
Naruto : The Strongest of the Uchiha

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Characters used in the story or any of the pictures used. MC is reincarnated as an Uchiha and his system awakens just before the Uchiha Massacre Follow him as he tries to become the Strongest of the Uchiha

Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Fugaku's sharingan, "My Stupid Little Brother"

When Chiba rushed back to Itachi, he deliberately turned around.

One is to re-scan the dropped sharingan attributes.

The other is also because he really doesn't want to watch the father-son show.

Chiba stayed for a while not far from Fugaku's house.

Until the face came out with blood.

Itachi looked at Chiba and said calmly.

At this moment, Itachi has become more gloomy than before, and there is no trace of humanity in him.

He appeared not far from Itachi in an instant, and didn't go to see Fugaku's house.

"It's almost over on Madara's side, we should leave."

While Chiba spoke, the drop was also picked up by the system.

[Pick up 3000 sharingan power]

[Pick up 300 sharingan power]

[Pick up Mangekyo ability: God Knowledge]

[Pick up the Mangekyo ability: Tsukuyomi]

[Pick up 3000 Fire Release Chakra Affinity]

A series of system prompts made Chiba's pupils shrink.

3000 points of sharingan strength, which is at most half of Fugaku's sharingan strength.

According to the calculation method of the system, Fugaku may have awakened Susanoo.

This strength is a bit beyond his expectations.

When I think about Fugaku's strength, almost no one notices it, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"You go first, I still have something to deal with!"

Itachi glanced at Chiba with a warning look in his eyes.

Chiba shrugged and turned to leave.

He also wanted to see the classic dialogues from previous lives.

Chiba was hidden in the darkness, and only then did he start to check the new mangekyo ability he had just obtained.

[God knowledge: roughly predict the future based on current known conditions]

"This is what Fugaku said about his ability to see the future? I'm afraid that's why he believes in Itachi."

Chiba pondered for a while, feeling that this mangekyo ability was a bit pitted.

Because the predicted results are closely related to the information the caster has.

However, turning around and thinking about the future Sasuke, it seems that Fugaku's prediction is correct.

But at least in the Naruto world, he doesn't need this mangekyo ability very much.

As for the other pupil technique, he is very familiar with it.

[Tsukuyomi: It can pull the enemy's spirit into the illusion space,]

[In the world of tsukuyomi, all factors, including time, place, quality, etc., are controlled by the caster, and the enemy will suffer huge physical and mental torture in the world of illusion]

Chiba is not only familiar with it but also cracked it.

However, Tsukuyomi can make up for his lack of powerful genjutsu, which is very useful.

Chiba looked at his mangekyo sharingan power attribute.

It's less than 2,000 to upgrade again.

He turned around and went to Obito again.

Then he came across Obito who was gouging eyes.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

Chiba opened his mouth to break the silence.

Obito let out a sigh of relief, not knowing why he felt very aggrieved.

After staring at Chiba for a while, he could only say dryly:

"I know, I just need to finish off here."

"I'll wait for you outside!"

Chiba turned to leave, the face behind the Anbu's mask was full of smiles.

This time he upgraded again.

[Congratulations, your dojutsu power has reached the upper limit of the eternal mangekyo sharingan, and the curse has been completely lifted. Do you agree to break the upper limit to achieve evolution? ]

Chiba couldn't help being a little excited.

Now you don't have to worry about mangekyo sharingan curse.

[Congratulations on your Mangekyo sharingan evolution to the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]

Chiba was stunned for a moment, looked at the pupil strength attribute, and was immediately taken aback.

[Dojutsu: LV6 (31683/100K)]

Chiba opened his mouth, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Uchiha has been exterminated, where did would he get 100,000 sharingan attributes?

Although it was a little stressful, Chiba was confident enough to handle it.

He took out the small mirror he carried with him and opened his eternal mangekyo sharingan.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

The three tomoe quickly switched, and finally settled on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

In the red pupil, there is an additional circle surrounding the pupil, piercing through three tomoe.

At the same time, there was an additional message in his mind.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, after continuing to evolve, the rinnegan can be opened.

Unlike Madara's awakening of the Rinnegan, he needs to take it step by step.

Obito walked out quietly and suddenly spoke.

Chiba raised an eyebrow, is this revenge for scaring him before?

When they left, the two very tacitly chose the direction of Fugaku's house.

Obviously, they are a little curious about the next scene.

The two came to the roof that Chiba had brought before and looked at Itachi who had been waiting for a long time on the street in the distance.

And the last important role of this big event has finally appeared.

Sasuke was carrying a sloping shoulder bag and took small, happy steps, his face full of innocence.

When he saw the blood on the street and the corpse, he panicked and ran home in panic.

Chiba couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He is cruel to himself, cruel to his clan, cruel to his parents, and cruel to his younger brother Sasuke.

Soon Sasuke returned home.

Unfortunately, it's hell there!

His parents lay in a pool of blood, and his dear brother stood by with a bloody knife.

A shrill scream resounded throughout Uchiha.

Chiba sighed, and Obito lowered his head, but the two of them still stared at the door of Fugaku's house.

"If you open your eyes, including me, there are four people who have mangekyo sharingan..."

"My stupid little brother, if you want to kill me, hate me! Hate me! Then live life!"

"Escape, escape, try your best to survive!"

"Then come back to me when you have the same eyes as me!!"

After Sasuke collapsed to the ground, Itachi came to Chiba and Obito.

The three silently watch the Uchiha clan.

The once prosperous and lively place which was home to the strongest clan in konoha is now full of corpses, like hell.

I'm afraid they won't forget this scene until they die.

"Let's go, Konoha's Anbu is here!"

Both Obito and Chiba patted Itachi on the shoulder, but didn't know how to comfort him.

There were still tears in Itachi's eyes, and he was stubborn not to let the tears flow.

"Let's go first, I'll take care of Konoha's senior management!"

"Since I'm leaving Konoha, I'm going to bring some Konoha specialties with me."

Obito looked at him speechlessly, this guy is too out of control.

"It's over, don't mess around."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

The voice fell, and he instantly disappeared in place just as both Obito and Itachi also did.

Chiba soon Suppressed his Chakra and Entered Fugaku's House and saw the bodies of Fugaku and Mikoto.

Chiba Looked at Fugaku and said "Well you may have never used your Mangekyo all that much but dont worry i shall make sure they are put to good use", after saying this Chiba slowly plucked out Fugaku's Eyes.

"Which ever One Of your Two Sons prove's to be the better pawn shall get these Eyes and Awaken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan" Chiba said before putting Fugaku's Eyes in a Container and leaving.