
Chapter no.5 Skills

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Inside the Academy, Naruto found himself in front of the small library, a modest room lined with shelves of books, the air filled with the scent of old paper.

He was arguing with the librarian, a stern-looking woman who seemed completely indifferent to his pleas.

"Please, I just need to look for something important!" Naruto insisted, his voice laced with frustration.

The librarian, unfazed and still holding a grudge from a past incident, replied dryly, "After what you did with the coffee, you expect me to let you in here? Not a chance, troublemaker."

Naruto's fists clenched, his fury barely contained.

"That was ages ago! I'm serious this time. I need to find information!"

"Even if you were the last ninja in Konoha, I wouldn't let you in," the librarian retorted, her voice cold.

"You've caused enough trouble here, Naruto. No way am I allowing you to potentially wreck this place too."

"But this is really important to me!" Naruto's voice rose in desperation.

"It's not about pranks or jokes this time. Please, I need to find out about my clan."

The librarian scoffed, unmoved by his plea. "Find another way to satisfy your curiosity. The library is off-limits to you, Naruto. End of discussion."

Naruto's face turned a deep shade of red, his anger reaching a boiling point.

The frustration of being denied access to the information he desperately sought about his clan was overwhelming.

He clenched his fists tightly, his body tensing as if he was about to actually attack the librarian in his fury.

Just then, a voice intervened, "He's with me."

The librarian eyed the newcomer skeptically. "Fine. But if he breaks, burns, or does anything destructive, you'll be responsible," she warned sternly.

Naruto, still fuming but slightly confused, turned to see who had come to his aid.

To his surprise, it was Hinata Hyuga, shyly looking at the floor.

"Thanks, Hinata. You saved me a lot of trouble from breaking into the library," he said, loud enough for the librarian to hear, earning a sharp glare from her.

"Y-You shouldn't say that, Naruto-kun," Hinata whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Whatever! Thanks anyway," Naruto replied, already turning away to find what he came for.

He stopped, suddenly realizing he had no idea where to start looking.

"Where can I find a book about villages outside of Konoha?" he asked, turning back to the librarian.

"Row 3, Section F," she answered, barely looking up from her desk.

Naruto looked bewildered, unsure where that was. Hinata, gathering her courage, softly said, "F-Follow me."


[ An Hour Later ]

[ Name: Hyuga Hinata ]

[ Status: Social Anxiety (Challenges in social interactions, -10% to Charisma-based actions) ]

[ Title: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 6 ]

[ Class: Shinobi ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 150 / 150 ]

[ AC: 12 ]

[ CP: 100 ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

- [ Byakugan (Enhanced perception, 360° vision, ability to see chakra networks) ]

[ Class Features: ]

- [ Gentle Fist (Precision strikes that target chakra points) ]

[ Feats: N/A ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 8 ]

- [ DEX: 10 ]

- [ CON: 10 ]

- [ INT: 12 ]

- [ WIS: 10 ]

- [ CHA: 6 ]

- [ VIT: 9 ]

- [ LUK: 10 ]

[ Allies: --- ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Weapons: Basic Kunai, Shuriken ]

- [ Armor: Standard Academy Uniform ]

- [ Gear: Basic Ninja Tools ]

- [ Magic Items: --- ]

[ Description: Member of the elite Hyuuga clan, recognized for their doujutsu and unique taijutsu style. Hinata is known for her sweet nature but is quite shy, resulting in limited recognition among classmates. Her motivation to improve is fueled by the admiration for a person she holds in high regard. ]

Naruto glanced at Hinata's stats, a bit puzzled.

He had expected her to be stronger, given she was level 6.

"But she doesn't seem much different from me," he thought.

Then he remembered his own situation.

He had pushed some buttons and used 27 free points to get stronger, still having 4 points left.

Not everyone has that kind of shortcut.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata's voice gently pulled him from his thoughts. She was blushing as she handed him a book.

"H-Here you go," she said softly.

Naruto took the book, reading the title: 'Basic Geography.' He quickly started flipping through it while standing.

"A-a, Naruto-kun, w-what are you looking for?" Hinata asked, curiosity laced with her usual shyness.

"Uzushiogakure," Naruto replied, his eyes scanning the pages.

Hinata looked confused, never having heard of the place before.

"W-why don't you look at the front page and see if there's a section about it?" she suggested.

Naruto flipped to the table of contents, scanning for any mention of Uzushiogakure. Nothing.

"This isn't it," he muttered, frustration growing.

He grabbed three more books - 'History of the Five Great Nations', 'Shinobi World Atlas', and 'Villages and their Hidden Secrets'.

None of them had any information or even a mention of Uzushiogakure.

Disappointed, Naruto slumped down at a table.

Hinata stood beside him, watching his frustration with concern.

"Is there anything else I can help with, Naruto-kun?" she asked softly.

"No, it's okay, Hinata. Thanks for trying," Naruto sighed, feeling a bit defeated.

Hinata, noticing Naruto's disappointment, hesitantly spoke up.

"N-Naruto-kun, I will ask my father about Uzushiogakure."

Naruto's face lit up with a genuine smile, making Hinata blush.

"Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me," he said gratefully.

Hinata nodded, then took out two books and handed them to Naruto.

"H-Here, you missed these while you were in the bathroom."

"Thanks," Naruto replied, slightly puzzled about why his books were with Hinata, but he didn't dwell on it.

Suddenly, a notification popped up in his vision:

[ Notification: Opportunity detected to acquire skill 'Kunai and Shuriken Bukijutsu'. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of class skill. ]

Without hesitation, Naruto confirmed the acquisition.

Immediately, a large, intricate table with holes and lines materialized in front of him, labeled [ Skill Table ].

[ Skills 'Kunai Bukijutsu' and 'Shuriken Bukijutsu' have been unlocked in Skill Table ]

Two prominent orange windows materialized subsequently.

[ Kunai Bukijutsu - Level: 1 (Active) ]

[ Chakra Points (CP) Required: 5 ]

[ Description: A weapons technique specialized for Kunai, applicable in both melee and ranged combat. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

- [ Kunai Accuracy: Increased by 10% ]

- [ Kunai Parry: Enhanced by 10% ]

[ Active Boost: ]

- [ Strength (STR) Increase: Additional 10% for 15 seconds upon activation. ]


[ Shuriken Bukijutsu - Level: 1 (Passive/Active) ]

[ Chakra Points (CP) Required: 5 ]

[ Description: A weapons technique specialized for Shuriken, primarily used in ranged combat. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

- [ Shuriken Accuracy: Increased by 20% ]

[ Active Boost: ]

- [ Ranged Damage: Additional 5% increase for 15 seconds upon activation. ]

As he read through the details of the skills, information began to flood into his mind.

He placed the book down, astonished.

He realized he had instantly learned everything in the book.

It dawned on him that he had been throwing kunai and shuriken incorrectly for years.

Someone taught me wrong on purpose?

Hinata looked at him curiously.

"Is everything okay, Naruto-kun?"


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