
Naruto : The Strongest of the Uchiha

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Characters used in the story or any of the pictures used. MC is reincarnated as an Uchiha and his system awakens just before the Uchiha Massacre Follow him as he tries to become the Strongest of the Uchiha

Uchiha_Ryo ¡ Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

"Its not the right time yet"

"Why the hell were we summoned so quickly?, i thought we had to get ready to hunt the tailed beasts" said Deidara

The rest of the Akatsuki also had similar questions

Pain calmly said "We are going to be postponing the hunt of the tailed beasts."

"what why?" were the questions in everyone's mind but the only one who said it out loud was deidara.

"We were only going to start the hunt if a war broke out but by the looks of it it wont ight now" Pain said

"Why is that?, it looked like a war was inevitable?" Chiba asked

"Even i thought it was but there have been a few things that has pretty much made sure there wont be a war, Kirigakure and Iwagakure were forming a alliance but before that they wanted to do a joint mission to trust each other but Iwagakure betrayed them and tried to steal the Kekkei Genkai of the Hidden Mist, in the team from the Mist there were two members from the Terumi Clan, Aoi a person who has a Byakugan and a few anbu and Iwagakure wanted these Bloodlines and hence betrayed Kiri but the kiri Ninja's were able to defend themselves and they also escaped and this cancelled the treaty between Kiri and Iwa and Iwagakure are not strong enough to fight at two fronts at the same time, they believe that Kirigakure may start a war with Iwa now so to defend themselves they pulled back from a war with Konoha"

Pain then looked to Chiba and said "And your stunt in the Cloud scared the Raikage into signing a Peace Agreement with the Hidden Leaf and the Hidden Sand is the Weakest of the the Five and now they have no chance against Konoha Alone so they have to surrender and hence there will be no war."

Chiba replied "You just said that the Hidden Mist might wage War against the Hidden Stone what will we do if they do go to war"

Zetsu replied "The Hidden Mist have no intention of going to war at the moment its only the Hidden Stone thinking they will so we dont have to worry about that for now."

Chiba Then said "If we are going to be postponing the capture of the Tailed Beasts what are we going to do now?"

"You all are now free to do what you guys want but i will still keep sending all of you missions through Zetsu and we are going to use this time to collect as many resources as we can, and i also need all of you to get stronger, all five nations now know of our existence and they will increase their defenses." Pain said

He then looked towards Chiba and Kakuzu and said "Kakuzu you will now have a new partner"

As he said this a person was seen walking towards the rest of the Akatsuki members.

"You... i killed you myself how are you still alive" Chiba said

"There is no mistake even i saw him die infront of my eyes" Kakuzu said

Konan then interrupted " According to Zetsu's Intel his Immortality Jutsu was not active at that time, and Hidan will be a more Suitable partner for you Kakuzu"

"She is right Hidan and Kakuzu you both will now be teaming up from now on and Chiba you will be working with Zetsu for now" Pain said.

'How is this possible.... i killed him for sure and destroyed his body too... even if Nagato used Rinne Rebirth shouldn't he die?.... well now that i think about it even Obito revived Madara when he was really weak but lived so i guess Nagato also somehow lived now if he used the Rinne Rebirth, i need to start being more careful about these two, although im more powerful than Nagato and Obito i can still be beaten if i let my guard down'


Sorry that the Chapter is a bit short but i will be taking a break from writing for a bit.

This book isn't dropped i will update again but not right now.

This MC will most probably be nerfed when i continue again mainly because he has become so strong that he will be pretty much anyone he fights, i know this will disappoint a few of you but if this isn't done the story will be over in the next few Chapters since he is currently strong enough to pretty much fight anyone and win without any difficulty and the system is also really broken.