

Chakra began to peel away like layers of an onion.

The refraction barrier lifted slowly, revealing first the walls, then the door, and finally the entire house complex behind it.

The estate was nestled within the forest, surrounded by tall trees that cast dappled shadows on the ground.

The house itself was modest but elegant, with wooden beams and traditional shoji doors.

Moss-covered stones lined the path leading up to the entrance, and a small pond with a stone lantern sat to the side.

It was like stepping into a hidden world, untouched by time.

The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and the sound of rustling leaves filled the silence.

Naruto felt a connection to this place, even though he had never been there before.

It was as if the very essence of his parents lingered in the air, welcoming him home.

Naruto took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

"This is it," he said, his voice tinged with both anticipation and apprehension. "My parents' home."

"Let's go in," Hinata said, and Naruto smiled.

"Let's all push the door. Ready? One, two..."

Hinata and Tenten placed their hands on the door, and the trio yelled at the same time, "Three!"


[ Hokage Office ]

"You called for me, Hokage-sama?" Iruka Umino asked, standing at attention before the desk of his leader.

The chunin had been dragged from his home by two ANBUs who had stated his presence was required at the Tower "immediately."

"Yes indeed, Umino-san. Take a seat, please," the Hokage answered with a good-natured smile.

Iruka complied and took the offered seat. "What may I do for you, Hokage-sama?"

The old man took his trusted pipe and stuffed it with a generous amount of tobacco with practiced motions.

Taking his time, Hiruzen took a whiff of the scented dried leaves before placing the end of the pipe between his lips.

A snap of his fingers later, and the tobacco had magically caught on fire.

The Hokage took a long drag off his smoking device and exhaled smoke. Smacking his tongue in satisfaction, the man looked at the chunin.

"Yesterday was quite the day."

"Indeed, Hokage-sama, but how is Naruto dealing with the information?"

"Don't worry, Naruto and I had a civil conversation about everything. While he is justifiably angry about the whole secret, he is taking it surprisingly well." Hiruzen took another drag as Iruka sighed in relief.

"That means a lot of pranks."

Hiruzen chuckled.

"I believe Naruto isn't going to prank me."

Iruka gave the old leader a look.

"I'll pray for you, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen sweatdropped as he saw Iruka place his palms together, the teacher praying for the leader.

"Let's get a little serious, Iruka. I wanted to discuss the potential teams built by the sorting officers."

Iruka nodded.

This was not unusual, if slightly surprising. The files the Academy provided on the graduated genin were usually enough. "What do you wish to know, Hokage-sama?"

"Well, as Naruto is not a member of the regular roster—"

Iruka nodded.

He had been informed that the boy was to serve for a year in the Tower as punishment for his stupid stunt.

One did not steal the Forbidden Scroll without feeling some repercussions, after all.

"—I was wondering what were your thoughts on the teams?"

"Permission to talk honestly, Hokage-sama?"


"I fear the sorting these last few years has been done with over-specialization in mind, which could prove fatal. There is one shining example of a team that was recently built with one primary goal in mind without neglecting other aspects of shinobi missions."

"I believe you're talking about Team Gai."

"Yes, Hokage-sama. While Neji's taijutsu is fearsome, his eyes make him quite the tracker. Lee is a pure taijutsu beast that has even Neji beat in this department, even if he doesn't realize it himself.

And Tenten acts as long-range support. Combined with her two teammates' taijutsu, it is an excellent capture combo. Overall, Team Gai has shown better results than other too-specialized teams created up to two years before."

"And you believe we should keep exploring this avenue," Hiruzen said.

It was not a question, and Iruka simply nodded.

"Then how would you suggest we do that?"

"While the Ino-Shika-Cho trio is a tradition and useful for capturing targets in open combat, we cannot deny that it is a formation that has suffered heavy losses through the years, mainly from ambushes. I won't ever be the one saying the Nara aren't bright, but even they can fall into traps, and their intellect cannot always save them from that. An Akimichi should be paired with either a Yamanaka or a Nara, but not both."

"We, of course, reached the same conclusion long ago. The formation is a matter of clan pride and honor."

Iruka nodded.

"Of course, Hokage-sama, but Nidaime-sama once said—"

"That honor has a place and time, and it is never the battlefield," interrupted the Hokage with a smile.

The chunin smiled.

Of course, the Sandaime would know the adages of his very own sensei.

"I do not have much hope that the formation could be modified, yet it would open interesting alternatives."

"Such as?"

The chunin scratched his chin lightly.

"First, I'd say Sasuke Uchiha, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuga. Solid as a tracking team, it would also be a fearsome close combat formation and could capture people without a problem. Between the hypnotic capacity of Sasuke's Sharingan and Hinata's near-perfect control and her disabling strikes, they'd have the choice."

Iruka took a deep breath.

"I would then place Ino Yamanaka with Aburame Shino and someone proficient with tai- and ninjutsu, maybe someone from another graduating class. Shino is a fearsome tactician and can already use many kikai-assisted ninjutsu, while Ino knows the Yamanaka clan's mind-related abilities."

It was also crucial for Ino to be nowhere near the Uchiha.

For both their security, as he was well informed of the "Messiah Ino" rumors, while he didn't believe them for a second considering he knew Naruto was the one to injure Sasuke, there was a great deal of animosity from Ino to Sasuke.

"And who would you partner the Nara and Akimichi heirs with?"

"With each other, of course, as well as Sakura Haruno. She is part of the top three kunoichis of this year and has a bright mind and a wide range of knowledge. Good chakra control, the memory of an elephant, and a certain willingness to learn," informed the chunin immediately. "When she does not fawn over her crush," he added silently.

The Hokage nodded and smirked.

"I can guess, by the look in your eyes, that you also took into account the psychology and chakra nature of your charges," the old man said in an appreciative tone.

The chunin blushed very lightly at the praise—God, he hadn't been in the field too long if a simple compliment could make him go red—and rubbed his scar distractedly.

"Ah ah, well, yes. My suggestions were based on the tri-nature formation."

Hiruzen nodded.

The tri-nature formation was based on the idea of two chakra natures making each other stronger, with the third nature being something that can counter the opposition.

For example, a team where one member specializes in Fire jutsu, another in Wind, and the third in Water.

"I am surprised that there is so much variety in chakra natures," Hiruzen said as Iruka nodded, noting that the average chakra nature of Konoha shinobi was fire.

"Iruka, I am curious about the variety of the newer generation's natures."

"Yes, sir." Iruka began to list out the chakra natures of the students.

Sasuke Uchiha: Fire and Lightning 

Kiba Inuzuka: Earth 

Hinata Hyuga: Water and Wind 

Ino Yamanaka: Wind and Fire 

Aburame Shino: Earth 

Shikamaru Nara: Lightning 

Choji Akimichi: Earth and Fire 

Sakura Haruno: Earth and Water 

Abashi Tenma: Fire




"What about Naruto?" Hiruzen asked curiously.

"My apologies, but Naruto didn't come to the academy, so his natures are unknown."

The Hokage nodded and puffed at his pipe. "Now let's say that if Naruto had not pulled a stunt like that, my officers recommended teaming him with young Sasuke and Sakura..."

The old man let his question remain unsaid. The white face of Iruka was telling enough.

"You do not think it would have been a good idea."

The chunin hesitated.

"Permission to speak bluntly, Hokage-sama."

The Hokage raised an eyebrow but did not react other than that.

"Permission to speak bluntly" was certainly not a standard request.

Smiling lightly, the old man granted it. "Speak."

"It would have been a fucking disaster, Hokage-sama, in complete contradiction to everything I included in their files. Sorry for the curse."

Hiruzen waved it off.

"How so?"

Iruka winced, he would reveal personal things about children, to the Hokage yes but still.

All was in the children's file anyway.

"Sasuke has a superiority complex, and with Naruto being an orphan, he has an attachment disorder where he will do everything he can to seek validation. Naruto is changing with him now having friends, but Sasuke isn't. Hypothetically if the team ever formed, Sasuke and Naruto will develop a rivalry that may cause tensions in the team with the two trying to outperform each other. Competition can be a great motivator for them to get stronger, but what Naruto and Sasuke would develop would be destructive competition and will cause either the team to break or something much worse. And considering the level of strength Naruto showed against Mizuki, Sasuke might push himself to the breaking point to catch up."

The Hokage nodded and silently gestured for the teacher to keep talking.

"Sakura does not lack potential either but she needs to remember why she enrolled in the Academy in the first place. She is ridiculously infatuated with the Uchiha, anyone can see that and I noted it in her file. If she is paired with Sasuke, she won't ever think for herself, following her crush rather than her brain and it will be the cause of a very early retirement."

Or even death, thought the chunin without saying it.

The Hokage nodded once again and sucked on his pipe, making the tobacco sizzle.

"Interesting. You said you made those remarks in their file, Umino-san?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama. I actually added this kind of recommendation in many files, as mandated."

The older man hummed, smoke escaping from his nostrils and surrounding his face. "It'd seem parts of these files have been lost between the Academy and the Tower…"

Iruka's eyes widened at the implication.

If someone had tampered with the data he had provided to the officers in charge of creating the new team, it was treason.

The teachers at the Academy did not make the teams themselves; officers of the Jonin Bureau did, knowing which jonin was available and what were the needs in terms of operational teams.

Yet, the files provided by the teachers were heavily relied on, specifically to avoid teaming together people who would only be at each other's throat.

In-depth psychological profiling had been implemented after the Sannin team had nearly fallen apart when they were ten due to their constant bickering.

Their legendary teamwork had actually come years after, when they all had matured into their late teens, early twenties.

Teamwork was central to Konoha's philosophy, yes.

It did not change the fact that what grown-up adults could do, moody pre-teens could not.

The mind was malleable in strange ways. You could teach someone to kill and they wouldn't bat an eye but ask them to reconcile with their mother-in-law and it's mission impossible.

If someone had tampered with the files, he could see why the sorting officers would gather Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura in one assault team.

A lot of power plus somewhat of a blank slate to mold according to needs.

But given the personalities involved, such a team would never exist before all three had matured.

"Iruka, I think you can understand what I am saying."

"Could it have been Mizuki's doing?" Iruka wondered aloud. After all, no one knew who the traitor was working for or what his plan had been. Yet, Iruka did not doubt that the terrifying head of T&I was currently very occupied with the white-haired ex-teacher.

"We do not know yet, but it is a possibility. Tell me, Umino-san, how is your solo investigation with the sabotage going?" the old Sarutobi asked, tapping his fingers on the file as if signaling a message.

The people involved in the sabotage have their roots deep in Konoha's soil.

"You can act normal."

Iruka didn't know if this was a statement to get him to relax or a command for him to play along, but why? Is this some kind of test? Iruka opted to take it as a command as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I was going to start after I have told my students about their teams, Hokage-sama."

The man nodded.

"That's alright, I believe you need a partner that has more experience in the field."

Iruka couldn't protest as he saw Hiruzen's eyes.

This sabotage was serious, yes, but the look in Hiruzen's eyes told him that it was something much more complex than what he had originally thought— more than some spy trying to weaken Konoha.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for the help. I believe it's a matter of time since we have a lead."

"Mizuki has committed suicide, Iruka."


Iruka felt chills down his spine as he suddenly realized that, yeah, he needed that partner.

"I'll personally hand the report in a week."

"Then you are free to go."


[ Author Note:

Guess who Iruka's investigation partner is going to be?

Also, the teams are just suggestions from Iruka, as the actual teams are going to be slightly different due to things like tradition, clan connections, etc.

So, what unique team combos do you want to see?

Also, for the next 5 to 10 chapters, the chapters will be bigger, like 4k, because of two plots going on at the same time.

Plot A involves Naruto and his shenanigans with Tenten and Hinata.

Plot B will involve Iruka and his mysterious partner finding some clues that lead to Danzo.

Why am I dividing this into like 5 to 10 chapters? It could end up like 6 or 7 chapters; I am not sure at this point.


Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for your support. I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day, and please give me your thoughts in the comments. ]

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