
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7: Angry Grandpa

Standing across from the man who in another life, destroyed not only the one family she has ever known in this life in the Senju Clan, but also the Uzumaki Clan who can be called her distant family. Even if she has never met them, she knows Mito cares deeply about them as she often tells stories of her experiences in the clan.

So seeing the man who destroyed two of her families in this life simply made her angry beyond belief.

However, Danzo stared at the child for an entirely different reason.

Seeing that she was a Senju, most individuals would simply listen to the child's every whim. However, Danzo was not that type of individual.

He was an extremely prideful person, who not only was the son of the Clan Patriarch of the Shimura Clan, but also a student of the 2nd Hokage. He felt that even the Patriarchs of large clans have to be careful when speaking to him.

Seeing that Hiruzen was taking care of the child that he called brat made him angry. He felt as if his rival was trying to appease a simple child over him.

"Why should I calm down, when this brat is the one who decided to argue with me." Danzo said while turning to look at Hiruzen who had let Tsunade down off his shoulders.

Tsunade was fuming on the inside as she tried her best to restrain herself from attacking him on the spot. She then however got a very evil plan that emerged in her mind that made her almost want to smile like the devil.

'Since he wants to call me a brat, I'll show him the brat.' she thought with a hideous smirk.

She then quickly spoke to Hiruzen by saying "Take me back to the tower!". Hiruzen simply picked her up again as he headed towards the tower without saying anything.

"Why can't the brat walk herself, she has two legs that seemed to be working." Danzo spoke while dissastifised with the entire situation as he also joined Hiruzen on the walk.

Tsunade however remained quiet the entire time surprising Hiruzen as he felt as if something was wrong.

'On our way here she was consistently talking to me even if it was hurtful, however her being so quiet seems out of character, or maybe I simply just don't know her well enough.' Hiruzen thought to himself.

If he had listened to his gut feeling, he would probably not walk into the trap that Tsunade has set for them.

Arriving at the Hokage building they simply went and sat in the reception hall as they waited for Tobirama to return.

Hiruzen and Danzo then started to talk to each other as Tsunade began the first part of her plan.

"WAAAAAHHHH!!!" Tsunade cried out loudly, startling everyone in the room including Hiruzen and Danzo.

"What's wrong with the brat, Hiruzen?" Dano asked while covering his ears with chakra.

"I'm not sure, she was just fine a few seconds ago." Hiruzen said while seeing tears began to fall out of her eyes.

However what none of them realized what the true purpose of Tsunade's loud outcry in the Hokage building was.

Inside the Hokage's office, Tobirama was speaking to the elders about the new academy he was having built.

"By doing this it will not only allow the future generation to be more numerous, but also allow civilians to become shinobi."

'It can also lessen our need for clan shinobi as well as weaken the clan's position in Konoha.' Tobirama thought to himself and he felt as if the pros outweighed the cons.

However just as he was about to continue, he heard a loud cry that he felt to the depths of his soul.

'Is that Tsuna, what happened! She rarely cries and even then she would not react so seriously to small things.'

Tobirama immediately jumped up from his eat and ran directly to the reception hall where he saw Tsunade crying while beside his two students.

Just as he was about to question what happened, Tsunade ran into him arms while speaking as she also had tears streaming dow her face "GRANDPA!!".

He then picked her up and held her as he asked in a soft voice "What's the matter Tsuna?"

Danzo however had changed his skin tone onto the same shade as future Orochimaru, as he realized he had called his sensei's granddaughter a brat.

Hiruzen seemed curious as to what caused the child to cry while also being shocked about Tsunade being related to Tobirama.

However her next words seemed to terrify them both.

"Mr. Monkey ..sniff.. and ..sniff.. Mr. Boogey bullied me. They called me a brat and ..sniff.. and tried to make me walk so they could push me down."

Tsunade inside was laughing like the devil while she simply cried to Tobirama.

Hiruzen and Danzo on the other hand, felt as if a monster had been awoken as they saw the most terrifying side of their sensei. While he was mostly known as a calm and cold, him while he was angry was even more fear invoking than anything they had ever experienced.

The two then said their prayers as they didn't expect to leave alive.

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